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Chapter 6 
August 1 st . 
No one in Japan (whether it be the government, the military, or even the Ten Master Clans) was aware of the looming threat. 
The topic of the phone call Miyuki received this sultry afternoon was something very peaceful. 
“Huh? To hold a Nine Schools Competition? By yourself?” 
In early May, the Nine Schools Competition event was cancelled for this year because the magic that was developed by Tatsuya and used by Shizuku at the Competition , ‘Active Air Mine’ , was later used by guerillas as a large-scale weapon of slaughter. Followed by the series of military incidents involving magicians, the question of the Competition  resumption wasn’t even considered. Additionally, it’s been rumored that the Competition is to be abolished altogether. 
So to suddenly hold the Competition at only the initiative of magic high school students - Miyuki’s surprise was reasonable. 
“It’s not going to be the full Nine Schools Competition, just ‘Monolith Code’ matches.” 
Honoka heard this too from Igarashi, the Club Management Group leader, when she came into the school library to access additional reference material in preparation of the university entrance examination. 
“ It’s kinda sad without exchanging friendly matches between the nine schools  like the usual Nine Schools Competition - this topic  has been hyped among all of the Club Management Group leaders of each school. First High is taking the lead for the preparations.” 
“Quite a good guy, that’s pretty much Igarashi-kun.” 

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Miyuki wasn’t shocked by that, and broke into a smile  instead. 
“But how about preparations for the exam?” 
Since the Competition was cancelled this year, third year students were able to put more effort than usual into preparing for the university entrance exam. Quite likely because of this, the passing grade for entrance into the Magic University will be higher compared to previous years . 
Though Miyuki, who expressed that concern, didn’t spend much time preparing for the exam. While Tatsuya, for example, wasn’t preparing for it at all. Although in Miyuki’s case, even if her scores for written exams were low she would easily pass based on practical exams alone , while Tatsuya is already guaranteed his bachelor degree from Magic University. So it was just pointless to worry about exams for these two. 
“They’re thinking more about the Inter-School Matches  than the exam.” 
Honoka commented lightheartedly, as if it was another person’s affair. 
But maybe she became aware that it was a cold-hearted comment, since Honoka made a meek face while adding these words: 
“…The players themselves spoke out in favor of holding the Matches, even if the participation will be at their own expense; however, securing the venue and operational budget had turned into a headache.” 
“That’s… indeed quite the problem.” 
The Nine Schools Competition event was held every year with full support from the Self-Defense Forces. They even lent their practice field for the venue. 
“So, for when have the Matches been scheduled?” 
“The talk about it began July 10 th , shortly after repelling the NSU, and the Matches themselves will be held during the last week of this month.” 
“…Isn’t the timeline too tight?” 
“Since it will only be for ‘Monolith Code’, therefore… taking into account the exams, one weekend should be enough to conduct the event.” 
“…Right. I don’t think the autumn Thesis Competition will be canceled either, and for the current 3 rd  year students, the summer vacation timeline is the threshold [17] .” 
“As a student council member, I hope I can be of any help … Miyuki, do you have any good ideas?” 
After being asked like that, Miyuki fell into deep reflection . 
“…I’m sorry. I can’t think of any good idea. Can you wait a minute? I will go get Tatsuya-sama, and then I’ll call you back.” 
“No, I’ll wait like this!” 

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On the monitor screen, Honoka shook her head strongly. 
“Is that so? Well, I’ll be back soon.” 
Miyuki said that and pressed the hold button on the video phone. 
Like she’d said, Miyuki returned shortly  to her room along with Tatsuya, while not even a minute passed. 
She released the hold state on the video phone and said : 
“Honoka, sorry to make you wait.” 
“Ah, umm. I’ve not waited at all! At all!” 
For some reason, Honoka repeated «at all» twice, but perhaps she wasn’t even aware of that herself. 
“I’m sorry Tatsuya-san for taking up your time.” 
Her tongue obviously got tangled, but s he quickly said that in one breath and bowed down. 
“Boom” - the sound of collision came from the speakers. 

The angle of the image on the monitor suddenly changed and displayed Honoka’s feet. 
Next there was a panicking voice: “uwa uwaa” heard from the speakers, the monitor went blank and a melody for waiting on hold started playing. 
Tatsuya and Miyuki looked at each other. For them it wasn’t hard to imagine what happened. Very likely, Honoka bumped her head against the camera when bowing down. Miyuki’s room had a video phone with a monitor that had an integrated camera, but a common compact mobile video phone model had a separate, adjustable camera. [It could be assumed that Honoka had the latter of the two models .] 
The video phone returned to the call state after about 10 seconds. 
“…I’m really sorry…” 
The monitor displayed the stooping Honoka with a tear-stained face. 


