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Chapter 4 
Oahu, Hawaii, noon on July 29 th , local time. July 30 th at 7:00 AM Japan time. 
Edward Clark, Brazilian Strategic-Class Magician Miguel Diaz, his brother Antonio Diaz, as well as several Parasites set sail for Japan on the amphibious assault ship ‘Guam’, accompanied by two destroyers. 
The Japanese military’s intelligence department learned about the departure of the ‘Guam’. However, they had no information regarding Clark or any ‘additional’  crew members . 
They also didn’t know that the target of the attack was Japan. At that point, the Japanese military thought that the goal of the ‘Guam’ was just an ordinary military training exercise. 

In contrast to the Japanese military, the New Soviet Union intelligence department ‘got wind of’ Edward Clark and Miguel Diaz being aboard the amphibious assault ship ‘Guam’. The intelligence found out only this; however, Bezobrazov, who was staying in Khabarovsk, correctly speculated based on that information that the ‘Guam’s’ mission was the elimination of Shiba Tatsuya. 
Bezobrazov’s authority in the New Soviet Union wasn’t damaged despite suffering the painful defeat from Tatsuya. So even his words, supported by nothing except speculations, had enough  power to set the army in motion. 
The Command of the Eastern Military District in Khabarovsk [13] , following Bezobrazov’s advice, sent the state-of-the-art missile submarine ‘Kutuzov’ from the Kamchatka Peninsula and began preparing for the launch of supersonic missiles stationed at the Birobidzhan base. Both of their targets were Miyakijima in Japan. 
Thus, concerning the surprise attack on Miyakijima, Bezobrazov had outdone Edward Clark and the Japanese military. However, even with Bezobrazov’s intellect, it wasn’t possible to guess about the events unfolding in Mainland America, which will shake the foundations of the strategy against Japan. 

The headquarters of the Stars ? the Magician Corps under the direct command of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the USNA Armed Forces  ? located in a suburb of Roswell, New Mexico… Which is not the former Walker Air Force Base, famous for the ‘Roswell Incident’. 
New Mexico local time: July 29 th  at 5:00 PM; Japan time: July 30 th  at 7:00 AM. 
A small VTOL arrived at the Stars headquarters. 
That aircraft clearly belonged to the USNA Armed Forces , but the base’s personnel weren’t informed of this visit beforehand and fell into confusion at its sudden landing. 
Marshalers [14]  and maintenance personnel, who had to work at an unscheduled hour, were fussing  around the small aircraft with discontent and anxiety, which landed without informing  the base of  the purpose for its visit. 
Under those gazes, an officer in his prime descended from the aircraft. 
Which caused a stir among the staff. 
The stir changed to agitation when a figure of a young woman appeared next from the cabin. 
Both of those people were well known to the base’s personnel. 
The first tall man to come down was Major Benjamin Canopus, captain of the Stars First Unit. 
The second red-haired, masked woman was Major Angie Sirius, head-captain of the Stars. 
The staff were exchanging whispers, something like «Is that really them?» 
However their chaotic uproar suddenly died down after the appearance of the third person. 

