Volume 9, Chapter 5

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An unbroken stream of pedestrians plodded beneath the night skies of Shibuya. However, from a grandiose perspective, this was a problem restricted to Shibuya only.


Late in the night, there would be brief durations where no one was around, creating small pockets like the eye of a storm. Such as the narrow alleys between the taller buildings and skyscrapers. Like the small parks that dotted the landscape between the intersections of larger boulevards and smaller lanes. – This, was just like the confined green lands which only allowed one step at a time.


Still, just because no one was walking did not denote that no one was present. There were two humanoid entities in the park. One was a shadow-like figure who wore a long overcoat and scarf with a round hat covering the eyes, completely concealing any features or hints of gender. The other wore a gorgeous coat over a knitted sweater and mini skirt with a pair of thick heeled shoes and was clearly a young woman.


After covering the female corpse on the bench, the individual wearing the hat rose when a new figure appeared to their rear and struck up a conversation.


(Still incompatible?)


Long over coat, scarf, hat. This new figure was dressed in the exact same way as the first one and inquired in a voice that did not vibrate in the air.


(Negative. The connection was lost after transferring the replica this time, but just as before, we could only absorb psions from the blood before the replica lost stability and returned.)


The first individual responded to the second in the same soundless voice. The two figures were communicating using telepathy.


(So replication remains beyond us?)


(That’s impossible. After all, we ourselves are replicas of the original.) (Hm…… Then, even if they possess physical compatibility, they cannot become one of us without desires of their own.) (Are there people in this world without desires?)


(You mean there are other conditions?)


(In order to determine the truth, we need more samples.) (……That remains unchanged.)


(Just as I am myself and you are you. Nothing has altered.) (You have a point…… Hm?)


The two figures broke off their conversation over the telepathic link and turned their faces towards the same direction.


(Someone broke through the spiritual barrier. Two…… No, three people?)


(I raised the power of the barrier specifically because I was conducting an experiment. Looks like these are particularly talented individuals.)


(There are only two of us. Shall we retreat?)


(No, this is a rare opportunity. The physical vessel of someone capable of breaking through the spiritual barrier might be compatible. Fortunately, the last member seems to have been separated from the other two. We should be able to neutralize the first two before they meet up.)


(Got it. Then are we of accord?)


Signals of consent were passed along. Leaving the corpse on the bench, the two figures disappeared into the shadows beyond the street lamps.


◊ ◊ ◊


Tonight, Leo was also trod the streets of Shibuya. Yet, this wasn’t the usual “aimless wandering”. He had received details regarding suspicious individuals from a close friend and was hurrying along to verify the veracity of the eyewitnesses.


Even Leo himself did not know why he was so motivated in doing this sort of sleuthing.


A sense of justice? There were other more heinous crimes. Territorial? Shibuya was not his home turf.


Curiosity? In all honesty, he didn’t really care about the real identity of the perpetrators.


At any rate, he felt that this wasn’t something he could ignore. This was probably the reason that was closest to the truth.


After searching his feelings, Leo arrived at this conclusion.


Walking at night. Moving in the darkness. Just now, he heard a broken series of noise like the sound of insects beating their wings. This wasn’t a sound in the audible spectrum, but a sound that brushed across the deepest recesses of Leo’s consciousness.


He couldn’t explain why, but Leo was unable to see this as just simple background noise. Nonetheless, Leo’s instincts told him that this was the sound of people conversing. This was someone using the magic calculation area in the depths of the consciousness to speak. Following the source of the signal, Leo gradually drew closer.


◊ ◊ ◊


Stars was the premiere magic combat force within the USNA. – That being said, not all the American combat Magicians were directly a part of Stars. In reality, of the three Strategic-Class Magicians that are officially recognized within the USNA, only Angie Sirius is affiliated with Stars. The other two are currently split between an Alaskan base and a base in Gibraltar.


Even so, it remained an unshaken fact that the primary source of the USNA’s magical prowess in the army came from the Magicians in Stars. This was especially the case for the Magicians granted the rank of planets, as they symbolized the “strongest magical combat force in the world”. Precisely since Alfred Fomalhaut was also of planet rank, his desertion inflicted a huge blow to the high command with the USNA. In this particular desertion incidence, the USNA could not draw the line at Fomalhaut alone. They had to execute every deserter as a warning to the rest.


Currently, the two people who were rapidly progressing through the Shibuya night were also hunters dispatched from the USNA army to pursue the deserters and belonged to the unit “Stardust”. Like Stars, they too were under the direct command of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but they were only the remnants of the stars that could not become stars themselves. In spite of this, these magic troopers still possessed considerable combat prowess. They had given up on being well rounded and instead honed their specific talents to the level of the Stars. That was what it meant to be Stardust. This time, the members selected to hunt the deserters specialized in pursuit. They were Magicians who had been implanted in Japan, but previously inactivated assets, and specialized in identifying psion waves and traces of magic.


