Volume 8, Chapter 15

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November 6th, AD 2095 / Yotsuba Main House - Drawing room


It had been one week since they parted at Tsushima base.


On that day, Tatsuya had been dismissed earlier, and beyond what was available to the general public, knew no more about the final outcomes of the battle than anyone else. Having the opportunity to reunite with Kazama here, he tried asking various questions, but it seemed there were many parts unknown even to Kazama.


Exchanging information with Kazama — although all that Tatsuya could provide could not be said to possess certainty beyond the boundaries of ‘rumors’ — Tatsuya, deep in thought, suddenly turned to face the door.


Tension crept down Miyuki’s spine. From her brother’s expression, she knew. At last—


"Excuse me."


After a formal knock, the door was opened without waiting for a reply.


Bowing deferentially this time was an elderly butler. Visibly different from the youth earlier, this man clearly possessed a high position.


However, he said no more.


Despite the fact that simply opening the door shouldn’t be the extent of this man’s job.


But neither Tatsuya and Miyuki, nor Kazama felt any suspicion.


Rather, they were thinking similarly, that the only one fit for this role must be this elderly man.


"Thank you for waiting."


For behind the elderly man, stood the figure of the Head of this House.


"I truly am very sorry. Our previous guest simply would not leave……while he had gone far past our appointed time, we couldn’t simply throw him out or such……"


"Please do not be concerned. We know that you are very busy." Kazama returned Maya’s bow, and at length they both sat down. "Miyuki-san, my apologies to you as well."


At that, Miyuki also sat down slowly.


However, she said not a word to Tatsuya.


He simply remained standing next to the sofa Miyuki sat in.


In appearance, he mirrored exactly the butler who now stood next to Maya. White porcelain teacups were set down before three people.


It went without speaking that those three were Maya, Kazama, and Miyuki.


Maya beckoned the two to their tea, and after taking a sip herself, cut straight to the point.


"The reason I have called you here today is because there are some matters stemming from the recent military incident in Yokohama which I would like to tell you."


"To me?"


Maya the civilian was saying that she had things to tell, not ask, concerning military matters to the military man Kazama. Of course he would repeat it.


"Yes, and to Tatsuya-san and Miyuki-san as well." Saying so, Maya gave a meaningful smile.


Without even having to look bored as she said so, her expression made it plain that her truly pressing matters were for Tatsuya and Miyuki.


"A week ago, the International Magic Association concluded that the blast which obliterated the Zhènhai Naval Port was not in violation of the charter forbidding the use of 'radiation emitting weapons'".


'Radiation emitting weapons' was an abbreviation for 'weapons which contaminate the environment with residual radioactivity', a term mainly used by the International Magic Association, whose purpose is preventing the use of weapons which emit and leave behind radioactive residues as well as the national magic associations affiliated with them. The word 'weapon' was used, but the clause also included any magic which would result in radioactive contamination. The term itself was rare outside the Association, but despite being somewhat of a traditionalist magician, Kazama nevertheless naturally knew about it.


"As a result, the punishment motion submitted to the Association was rejected." Miyuki's tense expression tensed even further for a moment, then relaxed.


"I was not aware a punishment motion had been forwarded."


Kazama replied in a bland tone. Miyuki knew that there was no way Kazama hadn't at least considered the possibility, but didn't speak a word.


"You do seem rather relaxed. You had no concern about the possibility of a penal detachment?"


By contrast, Maya hit back with a direct question.


Magicians were administered by the state, weapons of the state, and as such belonged to the state.


Even private magicians were forbidden from acting in any way which might go against the national interest. In this respect, globally, the rights of magicians were significantly limited in comparison to those of non-magicians.


Because of that, the International Magic Association had no military force of its own. The magicians belonging to the IMA were not of a scale anywhere approaching a force.


In return, the IMA called for the cooperation of each member state in order to implement multinational teams. If this 'mystery bomb' had resulted in the formation of a penal detail, those various countries which wished for a decline in Japan's national power would have sent their own powerful magicians along as well. As someone involved in the military, that was not a negligible concern.


"I was fully aware and confident that there would be no residual radiation."