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The older gentleman was such a famous and high-profile politician that even the younger personnel, having little interest in politics, had heard his name. Among those affiliated with the military, there was no one who didn’t know his face, even if they weren’t officers. It was Senator Wyatt Curtis who was also rumored to be the ‘shadow director’ of the CIA. 
Canopus and Lina (disguised as Angie Sirius) were able to meet commander Walker immediately after arriving at the base because Wyatt Curtis strongly insisted on it. 
Right now, Lina and Walker were facing each other across the desk in the commander’s office. 
Behind Walker was standing  his adjutant, while Canopus and Curtis were waiting behind Lina. Walker offered Curtis to arrange a formal reception in a private room, but the latter declined and was now the only person in the room sitting on a chair that was provided with a cushioned backrest. 
“Major Sirius, has Colonel Balance ceased to support you?” 
Walker asked Lina, who silently saluted with shining golden eyes, after saluting her back. 
When she fled to Japan, Lina escaped suspicions of desertion on the pretext that she was helping with an operation from  Balance . Walker’s question was a kind of sarcasm toward that support . 
“I got the permission of Colonel Balance for this return to the States.” 
Lina countered his sarcastic remark by answering  in a business-like tone.  Her words suggested that not only was Colonel Balance on her side, but also Senator Curtis. 
“So, what’s your business? This obviously won’t be a mere report upon returning to base, right?” 
Walker urged Lina to get to the main issue, while looking at Curtis behind her. He spoke in  a domineering tone, as if trying to use his rank as a shield. However, Lina answered his question instantly, without flinching or hesitating. 
“Colonel Walker, you were in a position to suppress the rebellion as base commander, but instead you conspired with the rebels and punished Major Canopus under false accusations, didn’t you? There are also suspicions about your assistance in the unlawful attack on an allied country, committed  by Captain Vega, Captain Arcturus, and others.” 
“This is absurd.” ? Uttered Walker and stared at Lina this time  with an intimidating rather than an authoritative look. ? “The actions of Captain Vega and the others were due to strong suspicions that you, Major Sirius, secretly cooperated with  that Japanese magician. Do you perhaps  classify her and Captain Arcturus as rebels to hide your collusion?” 
“Then, let’s have the Internal Inspection Office judge which statement is legitimate.” 
“No, that’s…” 
Walker visibly flinched at Lina’s counterargument. The Internal Inspection Office was formed after the last war ended, which was tasked with  preventing illicit activities within the USNA Armed Forces. Colonel Balance is second in command there. 
Though rebellions and collusions are in the military tribunals jurisdiction, the prosecution of such cases  is carried out by the Internal Inspection Office by organizing an investigation committee, which directs the process . In the current case, Lina followed the correct legal procedures of the USNA Armed Forces when she requested for arbitration of the Internal Inspection Office. However in this situation where Balance would clearly be on Lina’s side, it was reasonable that Walker would avoid the involvement of the Internal Inspection Office into the case , even if he had nothing to hide. 
“How about hearing the opinion of the Joint Chiefs of Staff before entering the legal process?” 
The person offering a lifeline to the cornered Walker, who couldn’t find the right words, was Senator Curtis. 
“I share Mr. Senator’s opinion. Let’s contact them  tomorrow morning.” 
Walker took Curtis’  suggestion with unconcealed relief on his face… Or rather, he tried to. 
“We don’t have to wait until tomorrow.” 
The situation wasn’t going the way Walker wanted. 
“But sir. It’s almost seven in the evening at the Pentagon.” 
“Colonel, your concern is needless. I’ve already checked with the secretary and the necessary  people from the Joint Chiefs of Staff have remained at their workplaces.” 
Dismissing Walker’s words urging him to change his decision, Curtis instructed Canopus to establish a communication line with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 
Canopus immediately executed that instruction. Pushing Walker’s adjutant aside (Canopus had a higher rank), he opened a direct line through the video phone. 
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the vice chairman, and the USNA Army chief of staff appeared on the large monitor. 
Walker went speechless at the sight of  such unexpected people. 
Taking advantage of his hesitation, Lina seized the initiative. 
“I’m sorry for taking your time, Mr. Chairman. I’m Major Angie Sirius.” 
“Major Sirius, Col. Balance already told me the summary of the story, but I’d like to hear an explanation once more directly from you.” 