Tonight, they finally found the psion trail of one of the deserters, Stars Planet-Class Specialist, Charles Sullivan, call sign “Demus Second”, and had closed to within an easy distance on foot.


“Target is in the clearing up ahead.”


One of the two came to a halt and nodded at the other’s words before removing an information terminal from the coat they wore. After calling up a map, they verified through the search function that there was only one path to the park. There was one entrance to the left of their current position as well as an entrance to the right around the corner.


“We have detected one target. Let’s strike from both sides. I’ll go right.”


Gone were the large coat and skirt, revealing a dazzling set of tights and heavy boots. The outer garb was to better mingle with the young women moving about at night while hiding their identity as American soldiers. The only typical aspect of these female Magicians was that they were speaking in normal tones.


“Understood…… Let’s get moving, we don’t have much time.


Remember, strike at the same time.” “Got it.”


The two hunters split off to the left and right.


Beneath the hat pulled low and the scarf, a gray cloth covered in a pattern of black bats obscured the face. Features completely hidden from view, the figure in the long coat walked while keeping an eye on the alley exit. A smirk tugged at the corners of the mouth covered in cloth.


(Pursuers from the military. They have sorely underestimated me if they think two Stardust members will be a match for me. )


(That’s based on who you were before.)


Receiving the cognitive signal from his vanished companion, the creature who was once Charles Sullivan turned its derisive smirk into a wry one. Ever since turning into this form, there was no way for him to hide anything from his compatriots. There was no sense of privacy at all. However, the current Charles Sullivan wasn’t displeased at this turnout. For them, this was only a natural course of events and did not constitute a source of irritation.


Once he put all his concentration into the depths between his brows, he could also detect what his comrade was thinking about. Through the new sensory organ located between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, they could easily reach consensus. He was the entity known as Charles Sullivan, but at the same time he was also a part of “them”.


(I see. Given their knowledge of my rank as a Satellite-Class, we can also predict their movements. I won’t need the backup.)


In response to the Sullivan’s cognitive signal, this time the sound of bees flapping their wings came back.


(Just in case, I’ll still make a few preparations.)


This formulated response came from his other comrade in the vicinity. Contact between the two sides came in the next instant.


“Deserter, Demus Second. Put your hands in the air and keep them where I can see them.”


A young woman’s voice cried out in front of Sullivan. At the same time, a silent wave of noise impacted him like cutting through glass.


The real identity of this noise was the psion wave coming from Cast Jammer, a device developed by the USNA Army’s R&D Department to inhibit weaponry and equipment worn by Magicians. The inhibitory waves from the Cast Jammer were unlike the background noise that indiscriminately affected all magic like the ones seen in Cast Jamming when using Antinite. The Cast Jammer specifically targets CAD functions. By intentionally using multiple CADs to generate additional psion waves, this directly interfered with the Activation Sequence’s processing. Generally, this type of interference could only occur when one individual’s psion waves were interfering with one another, but through the analysis of their opponent’s psion wave signatures, the USNA had successfully neutralized CADs (to a limited degree).


This wasn’t something that could be used on anyone. In order to use Cast Jammer, a high level of Non-Systematic Magic was required to release psion wave types. In addition, its effective range was less than 5 meters. Nevertheless, in terms of counter magic abilities that did not require Antinite, Cast Jammer was definitely the USNA Army’s ace in the hole in this age.


Faced with the naked barrel of a gun, Sullivan raised both hands above his head as instructed, with both hands easily visible. This order seemed rather vague to the average layman, but its intent was to deny the target the ability to use a CAD. Based on the data in the possession of the pursuers, or executioners in this case, Demus Second was incapable of using magic without a CAD and his physical abilities were that of an average soldier. Ordinarily speaking, once magic was out of the picture, he would be unable to offer much resistance against them, who were both Magicians and augmented soldiers.


“The higher ups have ordered you to be killed on sight. However, if you are to cough up information on your cohorts, a lighter sentencing would be available.”


After hearing the hunter say her piece with her finger still on the trigger, Sullivan shrugged.


“Demus Second. You have 10 seconds to decide.” “No, there’s no need.”


She must have been bemused by the utter lack of terror or anxiety in Sullivan’s tone, because she failed to fire any bullets.


“You two should be Hunters Q and R from Stardust.”


Upon hearing Sullivan name their call signs aloud, the slightly slackened finger once again tightened.


“There’s no way you can beat me.”