Kazama didn't say that she should have been well aware as well. It was so obvious there was no need to do so.


Sure enough, Maya changed the subject.


"Then were you aware that the 'Heavenly General' was present with and perished alongside the fleet?"


"Liú Yúndé?"


At Maya's news, Kazama's poker face collapsed. Kazama's wide eyes as he asked back was unfeigned.


"Yes, one of the thirteen internationally acknowledged Strategic Class magicians. Nevertheless, the Great Asian Alliance is trying to keep a rather tight lid on information control."


Although there was no such thing as privacy when it came to Strategic Class magicians, Maya laughed.

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As she said, Strategic Class magicians, individuals wielding power comparable to weapons of mass destruction, were of great interest to many major powers and of greater interest to their magicians. Aside from gimmicks like Antinite, the only true counter to a magician was another magician, and as such, keeping enemy Strategic magicians in check was a major objective of military magicians.


Thirteen Strategic Class magicians had been declassified for the sake of national prestige, and amongst these so called 'Thirteen Apostles' the only one who had managed to keep a modicum of secrecy was the USNA's Angie Sirius.


Of course Japan was no exception in keeping extensive tabs on the Thirteen Apostles and the Ten Families, with the inclusion of Angie Sirius of whom besides her name — to be precise her nickname and codename — not even her real face was known, and devoted great effort to that field.


"Well with that, I guess the 'Thirteen Apostles' is now the 'Twelve Apostles'."


Maya smoothly summarized that major upheaval in international military balance with one easy sentence.


This was confidential information which even Kazama had not been informed of.


"It seems the government is looking to capitalize on this and wring as many major concessions from the Great Asian Alliance as possible. The Chief of Staff had requested the Itsuwa be sent out, and the Itsuwa complied. Mio-san is accompanying them to the fleet in Sasebo."


"Did she board a warship?"


Until now, Miyuki had respectfully maintained her position as a listener, but at this she instinctively spoke up.




However, Maya did not reprimand her. This news was astonishing enough that such a reaction would not be unreasonable.


Itsuwa Mio was the only Strategic Class magician the Japanese government had publicly disclosed, one of the 'Thirteen Apostles'.


As far as had been confirmed, with the exception of Tatsuya, she was the only Japanese Strategic magician.


A trump card of the Japanese military.


Her magic 'Abyss' was capable of creating a spherical depression which can extend from a few tens of meters to several kilometers. Amongst Movement Systematic magics it possesses its own classification, Fluid Control. Vessels caught within the magical zone at sea slide down the steep walls of water, tumbling about, then upon cancellation of the magic are swallowed up by massive waves as the sea returns to a horizontal plane. The hemisphere can be created up to a kilometer in depth, easily catching submerged submarines as well.


This is a strategic class magic theoretically capable of eradicating entire fleets with a single blow, however;


'Abyss' can also be invoked upon subterranean ground water, potentially allowing it to collapse vast swathes of structures as well.


"......Still, that would be a considerable strain on her body wouldn't it?"


"I'm sure they've factored that in. Both the Staff and the Itsuwa. They probably consider this too big to miss."


At Miyuki's worried question, Maya gave an absentminded answer. In contrast to Itsuwa Mio's powerful magic, her body was quite weak.


It wasn't quite apparent until around her mid teens, but from the age of 20 she was forced to use a motorized wheelchair to move around. It wasn't that her legs were afflicted such that she couldn't walk, but because even the slightest exertion was exhausting. After graduating from university, it was said she rarely ever left the Itsuwa house.


The Itsuwa were currently one of the Ten Master Houses, but in fact that was largely based on the fact that they had the Strategic Class magician Mio. For her to be aboard a warship that would likely see battle, however brief that period of time was, could only be said to be a gamble.


"Just as we had news of Liú Yúndé's movements, it seems our mobilization of Mio-san has not gone unnoticed. Again this is as of yet unconfirmed, but we have received a report that Doctor Bezobrazov arrived in Vladivostok today."


Hearing that name, Kazama's expression was moved again. "—The 'Igniter' Igor Andreevich Bezobrazov?"