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“Yes sir!” 
Hearing the chairman’s request, Lina was going to begin her statement, when suddenly… 
“Please wait, Mr. Chairman.” 
She was interrupted by Walker, who came back to his senses. 
“Colonel Walker, we’ll hear your claim later. Let Major Sirius talk first.” 
However Walker was forced to retreat after the Army chief of staff reproached him. 
“Major Sirius.” 
Prompted by the chairman again, Lina made a statement about Walker’s guilt related to the rebellion by personnel, infected with Parasites. 
He should’ve suppressed the rebellion as the base commander, but instead he conspired with the Parasites for his own convenience. 
Then he  charged Canopus with false accusations, who resisted the Parasites, and imprisoned him along with Second-Lieutenants Algol & Shaula at Midway. 
Using the Stars as his private army , he illegally dispatched the soldiers infested by Parasites to Japan and the Northwest Hawaiian Islands. 
Lina especially emphasized the part where Canopus was imprisoned under false accusations and argued that his honor should be restored. 
After hearing Lina’s accusations with a grave face, the Army chief of staff turned to Walker and asked briefly : 
“Any rebuttal?” 
Of course, Walker insisted on his innocence. However… 
“The Joint Chiefs of Staff have no record of any approval of dispatching Captain Arcturus, Captain Vega, Lieutenant Regulus, Lt. Spica, and Lt. Deneb. How do you explain this?” 
“ A military tribunal for sentencing Major Canopus was assembled by a simplified procedure … Was his  [court] case so urgent?” 
During this cross-examination, the vice chairman raised his question first, then the chairman was next. Walker failed to give a convincing answer to either one of them . 
Those weren’t the only pressing questions poured on him. Upon Senator Curtis’ request, Colonel Balance had already provided the Joint Chiefs of Staff with enough materials to convict Colonel Walker as a criminal . 

“Colonel Walker. I’m afraid your assertions aren’t convincing enough to refute Major Sirius’ accusations.” 
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff took a deep breath and started to announce the judgment. 
“Colonel. From this point, you’re relieved from your duty as the Stars base commander. You will  report to the Internal Inspection Office tomorrow at noon.” 
“ ? Yes Sir.” 
Walker must still have had pride and dignity inside him because he responded with that  with his back straight. 
Upon seeing his manly behavior, the three top-brass members nodded with satisfaction . Then, on the monitor screen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff directed his gaze to Canopus, who was  standing behind Lina. 
“Major Canopus. With the authority of the Joint Chiefs of Staff we cancel the imprisonment sentence  imposed on you. In that regard, I proclaim that from this moment forward, the Major’s honor is restored.” 
“I am grateful to you.” 
The chairman nodded toward Canopus and turned his eyes to Lina. 
“Major Sirius. Until an official successor is decided, I’d like to entrust you the post of the base commander in addition to the head-captain.” 
“With all due respect, Sir Chairman, I still lack the experience necessary to be the base commander.” 
“ So  you declare  your lack of experience? That’s  brave.” 