At the same time Sullivan made this outrageous declaration, a gunshot rang out. Thanks to the silencer, the sound was roughly equivalent to that of an air gun. However, the bullet fired from this gun could snuff out life with little to no difficulty.


A muffled groan rang out from behind Sullivan. The fired bullet did not penetrate Sullivan’s breast that lay directly ahead, but went through Hunter R’s arm.


“Didn’t you hear? They must have told you to avoid firearms when going up against me.”


“This is Trajectory Alteration?”


Once Sullivan condescendingly said those words, Q revealed an expression of utter shock. They knew that Sullivan specialized in magic that altered the trajectory of projectiles, but they also heard that he was unable to use magic without a CAD.


“Could it be that the Cast Jammer was ineffective……?”




Sullivan didn’t even turn around as he directly rejected R’s words as she pressed a hand to her arm.


“Cast Jammer is functioning normally. Except,”


Q and R noticed through the surrounding atmosphere that Sullivan’s face under the cloth with black bats had twisted into a sneer.


“I have long since surpassed the need to use a CAD.”


Q holstered the gun beneath her skirt. The two hunters drew stilettos from their sleeves and charged at Sullivan from both the front and the rear.


A normal human being should not be able to avoid the attacks from augmented physical bodies. Yet, the supposedly normal Sullivan fluidly dodged the attacks. This wasn’t something that could be accomplished with athletic prowess. R’s blade, which was originally aimed at Sullivan’s neck, had unnaturally shifted its trajectory and slid elsewhere. As if being pulled along by the blade, Q slid before R and managed to stifle Sullivan before he began his attack.


“He can even change the trajectory of the blade that’s in my hand!? How are you able to manipulate such powerful magic?”


“I have no reason to explain this to you why I am no longer who I was.”




Suddenly bursting in a sprint, Q changed the direction of her downward stroke and cut a hole in Sullivan’s coat to reveal the carbon armor beneath. Immediately on her heels, R was closing in and striking at the gap between the armor with her blade.”




Still, R’s blade slid across Sullivan’s chest as he turned. The blade’s trajectory once more when awry, causing R to lose her balance and let out a gasp.


As if performing a magic trick, a blade that looked just like the ones the hunters had materialized in his hand.


Sullivan immediately swung the blade downwards towards R’s back. Yet, his blade bounced back as if it had impacted an invisible wall. “Inertia Reversal!? And at this degree of strength!”




Sullivan’s line overlapped with Q’s outcry.


Sullivan immediately realized the implication behind those words and swooped directly towards R, who was still trying to recover her balance.


At this time, blades descended from the skies.


Four daggers flew towards Sullivan’s back as he leaped. Sullivan’s body massively slid to one side.


His original leaping trajectory would have led directly to R, but he was forced to slide to the right in order to avoid the descending blades.


The moment he landed, Sullivan immediately pulled R’s body towards Q and threw the four daggers towards them.


The blades that flew towards Sullivan rebounded just before hitting the ground and blocked the daggers through towards Q and R.

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Sullivan took this opening to leap onto the walls of the skyscraper.


After kicking off three times from the skyscrapers, he reached the rooftop of the buildings that formed one of the alleys.


A Magician with flaming red hair, golden eyes, and wearing a mask planned to follow the others footsteps and pursue as she watched his fleeing form.


Still, taking note of the newly active psions bustling about in the alley, she abandoned the pursuit.


Correction, in order to prevent additional victims from appearing, she charged headlong into the depths of the alley.


◊ ◊ ◊


Feeling the rapidly growing tension in the air that could mean nothing but combat, Leo’s footsteps came to a grinding halt rather than speeding up. He wasn’t lying to Toshikazu when he said he wasn’t planning on doing anything dangerous. Leo’s instincts told him the area ahead of him wasn’t somewhere he could safely tread out of curiosity alone.


He removed the information terminal from his pocket and sent a concise message to the address that Toshizaku taught him. The contents were simply “The vampire is here”. After reporting his current location, Toshikazu could immediately arrest the suspect of the serial homicides if he was on the ball. Leo planned on leaving the current area before he could be embroiled in another incident, so he turned around – to find a figure laying on one of the benches in the park.


Concern and caution warred within him before caution finally caved in the end. Instead of calling him a goody two shoes, it was more appropriate to say that he was a little deficient in the fear department. This was a weakness only the strong are born with, so suffice to say, a descendant like him also inherited that. Despite this, he wasn’t entirely defenseless as Leo carefully and exhaustively approached the young woman’s side.


“Hey, are you OK?”


Leo carefully reached out a hand to shake her by the shoulder, but the woman failed to react in any way. When he pressed a hand to the woman’s neck, Leo’s expression stiffened. The flesh was old, with no sign of a pulse. – Scratch that, while very weak, but at the very least there was still something.