"Yes, that very Doctor Bezobrazov. Having witnessed the recent events off the Southern Korean Peninsula, their military leadership appears to have reconsidered the effectiveness of large scale magic."


While he didn't let out a sound, Tatsuya was just as surprised.


Igor Andreevich Bezobrazov was a scientist in the Soviet Academy of Science, yet at the same time, a Strategic Class magician of the New Soviet Union.


He was not a classified Strategic magician like Tatsuya, but rather like Mio was a state recognized member of the Thirteen Apostles. His Strategic magic 'Tuman Bomba', whilst one step outclassed by the USNA's Angie Sirius' 'Heavy Metal Burst' in power, was said to possess the greatest destructive radius of the Thirteen.


Until now, countries had only demonstrated their Strategic magics without applying them for actual combat use, but in the most recent conflict four Strategic magicians, including Tatsuya, had been mobilized.


"It's likely the Great Asian Alliance has received similar intel—"


"Peace should be established in the near future then?"


"I believe that would be the case."


In that pause, Maya looked at Kazama with a smile. Despite the fact she was in her mid 40s, that smile combined youthful cuteness and adult sex appeal which made her seem no older than 30.


Such charm was wasted on Kazama however, as he silently waited for the next words.


"......Our history from since three years ago, will be settled with this."


The slight color of frustration which flitted past Maya's face as she resumed her talk couldn't have wholly been Tatsuya's imagination.


"The disappearance of Zhènhai Naval Port has attracted the attention of numerous countries. The cause of that was unmistakably due to Strategic class magic, and a not inconsiderable number of them are beginning to probe around as to just who the operator was. It is most likely some of them will link this with the annihilation of the fleet the Great Asian Alliance dispatched three years ago. It would be a very undesirable outcome for us to have Tatsuya-san's identity to come out."


"I fully agree."


Seeing Kazama's nod, Maya gave a broad smile indistinguishable between real and fake.


No, it's likely that her smile this time was sincere.


"I'm glad you understand. Then to be on the safe side, I'd like you to refrain from being in contact with Tatsuya-san for a while as well."


Maya's negotiation with Kazama was steered to obtain the most satisfactory result for the Yotsuba.


It'd be too much to say that he was led around, but the concession that Tatsuya would no longer be called to battle with the Great Asian Alliance for this conflict was unmistakably Maya's pace.


Then again the terms like 'will you comply with this verbal contract' and 'will you abide by all aspects of this verbal contract' are things which likely would have question marks in parenthesis after them.


Now Maya was alone with Tatsuya in the drawing room. After wrapping things up Kazama naturally left—he was just as busy after all—and Miyuki had vacated the room at Maya’s direct order.


Then despite having even instructed her attendant to leave, Maya didn’t cut directly to the chase.


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She simply sat for a while sipping tea from her cup with a look of dissatisfaction, as Tatsuya sat down in silence facing her.


In silence, in other words, without asking or waiting for permission.


His appearance as he leaned back in his chair waiting for her words was absent from all apprehension or fear.


Glancing at that appearance, Maya returned her cup to its saucer. "The last time we faced each other like this was three years ago huh." There was no hint of hubris in her voice or expression.


"This is the first time I have been called out like this, Oba-ue*."


*archaic formal term of address for Aunt


"I wonder."


At Tatsuya’s usual cynical rather than respectful air, Maya also adopted a more informal attitude than before.


"Come to think of it, this is the first time we’ve spoken alone."




That’s not to say their rapport was ‘friendly’.


The light glinting in their eyes was too strong for that. "So what is it you wished to speak about?"


"Don’t be in such a hurry. Won’t you have some tea?"


"If you start going around giving me tea, your entourage is going to start saying some annoying things."


At Tatsuya’s all too candid remark, Maya let out a breath. "Honesty isn’t always a virtue you know."


"Remonstrations for the sake of another are always painful to hear." Their banter flew back and forth like rapid keystrokes.


Maya didn’t anger, but rather gave an approving nod. "An unreserved companion is also good once in a while."


"Is it disagreeable to you?"


"The relationship between us is that of nephew and aunt. There is no need for such concerns."


After those words replied in a tone indiscernible from her true feelings or a simple façade, Maya picked up the buzzer on the table.