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Judging by the chairman’s voice, he found it funny. Following him, the vice chairman asked Lina: 
“Major Sirius. Then, who do you think is appropriate to be the acting base commander ?” 
“In my humble opinion, I shouldn’t interfere with personnel affairs not concerning the Stars.” 
According to the military organization, the base commander didn’t belong to the Stars. Lina’s answer meant exactly this. 
“You are right, Major, but this issue needs urgent temporary measures. No need to think about it so much. Feel free to express your opinion.” 
“Yes, sir. Then with your permission, I dare say . Taking into account the professional officer’s training and experience of Major Canopus, I believe that he is the most suitable candidate  for the post of the base commander.” 
For Canopus himself, Lina’s recommendation of his candidacy  was unexpected. However for the top-brass of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, her opinion seemed quite reasonable rather than outlandish. Paying no attention to the astonished Canopus, the trio of chairpersons from high command whispered to each other before making their decision. 
“We decided to adopt Major Sirius’ opinion.” 
Probably, the decision was largely influenced not by Lina’s recommendation, but by the presence of Senator Curtis, who’d been silently sitting on a cushioned chair. 
“Major Canopus is appointed as the acting base commander.” 
As evidence of that, the chairman’s eyes when nominating Canopus were directed at Senator Curtis who sat next to the standing Canopus. 
“Major Canopus. A formal Notice of Appointment will come later, but with the appointment to the acting base commander post , you are relieved of your duty as the Stars First Unit captain. At the same time, your rank will be promoted to one appropriate for the acting base commander.” 
Canopus tried to raise his dissent upon hearing that he was relieved as First Unit captain. However, the Army chief of staff was quicker and spoke right after the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 
“ Up until now, your rank was limited so that it wouldn’t be above the rank of head-captain  Sirius ? Major . However, with proper evaluation of your achievements and abilities, we  should have promoted you to Colonel long ago . Now is a good opportunity to correct those previous mistakes. Keep in mind that the ‘acting’ part in the title of your post will be removed soon.” 
“…Yes sir. I’m grateful, Mr. Chairman. It’s a great honor for me to accept this appointment.” 
Canopus stood at attention. 
The chairman, the vice chairman, and the chief of staff nodded approvingly, at which point  the communication line was cut off. 
While Lina and Curtis congratulated Canopus for his appointment as the acting base commander and with the preliminary decision on the promotion to Colonel, Walker left the commander’s office with his adjutant. Neither Lina nor Canopus stopped them. 
“Ben. Please take the commander’s seat.” 
Instead of stopping Walker, Lina urged Canopus to sit at the commander’s desk. Wyatt Curtis hurried him with the words : 
“It’s a problem if the commander’s seat is vacant.” 
In response to the pressure, Canopus sat down in the seat, formerly occupied by Walker. 
Angie Sirius nodded satisfactorily and removed her mask. 
The red-hair changed to blonde and the golden eyes became crystal blue. 
Her height shrank down and her figure became more elegant. Angie Sirius disappeared and Angelina Kudou Shields regained her true form. 
“Ben. I’m very sorry that your very first duty at your new post  will be like this.” 
A somewhat lonely, melancholic smile surfaced on Lina’s face. 
Such a singular look in her eyes  gave Canopus a bad feeling. 


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“Sir acting base commander. Please accept this.” 
Lina took out a letter from her pocket and handed it to Canopus. It had the inscription: «Notice of Resignation». 
“Head-captain, what is this!?” 
Only Canopus had a moment of panic. Curtis, it seemed, was told about it beforehand. 
“This rebellion was organized entirely by the Parasites, but it’s also true that my presence was a trigger.  I’m not fit to be the head-captain of the Stars.” 
“So you want to take responsibility and resign!?” 
“That’s just an excuse.” 
Seeing Canopus’ stunned face, Lina leaked a small giggle. 
“I was twelve years old when I became a regular member of the Stars. Two years prior, I was scouted by the army and entered the training center.” 
Canopus, on the other hand, didn’t feel like giggling. 
“It’s been about eight years since my admission to the training center, and I’ve spent that time knowing nothing but the military world.” 
As Lina was telling it calmly, Canopus’ face became more and more stiff. 
“Except for those  three months last winter.” 
Canopus understood without additional explanation that the «three months» were the days spent in Japan during her previous visit there. 
“Ben, I got tired of hunting deserters and felony magicians long ago. But exactly at that time, I was able to realize that I don’t really want to deal with the punishment of criminals anymore.” 
Canopus asked her by her name and not with «head-captain». 
“And when I went to Japan again, I could no longer lie to myself. That’s why I’m going to make those two people take responsibility after  giving me ‘excessive wisdom’. ” 
“I’m fully aware that this is irresponsible, but could you overlook this whim of a young girl?” 
“…What are you going to do after resigning from the military?” 
While asking this, Canopus was convinced that Lina was going back to Japan. 
The loss of a Strategic-Class Magician to another country. 
For a person involved in military affairs, that was totally unacceptable. 
But Canopus had no intention to blame or stop her. 
“I want to enjoy what little remains of my high school life in Japan.” 
Against Canopus’ question, Lina answered with a carefree sincere smile. 
“ - Good. That’s good. Lina, I wish with all my heart that the everyday life waiting for you is joyful and happy.” 
With his heartfelt blessing, Canopus received Angie Sirius’ «Notice of Resignation». 
…This way, Edward Clark’s operation of invading Miyakijima had lost its backers in the form of the Stars & Stardust, as well as the source of fresh fighting power - the Parasites . 

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