Leo frantically pulled out the information terminal and sent out an emergency distress call, this time directed to the ambulance instead of the police. Just as Leo was about to send out a distress call about someone being on the verge of death,


He reflexively turned his head around and raised the hand holding the terminal in front of his face.


The terminal shattered into pieces. By the time Leo was able to recover after leaping back several steps, he already knew that his opponent’s weapon was a retractable police baton.


What an odd opponent. Beneath the round hat, only the eyes could be seen since everything else was covered by a chilling white mask. The long over coat that went all the way from the shoulders to the feet obscured any human form or hint of gender. Nay, forget gender, Leo couldn’t even tell if he was fighting a human.


In the depths of Leo’s consciousness, the sound of insects flapping their wings could be heard, just as silent as it was before. But this time, Leo felt that this was a “voice” urging its comrade to retreat.


Taking advantage of the fact that he was distracted by the noise, the masked individual had charged in front of him in a flash. Leo was aware that this was Personal Acceleration Magic, but he couldn’t detect any sign of an Activation Sequence. It was almost as if they were directly manipulating the Magic Sequence before charging forward. He didn’t even have time to call up Fortifying Magic, so Leo could only raise his left arm to block the police baton that was sweeping forward in a horizontal arc.


The next instant, a dull thud heralded something being smashed in.


Seeing the police baton bent out of shape, the masked individual visibly faltered.


“That hurt!”


Leo struck the masked man dead center on the chest, creating the sound of two hard objects impacting one another.


The odd man lurched backwards while Leo shook both his hands as if in great pain. Still, he appeared to have been spared the fate of fractured bones. The left arm that took the full brunt of the police baton also seemed to retain its full freedom of movement.


“Carbon armor beneath that coat, huh? You came well prepared.”


Leo inwardly regretted not bringing a weapon while keeping a wary eye on the masked man, falling into a combat stance in the meantime. Leo’s gut feeling told him this masked man was the “vampire”.


The stranger abandoned the police baton and extended both hands forward. On the left side, the left fist was raised to chin height while the right fist was held before the chest. This looks like Chinese martial arts, Leo thought. Still, there was one other detail worth noting. The size of those fists looked like they belong to a woman –.


The stranger struck with the wind. Personal Acceleration Magic coupled with Move-Type Magic with the wind at their back.


Leo used his jacket, already with Fortifying Magic spread throughout, to deflect the narrow blades that came with the wind.


The stranger’s hand chopped towards Leo’s left arm. The stranger managed to grab hold of Leo’s left arm.


In the next moment, Leo suddenly felt like his strength giving way, causing his right fist to come to a halt.


His opponent stretched the right hand towards Leo’s chest, right above the heart.


Leo exerted his strength one last time and moved his right fist again.


Just as the masked man’s hand came into contact with Leo’s chest, Leo’s fist struck a major pressure point on the man’s waist. The stranger crumpled back while Leo fell weakly to his knees.


He definitely felt his blow strike home, but Leo wasn’t sure if that constituted a fatal attack.


If he lost consciousness here, he was as good as doomed. There was no guarantee that his life wouldn’t end permanently here. Realizing this, Leo forced himself to raise his head.


The masked man had already risen. While he or she was pressing their chest, it was plain that they hadn’t lost combat effectiveness. However, for some unknown reason, this stranger wasn’t finishing Leo off or even looking at him for that matter.


Reading the atmosphere, Leo followed the masked man’s gaze to find what Leo was forced to admit was a “demon”.


Flaming red hair and golden eyes. Maybe because of the distance, the body size looked a little on the petite side, or maybe Leo was plainly losing consciousness.


Within his murky awareness, Leo thought he saw the stranger flee towards the side street, with the demon in hot pursuit.


Fully transformed into her persona as the masked Magician Sirius, Lina briefly wavered after glancing over Leo’s crumpled figure on the side of the road. Nonetheless, that only lasted a brief instant before Angie Sirius elected to pursue the stranger. Earlier, the man with the bat masks – Charles “Demus Second” Sullivan – escaped while she was busy providing cover for her allies. There was no way she could afford for this white masked individual to escape as well.


“Silvie, can you trace the psion waves?”


Lina’s question was posed to Silvie, who was still at their base. Unfortunately, the answer that came back was not the desirable one.


“I’m sorry. There’s too much background noise, so I can’t lock on.” “How about the cameras?”


Hearing that the psion radar was unreliable, Lina immediately asked if they could use low altitude satellite imaging to continue the pursuit.


“We still have visual on the target. However, there’s a lot of obstacles in the city, so it is unknown how long we can maintain visual.”


“Understood. Continue the pursuit.”