The faint chime of a handbell rang out, yet neither the door nor the walls of this room were particularly thin.


Despite that not a minute later a soft knock rang from the door, meaning that the room must have been monitored in some way; nevertheless Tatsuya did not hurry to stand.


"Did you call for me?"


The elderly butler from earlier returned to the scene. Even seeing Tatsuya’s leisurely seated appearance, he didn’t bat an eyelid.


"Hayama-san, some more tea for me please. And the same for Tatsuya-san as well."




Had it been Aoki, he no doubt would have gone pale and started yelling at Tatsuya. Forgetting even that he was in the presence of Maya.


But there was no way a confidant permitted even to ‘eavesdrop’ at the side of his master, whatever the appearance or reasons, would ever be prone to such petty outbursts.


The reason Tatsuya was so relaxed also stemmed from that.


Not to mention that it would have been impossible to ‘smooth things out’ anyway.


Because it was visible with a glance that Tatsuya held no submissiveness towards Maya whatsoever.


While waiting for the tea, Maya didn’t utter a word. Tatsuya likewise was in no hurry.


‘Won’t you have some tea’ basically meant ‘we’ll talk over tea’. It wasn’t particularly exerting to figure such a thing out, and only a child would make a fuss about waiting for such a period of time.


At length after taking a sip from the cup the butler Hayama brought, Maya finally seemed to be in the mood.


"Thank you for your efforts in this event, Tatsuya-san." Hearing that tone, no one would take those words at face value. "No, there’s no such thing."


Tatsuya likewise was under no delusion that he was being praised. "However, it’s something troubling for the Yotsuba."


"I am sorry."


Sure enough, she began voicing complaints with a theatrical sigh, and Tatsuya gave a formal apology. Not that he did anything laudable like fall prostrate to the ground or rub his forehead against the table or anything.


"……Well, I know that you were simply following orders. Although I had wanted to ask Major Kazama if there really was a need to go so far. Well, there’s no point fretting over the past."


"I’m sorry for the trouble."


Tatsuya’s apology this time was slightly more sincere. Morality aside, Tatsuya also personally felt that what happened was a little overkill. —Actually not ‘a little’ but closer to the point of excessive, mindless destruction.


"More important now are the problems from here."


"Is there anything concrete so far?"


Maya did not give an immediate answer to Tatsuya’s question. Rather she closed her eyes, took a sip of tea, then slowly looked up. Directly into Tatsuya’s eyes.


Tatsuya didn’t meet her gaze, instead lifting his cup to his mouth in the same way as his aunt.


"The Stars are moving."


Her words as she resolutely maintained eye contact held the power to freeze Tatsuya’s movement for just a moment.

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"Meaning that America itself is moving, huh."


Having at last reached this point, Maya and Tatsuya finally clashed head to head. It was impossible to compare the weights behind them.


On the one hand Maya had the entire might of the Yotsuba at her back, while defending Tatsuya would likely be Miyuki alone.


Yet the steel in Tatsuya’s eyes did not lose an inch to the pressure Maya exuded.


"For now, the Stars have simply begun their own investigation. But they have already grasped that the explosion was caused by a magic which converts mass into energy. That narrows down the identity of the operator considerably. — Specifically, enough to pinpoint you and Miyuki-san as one of the suspects."


At Maya’s information, Tatsuya could only shake his head. "……That’s quite the amazing ability to gather information."


"Their reputation as the most powerful force of magicians in the world isn’t just for show."


"No, the one I was praising was you Oba-ue." There was no reply.


Maya fell silent as if deep in thought.


"Whilst I admit that they are likely the most powerful force out there, the intelligence the USNA Stars’ has managed to procure is almost real-time. Have you considered the possibility of a spy?"


"……I can’t say. Unfortunately."


"Well of course."


As if he had somehow worked out Maya’s response, Tatsuya nodded with a straight face.


For a moment Maya seemed rather resentful, but as expected immediately regained her smile.


"……In any case, you must be careful of your surroundings. The Stars are not like the soft opponents you have gone up against until now. If they determine that you are a threat to the hegemony of the United States, it is possible that they have the capability to take you down."


