Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

Chapter Epilogue

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You’ve received the 31 st  volume of «Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei» ? «Future Chapter ». 
How was it? Have you enjoyed it? 
It might seem to you that the subtitle of this volume is misleading . Even I think that I slightly deceived you. 
What, dear readers, do you  feel about the ‘future’? 

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? It hasn’t come yet. But must come someday. 
? It will never come. There’s no sign of it coming. I don’t think it will come. 
In my youth, I thought it was the former. Well, until the ’80s. 
It was not only due to my age, it just was such a period. From the ’90s (from January 1990 to be precise) my view about the ‘future’ changed toward the latter. 
I  already had a feeling of impasse even before that. It was like a premonition. I think this feeling of impasse had become clear and definite from the outset of the ’90s. In general, I feel like the impasse situation for me began immediately after the «collapse of Japan’s bubble economy » in March 1991. 
The impasse situation, in which the characters of this story fell in, is far more serious than my experience. This situation, arguably , is originating from my vision of the future. 
…Well, as the author of this story, I ought to be less pessimistic. 
I will try my best, at least in fiction, to create a world where «the future is still ahead». 
Speaking of fiction. 
«This story is fiction. All names in the story have no connection to real people, organizations, or structures. » 
I get the feeling that I must say this cliche once again. 
I’ve made a mistake. The name ‘Virginia’ for a fictional nuclear submarine was indeed a bad choice. However, this name had been finalized in the previous volume. So «this story is fiction» and « names have  no connection to real ships». 
I’ll probably do something similar in the future, but please overlook it with a laugh. 
…Although, it seems, even this volume has lots of these moments . 

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Now, for the next 32 nd  volume. 
The subtitle… is a secret. Not ‘To Be Decided’, but a secret. Because it’s a spoiler. 
However, I feel like I’ve already talked about this. Besides, the name will be revealed shortly before publication, so attempts to hide it are futile. Nevertheless, I hope that my dear readers  will be able to enjoy the content of the 32 nd  volume without prejudice. 
So, please look forward to the next 32 nd  volume of «Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei». 
(Sato Tsutomu) 


[1]  TLN: most likely, the author got this term from a Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion  method of producing controlled nuclear fusion, which uses a fuel filled cylindrical metal liner . 
[2]  TLN: it’s an incomplete sentence, but probably the author here talks about the fighters’ pilots, who tried to initiate a dogfight with the Aerocar in the previous volume. 
[3]  TLN: the phrase from the first teaser image. 
[5]  TLN: the author writes the same ‘Your Excellency’ title for all people in high positions, even for foreigners. In this translation was used the ‘Sir’ title for USNA’s high-ranking characters. 

[6]  TLN: the author here used the word ‘honne’ from the Japanese conception honne-tatemae . He likely wanted to say that Diaz was not pleased with what the government officials thought of him and how they treated him in public. 

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[7]  TLN: phrase from the second teaser image. 
[8]  Electromagnetic radiation is one of mechanism of heat transfer, the author here means that stealth magic emits only infrared light waves identical to the ambient infrared radiation (leaving aside the fact that radiant flux or radiant energy emitted from the vehicle can be higher than the ambient one, which will be visible in IR scanners). 
[9]  TLN: it’s the author’s style to insert question marks before or after some words from time to time. 
[10]  TLN: the main residence  of the Shiba is on the 7 th  floor of the Yotsuba Tokyo HQ. 
[12]  Swimsuit having a V-shape bottom with a high waistline at the hips. 
[13]  TLN: the author wrote «Eastern Siberian Military District» in this sentence, but Khabarovsk is located in the Far-Eastern district while in the SU the command of Eastern Siberian district was in Irkutsk. In this translation is used «Eastern Military District» — the current military division in the Russian Federation. 
[14] Marshaler : a person who directs the movement of an aircraft between the runway and its parking stand at an airport. 
[15]  TLN: the current military hierarchy is: commander-in-chief of the JSDF (Japanese prime-minister) - minister of defense - chief of staff joint staff, but the author here introduced a fictional post (国防陸軍総司令官), in this translation is adopted ‘supreme commander’  to not confuse with the prime-minister’s position in military hierarchy. 
[16]  TLN: it’s likely about military reprimand . 
[17]  TLN: the 3 rd  year students shortly after summer vacation will stop participating in school extra curricular activities and start studying for their entrance exams for the National Magic University or National Defense Academy, that’s why the summer vacations are the threshold  for them. 
[18]  TLN: flight Plan for Civil Aircrafts  includes also the flight duration/arrival time, and some countries issue warnings for its violation. 
[19]  TLN: what this actually means is that Miyuki initially put herself in the argument of standing on the battlefield, and now she herself denied it and prefers to be rear support. 

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[20]  TLN: the term ‘carrier-based/on-board boat’  is in the source - this classification was used only by the Japanese Imperial Navy during WWII; the US Navy calls such vessel type ‘assault boats’ . 
[22] 生体発火; seitai hakka; ‘Bio Ignition’ , as literal would be Living Body Ignition, which is different with人体発火; jintai hakka, as literal would be Human Body Ignition; or as we know as Human Ignition, which Minoru often used as variant of Spark. 
[24] Ant Hell/Antlion Prison (蟻地獄)  magic spell which creates an illusion where the target feels like they are being pulled into the earth, Mikihiko used this spell against Kichijouji Shinkurou ‘George’ of Third High in the 2095 9SC (in their 1 st  year). 
[25]  TLN: the word used here roughly means Solid Ground. Commonly used by sailors in the sense of the opposite of Ocean. 
[26] Proliferating:  increase rapidly in numbers; multiply. 
[27]  TLN: ‘adjacent coordinates’ term used when arranging something into a matrix-like structure. It’s only a speculation, but probably the AoE of ‘Tuman Bomba’ looks like a square area, while for ‘Glacial Age’ it’s a circular field. Using this speculation it’s possible to explain why distribution of myriads of Magic Sequences in ‘Glacial Age’ is more effective than in ‘Tuman Bomba’. 
[30] Cold corrosion in marine engines:  it occurs due to the presence of sulphur in fuel oil and affects the cylinder liner and other parts of the combustion chamber.
TLN: probably it’s about an on-board generator working on fuel and providing energy for the ship’s electromagnetic propulsion system. 
[31] Raison d’être is a French expression commonly used in English, meaning «reason for being» or «reason to be». 
[32]  TLN: the original author’s words were «world of solo sumo ». 

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