Knowing that she could rely on technological support, Lina’s pace quickened. Obviously, the late night streets were filled with the auras of young men and women, causing the stranger’s psion remnants to die out even faster. In order to keep up with the masked individual who was fleeing at superhuman speed, Lina raised the output on her own Personal Acceleration Magic.


Maybe it was because the target noticed she was closing the gap, but the target in the white mask suddenly altered their route. The stranger switched from the streets filled with people to the slopes of the residential sector. The greenery increased while signs of human life decreased.


This actually made it easier for Lina. With less people around, this made it easier to differentiate the psions. While the frequency of her losing sight of her target increased, but now she was getting more and more familiar with the prints of her target’s psion wave. She was almost there, Lina estimated based off her experience. She finally caught up to her target – or at least that’s how it was supposed to be, in the park.


Lina was immediately surrounded by psion noise. (Cast Jamming!?)


The moment that thought crossed her mind, Lina quickly rejected it. Her Personal Acceleration Magic had not decreased in the slightest. Even if magic applied to oneself received a reduced effect from Cast Jamming, that was still “somewhat more uncomfortable than usual” and not complete immunity. Even for Lina – no matter how capable Sirius’s magical ability was, it was impossible to completely disregard the effects of Cast Jamming. Thus, this background noise must come from something else.


(Damn it!)


Lina immediately realized its true purpose. Rather, she personally felt it.


She was unable to pursue the white masked individual’s psion remnants. They hadn’t disappeared, she was just unable to differentiate them.


Lina finally understood why her target drew her to a place where there was less people about. Sure, it was easier for her to recognize her opponent’s psion waves, but the reverse was true as well. This background noise was a type of long distance magic. In order to create this background noise specifically for Lina, the white masked individual brought Lina into this remote location where no one was around.


(……It’s a shame, but I can’t do this alone.)


“Major, what happened?”


Likely out of concern for Lina, who had suddenly stopped her footsteps, Silvie’s voice that came over the ear set was rather perturbed.


“I lost them. Returning to base.”


Regretful, but frank, Lina admitted her failure.


◊ ◊ ◊


Chiba Erika’s day started very early in the morning. Every dawn, her training of blood and sweat was her homework.


Until the age of 10, she had followed her father’s instructions without question.


Until the age of 14, when told of who she was, she wanted to be a Chiba swordsman more than anyone else.


Until last March, she always did this out of habit.


Yet, since last April, since she first met him, this was now her own wish.


By her own will, to become even stronger.


At dawn, she doesn’t hold a sword. Accurately reading Erika’s ability, her father diligently raised her to be the user of the Secret Arte – Yamatsunami, no, trained her for the sake of her becoming the wielder of Yamatsunami. The technique imparted to her struck like the wind and descended like lighting, a sword of agility. Hence why during her training, the conditioning of her legs and the ability to run were especially important. In days of sloth where she had lost her goal, the long distance running that she had long neglected was never forgotten again once she vowed by her own will to “become stronger than today”.


This morning, Erika woke with her alarm clock and rose from bed. By temperament, Erika wasn’t a morning person. Even if her body had a physical reaction, mentally she wasn’t entirely awake yet. Even so, thanks to the tens of thousands of repetitions that engrained this habit into her, her feet swung off the bed.


Fighting down a yawn, her feet remained steady as she meandered over to her private bathroom. Despite calling it a private bathroom, the only facilities inside were a bathing area and a sink, but the fact that Erika had one of these in her own room was because she was the daughter of a capitalist, and not reared in just any normal family.


The head of the Chiba household was not miserly enough to treat children differently at least on a material level.


The hot water heater was left off even at the height of winter, allowing Erika to use ice cold water to wash her face and finally wake up completely. As she stood in front of her dresser and prepared to put on her sports clothes, she noticed her mailbox was lit with notification of new messages.


It was still before dawn. By the local time, it was 5:30 in the morning. She went to bed at 2330 hours last night and there were no unread messages, meaning that this must have arrived late during the night.


Possibly out of some promotion that she couldn’t explain herself, Erika immediately opened the message.


Precisely because of its ease of use, e-mail remained in use to this day without being abandoned. Once the subject heading came to view, Erika’s brows became furrowed. After reading the entire message, Erika’s teeth audibly ground against one another as she managed to grit out.


“That idiotic brother of mine…… What the heck did he ask that moron to do……”


Violently tossing her pajamas to one side, she changed her underclothes.


From her wardrobe, Erika left her sports clothes where they were and removed a sweater and dress.


Before school started, the bad tidings reached Tatsuya just as he was about to leave the house.


Not by the home phone, but by text to the personal terminal. Normally, these time intensive notifications were reserved for major disasters, which definitely lent an ominous anxiety to this message. Of course, this anxiety could be swiftly replaced with something else by reading the message within.