"Meaning that if the likelihood of the Yotsuba getting involved rises too high, I can expect assassins from a different direction. I’ll bear that in mind." The aunt and nephew stared at each other.


There was no longer even the hint of a smile upon their face. "It’s a bit early to be thinking that far."


"You believed that I would arrive at that conclusion in this place, which was why you sent Miyuki outside was it not?"


Tatsuya’s wording changed slightly.


Maya did not verbally answer his challenge.


Rather, her answer could be found in her looking away. "Tatsuya, drop out of school."


When she finally spoke, it was not a reply but rather a command. "Drop out of school, why?"


"To lie low here in this house for a while. The Guardianship of Miyuki-san will be transferred to another."


"I believe the selection of Guardian was a matter for the escorted to decide."


"Everything has its exception."


"Well, fair enough…… But I refuse."


If there had been another in the room, they would have shivered at the sudden drop in temperature.


Not a physical drop, but rather due to the incredible tension.


"If I suddenly drop out at this time, I believe it would be as good as a confession that I was the magician who destroyed the fleet of the Great Asian Alliance."


"The reason is irrelevant."


"I suppose."


There was no longer a trace of expression upon either Maya or Tatsuya’s face. "You are disobeying my direct order?"


"The only one allowed to order me is Miyuki alone." The tension reached its peak.


Within that period of urgency, as if time had stopped,


The world turned to ‘Night’.


It was not mere darkness.


Floating within the darkness, shone a brilliant sea of stars.


The roof of the drawing room became a moonless, starlit night sky. The stars flowed, becoming rays of light,


—And the scent of blood suddenly filled the room.


In the next moment,


Without a sound,


That indoor ‘Night’ shattered.


Revealed within was the tableau of the aunt and nephew, still staring at each other without change.


However the sense of tension which had once surged between them, had faded with the collapse of ‘Night’.


"—It seems you went rather easy on me."


"Of course. You’re my cute nephew after all." Maya smiled at Tatsuya’s mutter.


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No wounds remained on either of the two, and the scent of blood had faded.


"Still, even allowing for that, you did well. And so, this time I will permit you your selfishness."


"Thank you very much."


"It’s fine. Take it as a treat for breaking my magic." Wordlessly, Tatsuya rose.


At his light bow, Maya shook her hands in a flutter. Tatsuya left the room.


There was not a voice raised in challenge to stop him from anywhere.


◊ ◊ ◊


After Tatsuya had left the drawing room Maya had been left lost in thought alone for a while, but at length she exhaled strongly and picked up the buzzer once more.


"Did you call?"


"I’d like a change of scenery. Please prepare tea in the solarium, and bring Miyuki- san and Tatsuya-san along."


The butler Hayama showed up immediately, and Maya dictated her wishes.




Hayama bowed, then without making eye contact quickly cleared up the cups. As he carried out Maya’s instructions, then prepared to leave the room, "Wait a moment."


Maya stopped him.


"Hayama-san, there is something you want to ask me?"


Finally looking over at his mistress, Hayama bowed respectfully. "Indeed there is. With your permission……"


Hayama had formerly served the previous Yotsuba Head and was now continuing his service under Maya. While he only appeared slightly past middle age, he was actually over 70 years old.


There were many things in this house he was able to say that others would shrink back in fear from.


"Is it really alright to leave Tatsuya-dono like that?"


Also, unlike the others, he did not see Tatsuya as a ‘fake’. His own magic ability wasn’t of a particularly high level, but having seen countless magicians over the years his venerable experience rated Tatsuya highly.


—A magician one should be wary of.


"It’s fine. Ah, I know full well what it is you’re concerned about. Certainly, that child will betray the Yotsuba at any time."


"……My apologies."


"Just as I confirmed earlier, my magic is a bad match-up against that child’s unusual talent. If it came to a serious fight, it is highly likely I would lose."


Maya’s magic was ‘Meteor Stream’. The Japanese name is representative of the appearance of the magic, but the English name ‘Meteor Line’ is more representative of the nature of the magic.