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“I have heard the story. It’ll be difficult to finish  until the end of the month.” 
Tatsuya thought that awkward attempts to comfort her would be counterproductive, so he immediately talked about the main issue. 
“If we had a longer timeline, it would be possible to gather private sponsors, but since there’s only one month left before the Matches the most plausible optionis is having military cooperation.” 
“Military cooperation? But how…?” 
Honoka, whose attention was luckily distracted from her disgraceful behavior, asked with a tilted head. Judging by the expression on her face, they had seemingly reached the same conclusion as Tatsuya,  but they’d failed to find a concrete plan to do it, and reached a deadlock. 
“We asked almost all of the alumni who joined the military, but they all refused due to the lack of time.” 
“The graduates are required to be  ready for dispatching as combat magicians. They  may want to ‘lend a helping hand’  to the current students, but have no free time.” 
Despite the fact that the New Soviet Union’s invasion was repelled, the NSU only lost a fraction of its naval power. Compared to the Great Asian Union, which lost 30% of their entire fleet in one attack at the end of October 2095, it was really an insignificant amount. Now, when their alliance with the USNA is unstable, the Self-Defense Forces personnel looking after the border should stay in combat readiness for another NSU invasion. 
“Hmm, right… The deceased His Excellency Kudou was always looking forward to the Nine Schools Competition every year. If you ask the military’s Public Relations Department to hold memorial Inter-School Matches in his memory, they’ll probably at least help with preparing the venue.” 
“I see! I think that’s a very nice idea!” 
From the monitor, it seemed Honoka leaned forward suddenly …No, she actually got her face closer to the camera. 
Tatsuya was almost taken aback by her eyes filled with glittering light, but he maintained a poker face while adding this line: 
“There’s no other choice but to collect the accommodation and transportation expenses from donations - I’ll ask FLT for some assistance.” 
“I understand. I’ll tell that to Igarashi-kun.” 
After nodding cheerfully, Honoka suddenly began fidgeting. 
“Uhm, Tatsuya-san. Actually, we’ve all planned to go to Shizuku’s villa the day after tomorrow. So, if it doesn’t bother you, can we drop by there on the way…?” 
“No, it won’t be a bother.” 
Miyuki broke into the conversation right after Tatsuya nodded in assent. 

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“So you’re prepared for the exams? You said «all», so Erika and Saijou-kun will also be with you?” 
“Oh, that’s no problem. We are going there not only to play around. It will be half-kinda a ‘training camp to prepare for the exams’.” 
“Really…? Then, that’s fine.” 
Seemingly it convinced Miyuki, because she didn’t ask any further. The camera’s focus automatically turned to Tatsuya after Miyuki took a half step back,  which could be seen from Honoka’s gaze,  when she took her eyes off Miyuki, and looked towards Tatsuya. 
That’s why Honoka’s next lines were naturally addressed to Tatsuya: 
“Then, sorry for the trouble. The day after tomorrow we’ll be visiting using Shizuku’s airplane. I think it will be around a bit after noon.” 
“Then we’ll arrange lunch here.” 
“E-erm… we’re good! Because Shizuku said she will give us bento boxes  with meals during the flight.” 
At Tatsuya’s offer, Honoka hurriedly shook her head and hands. 
“Honoka, don’t be reserved. The total number of people is six, right? If so, it’s not much trouble.” 
“…Ah, okay, the usual six people. Thank you, I’ll tell Shizuku.” 
But after  Miyuki entered the frame again and said that, Honoka’s hesitation diminished . 
“Okay, then I’ll see you at noon the day after tomorrow.” 
“Yup, the day after tomorrow. See you then, Miyuki. Excuse me, Tatsuya-san.” 
Honoka lowered her head. The call was cut after she bowed, so the words and the actions were probably registered as a ‘control gesture ’. 
Saturday, August 3 rd . 
A tilt rotor aircraft carrying Shizuku, Honoka, Erika, Leo, Mizuki and Mikihiko - the usual 6 people plus the pilot and Shizuku’s attendant maid - totalling 8 people, landed at the airport on Miyakijima  a little earlier than planned. 
At that time, Civil aviation still  wasn’t issuing any warnings [18] . 

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