The sender for this message was Erika. “Onii-sama, is it bad news?”


Perceptively picking up on her brother’s mood fluctuation, Miyuki watched Tatsuya with worried eyes.


Removing his sister from the seed of unease, this particular sort of thinking did not cross Tatsuya’s mind at this moment.


“I received a communique from Erika saying that Leo was attacked by a vampire and is currently hospitalized.”


“……You must be joking, right?”


The media had a dramatizing effect. For example, in regards to events that happened in neighboring cities, so long as the media had extensive – or even exaggerated – coverage, this may lead to the misconception that this was an event that did not relate to oneself or even came from a fictitious world. To compound matters further, an irregular existence such as a “vampire” committing crimes only served to deepen the lack of realism. Nonetheless –


“It’s the truth.”


No matter how sudden, there was no advantage in ignoring what happened in front of them. Only by directly confronting these events could any countermeasure be created.


“Looks like he’s receiving treatment in a police hospital in Nagano. Luckily, his life is not in danger, so we can pay him a visit after school.”




To Miyuki, Saijou Leonhardt was only one of her brother’s friends. Since Tatsuya said visiting him after school would be fine, Miyuki had no reason to refuse. – Disregarding, of course, what she was thinking on the inside.


◊ ◊ ◊


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Today, Erika asked for the day off.


Since she had already notified Tatsuya, Mizuki, Mikihiko as well as the school’s administration, pretty much everyone who needed to know already knew.


However, Erika was watching Leo’s sickroom in the name of caretaking (that being said, she was sitting on the bench outside of the sickroom), so no upperclassmen would know.


Since the school was free attendance, time wasn’t an issue. Still, for the ex-Student Council President and previous Club Groups Leader to inquire about an unrelated student was not within expectations. The present Student Council President and current Club Groups Leader showing up would actually make sense.


Katsuto discreetly glanced at Erika, who was still camped at the entrance, before turning an uninterested gaze towards the door.


Mayumi wore a slightly mischievous smile as she nodded in greeting to Erika and also turned to the door.


Erika didn’t stop Mayumi from lightly knocking on the door to the sickroom.


She wasn’t here to care for Leo, she was here to watch out for him – to be precise, she wasn’t watching out for him either, she was guarding Leo against “uninvited guests” – so there was no reason to stop them.


Erika rose and departed behind them without bidding the two upperclassmen farewell.


Erika’s destination was one of the administrative rooms in the hospital.


Her older brother and his confidant were in that room.


When Erika barged into the room without knocking, Toshikazu could only awkwardly, discreetly try to avoid her gaze.


The redness on his face was barely visible. Seeing that the swelling had largely faded from her brother’s face, Erika regretted not hitting him harder when she had the chance. (She used her fist instead of her palm this time.)


Besides, it wasn’t very often that her “idiotic brother” willing took a beating without any resistance.


Even if a little, if she could release some of the pent up resentment left over from her adolescent years, she wasn’t going to let the slightest chance slip through her fingers.


“……Um, young lady. You’re not considering any more violence, are you?”


Her dark fantasies interrupted, Erika turned her sharp gaze on Inagaki.


Overcome by her forceful manner, Inagaki’s eyes were drifting all over the room.


Despite the cold shoulder from her father, Erika had the largest number of supporters among the disciples.


Her bright personality coupled with her dazzling looks and, most importantly, she was the only wielder of the Secret Arte – Yamatsunami. In live combat, she was on record to wield Yamatsunami with ease. Rather than relying her bloodline as the daughter of the house, she used her own technique, strength, and charisma to size an almost idol-like stance in the Chiba Family.


In the face of her glare, many of the disciples of her house would cave.


Before all of that, Inagaki wasn’t in the same category as Erika. If tapped as a sparring partner, he would simply be a toy for her to play with. With her original outstanding ability and the meteoric rise in the past half a year, the only worthy opponents for Erika in the Chiba style were probably restricted to only the current head and her two older brothers. The fact that Erika’s ability far exceeded her rank was out of consideration for her older sister who was only mundane in swordsmanship and talent, a fact that was well known among the family’s disciples. “Brother.”


At Erika’s call, Toshikazu reluctantly turned his head to face her. Although her tone was more masculine, it fit perfectly with the undisguised displeasure Erika wore on her face.


“Right now, that guy should be receiving visits from direct descendants from the Saegusa and Juumonji Families, correct?”


You know exactly what they’re here for, don’t you? Erika’s gaze silently interrogated him.


Inagaki’s back became even straighter at Erika’s biting words and furious eyes, but Toshikazu wasn’t so easily awed by his sister.