This magic which had cemented Maya’s place as one of the most powerful magicians in the world, earning her the names ‘Devil of the Far East’ and ‘Queen of Night’ is a Convergence type Systematic magic which controls the distribution of light in its area of effect. Its power is especially amplified in a closed space such as rooms or tunnels.


The apparent process of this magic first forms countess tiny balls of light floating in the darkened area, which are then shot out as rays.


The attack appears like a shower of lasers, but the power of Meteor Line has no connection with the energy of the light. Even the amount of light is irrelevant.


The essence of the magic lies in forcing the redistribution of light, where the coordinates for light to be in are set as little balls and lines are then drawn between them.


Anything in the path of the space the light passes through is modified as the light is transmitted: regardless of the hardness of the object, heat resistance, plasticity, or resilience, a hole is drilled through. Not even highly transparent glass holds an optical transparency of 100%, and cannot escape the event modification that ‘light has passed through’ and therefore ‘a hole was made’.


Looking at the logic behind this magic, rather than the phenomenon itself, it can be concluded that the magic interferes with the structural information of the object via the distribution of light, directly vaporizing solids and liquids without affecting heat or pressure; in other words a type of decomposition magic which decomposes into gas. Since it’s defined as a ‘ray of distributed light’, it cannot be defended against via blocking, reflecting, or refracting. Since the light doesn’t come from any particular direction, it cannot be shielded against by magic either. Even if one were to cover themselves with a spherical shield in all directions, it cannot alter the movement of photons and the phenomena ‘light has become a line’ will still be produced, resulting in a hole.


Just as it’s impossible to defend against by magic which shields against physical phenomena, it’s almost impossible to defend against Meteor Line with anti magic. Since it’s mediated via the physical phenomenon called light, preventing it purely via anti magic such as interference over an area is extremely difficult. If one’s interference strength in the single element ‘distribution of light’ cannot exceed Maya’s, ‘Meteor Line’ is unstoppable. As ‘distribution of light’ is Maya’s innate magic, interfering with it is far too high a hurdle. And once the magic has been activated, even if one tries to cause interference in the area of effect, the phenomena rewriting effect that ‘light has moved’ has already taken place.


Not even the Phalanx of the Juumonjis, which perfectly combines defense against physical forces with defense against magic, can hold against it. Due to that Maya stands invincible in a fight between magicians, and is regarded as one of the ‘strongest magicians in the world’.


However—as ‘Meteor Line’ operates by indirectly affecting the structural information of an enclosed space, it decisively loses out to Tatsuya’s ability to directly interfere with structural information. The magical barrier through which light passes crafted by ‘Night’ via interfering with the structural information is easily shattered by interference which directly affects the structural information.


"I can’t even say it’s unlikely I would be killed by him. But however much Tatsuya is able to betray the Yotsuba, he will never be able to betray Miyuki. And Miyuki will never oppose the Yotsuba."


"Miyuki-sama is deeply dependent upon Tatsuya-dono though. Should the time ever come that Tatsuya stands against the Yotsuba, I cannot think that she would ever oppose him."


His brow furrowed in concern, Hayama refuted the words of his mistress. But there was no sign that Maya was disturbed.


"It’s fine. Even without brainwashing, it’s not particularly difficult to push someone’s thoughts in a particular direction. You don’t need an explanation do you, Hayama-san?"


There was pity in the smile now upon Maya’s lips.


"Miyuki will never be able to escape from the responsibility she has imposed upon herself. She was raised by my sister to be like that after all. And Tatsuya will never be able to do anything which causes Miyuki pain."


"……But, in order for that."


"Yes. It's unfortunate for the other children who are candidates, but it cannot be anyone except Miyuki. So that Tatsuya, that monster, will not turn against us."


"Miyuki-sama must receive the position at any cost then."


"There’s no need to fret, Hayama-san. I have everything already planned out." Maya smiled broadly.


With a deep bow, Hayama left the room.


It’s commonly thought that the Yokohama Incident of 2095 was the extension of the invasion of Okinawa in 2092, and their subsequent defeat of three years ago (in other words, their ‘failed campaign’) — an attempt to redeem themselves.


However, for the events following the invasion of Yokohama to come to a close in the same way as the ‘Battle of Okinawa’ can only be called the irony of history.

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