“Last night, the woman rescued along with Saijou-kun appeared to be someone from the Saegusa Family.”


“And that’s all there is?”


“Orders from above. They said, don’t investigate any further.”


He spread his hands in an exaggerated manner and shrugged his shoulders.


Hearing the answer that she already guessed to be the case, Erika clucked her tongue.


“Setting aside Kasumiseki, Sakuradamon is still within our family’s jurisdiction, right?”


“But our division is within Kasumiseki’s jurisdiction.” “How useless.”


Despite her furious muttering, Erika possessed a firm grip on logic and didn’t dissolve into a larger tantrum.




“Disabled once they entered the room.


I never thought that the Elfin Princess’s Multiscope would be so capable.”


Elfin Princess was morphed out of Mayumi’s nickname “Elfin Sniper”, and was an endearing term used by her supporters in the shooting magic competitions. Since the term elf tended to remind people of small creatures, this was a rather appropriate term of Mayumi, but also the same reason why no one used this term in her presence.


“So we’re becoming even more useless…… Then, what if we setup the devices outside the room?”


“Neutralized by the sound barrier. That’s probably Juumonji’s Phalanx.”


Hearing Inagaki’s objective answer, Erika didn’t even want to say the words “how useless”.


“Then we can at least speculate. You have a gut feeling, right.” Under Erika’s gaze, Toshikazu could only shrug again.


“Just speculating? Looks like Saegusa is hiding the victim.” “……Hiding the body, you mean?”


Hearing a “speculation” that far exceeded her expectations, Erika didn’t bother to hide her surprise before asking again.


Hiding the body belonged to destroying the evidence, and while it was fundamentally different from getting rid (abandoning or destroying) corpses belonging to homicides a person was responsible for, this was still breaking the law. Even if the Ten Master Clans retained privileges beyond the scope of the law, obstructing the police from investigating a large chain of serial homicides was……


Upon arriving at this point, Erika noticed the darker connotation behind this.


“In other words, this “vampire” incident is related to Magicians, right?”


“Probably. Except we don’t know if it’s a victim or accomplice.”


“Victim? It would actually make sense if a Magician committed the crime so they don’t want to hand over the body and tried to dispose of it themselves. If even a Magician is the victim, why are they keeping it from the police at all?”


Hearing his sister’s combative words, Toshikazu revealed a meaningful smile.


“Yes, that is precisely the point. This case doesn’t seem so simple now, does it?”


◊ ◊ ◊


After school.


Tatsuya led the usual party to the police hospital in Nagano to visit Leo. After getting the number of the sickroom at the receptionist’s desk, they headed for the elevator. However, it was here that someone called out their name.


“Everyone’s here now.” “Erika, you’re still here?”


The gist of the situation was already conveyed through the morning text. Erika’s oldest brother was responsible for the vampire case, Leo was asked to assist in the investigation, but was unfortunately dragged into the mess. To make him shoulder the responsibility (but not take the responsibility), Erika asked for the day off to visit Leo at the hospital. At least, that’s what the text message said.


Yet, they received the communique before school and now it was almost dusk. Tatsuya using the word “still” was probably quite appropriate.


“It’s not like I’ve been here all day. I returned home once today and came back about an hour ago. I guessed that Tatsuya-kun would bring everyone about this time.”


As they got into the elevator as a group, Erika answered Tatsuya’s question.


Her voice and expression were not unnatural in the way that someone was lying.


Except, the fact that she was perfectly normal only served to deepen the idea everything was false. On this point, Erika was probably the only one who didn’t notice.


“Erika-chan, is Leo-kun going to be OK……?”


Mizuki was standing right next to Erika in the elevator as she quietly asked her question. Even though they were just about to find out with their own eyes, she was probably still uneasy. These emotions differed from one person to another, so some people were able to keep a tighter rein on being objective.


“Don’t worry, Mizuki. Didn’t I mention in the text message? His life’s not in danger.”


Nonetheless, this also depended on compatibility between people’s differences. Seeing Mizuki heave a sigh of relief and pat herself on the chest, Erika cast a warm gaze at her, but if it was a guy doing this, Erika would undoubtedly be snarking mercilessly.


Even if no one else said it, Mizuki was definitely not the only one thinking the same thoughts. After a few more moments of awkward silence, Erika knocked on the door leading to the sickroom.


“Ah, come in.”


A young woman’s voice came from within the room. “Kaya-san, excuse us.”


Leaving her bemused friends behind, Erika opened the door and quickly stepped in. At this time, the first one to recover was, of course, Tatsuya.


Before the curtain in the room could obscure Erika, he entered the sickroom.


Miyuki was right behind him. Seeing this, Honoka quickly hurried in as well, with Mizuki and Mikihiko coming in after exchanging a glance and closing the door behind them.


Inside the spacious and undoubtedly high class sickroom, the ones who greeted them were Leo, who was sitting up on his bed with a bored look on his face, and a young woman with ash blonde hair sitting on a nearby folding chair.


She was probably 4-5 years older than they were. Her hair was the same color as the owner of Eine Brise, which gave the impression that they shared the same nationality. In regards to her features, if they were a little craggy and accounting for the gender differences, she would like exactly like Leo, which clearly hinted at her blood relation to Leo.


“This is Saijou Kaya-san, Leo’s older sister.”


Before the question could be asked, Erika introduced them to the young woman. Her identity was just as Tatsuya and company had surmised.


Kaya rose and respectfully nodded to Tatsuya’s group in greeting. While not particularly graceful or well-rehearsed, it was still a degree of solemnness that students were unable to emulate.


After everyone inquired as to Leo’s health, Kaya took the flower vase and left the room. While she excused herself to change the water, the unstated reason was because she wanted to give them some privacy.


“What a gentle older sister.”


Mizuki murmured once Kaya disappeared through the doorway. These were her true feelings, not just some social rhetoric.


Tatsuya shared similar feelings, and no one seemed to visibly disagree.


Still, Leo revealed a slightly conflicted expression, reminding everyone that every family had its dirty laundry.


“Man, this sucks.”


Hence why Tatsuya didn’t inquire any further. After all, Leo’s family situation had nothing to do with Tatsuya.


“I can’t believe you guys are seeing me in such a state.”


Leo said in embarrassment. There was no longer any trace of conflict on his features.


“Now that I look at you, you don’t seem injured.”


“I’m not that much of a pushover. It’s not like I wasn’t resisting.” “Where were you hit?”


At Leo’s fearless grin, Tatsuya brought up the obvious question. With that, Leo’s smile vanished.


“That’s where I don’t understand……”


That being said, this wasn’t because he was getting moody. His expression declared that he hadn’t given up, but he was honestly uncertain what happened.


“At the moment of contact, I suddenly felt like I lost all my strength. I mustered my will to deliver one last attack, to which the perpetrator fled, while I was keeled over on the ground until Erika’s older brother found me.”


“Were you poisoned?”

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“Well, no matter where they looked, there’s no sign of laceration or puncture on my body. Nor is there any foreign elements in my blood.”


Truly, a particularly weird situation. Tatsuya also tilted his head while Mikihiko chimed in.


“Did you see their features?”


“Well, I did see something. They wore a hat, long overcoat with carbon armor underneath, and a mask. There was no way to tell facial features or physique, but……”




“I got the feeling that it was a woman.”


“……A woman has the wrist strength to go toe-to-toe with Leo?”


“That’s hardly unheard of.”


Erika immediately retorted at the wide-eyed Mikihiko.


“With the right medication, even an elementary girl can strangle an adult male.”


“That’s true…… But.”




“There’s also the possibility that you weren’t up against a human being in the first place.”


“Eh? Miki…… Are you telling me you buy into that stuff like vampires?”


Hearing Mikihiko’s low muttering, Erika immediately shot back with her eyes bulging out.


“My name is Mikihiko.”


His tone remained light, but he still stuck to rejecting that nickname. Mikihiko seemed to have that automatic response prepared. On the other hand, Erika’s response wasn’t her fault either. While the subject was interesting in casual conversation, but people who actually believed in vampires, even among Magicians, was in the extreme minority.


“Do you have any ideas?”


However, Tatsuya’s reaction did not belong to either the majority or the minority. Tatsuya didn’t believe in demons and ghosts either, but nor did he rule out the possibility of an inhuman creature.


At Tatsuya’s question, Mikihiko hesitated briefly before confidently addressing the question.


“I think there’s a chance that Leo ran into a “Parasite”.” “Parasite? You don’t mean literally, right?”


Seeing Erika tilt her head in one direction, she didn’t seem to think Mikihiko’s words were ridiculous. This time was likely out of genuine curiosity. His mood likely buoyed by such a sight, Mikihiko lectured on.


“Paranormal Parasites, aka Parasite. In the modern age where the existence and might of magic have been publicized, modern magic is not the only area seeking international cooperation. Ancient Magic can’t remain stagnant either, so globalization is unavoidable. Heirs of Ancient Magic have hosted many international conferences centered in England, aiming to standardize terms and concepts and refine them.”


“I know that Ancient Magic is more progressive on the international cooperation side. What of it?”


Mikihiko was starting to pick up steam when Tatsuya cut him short, causing Mikihiko to cough and rally himself.


“Parasite is also one of the acknowledged terms. Monsters, evil spirits, djinns, demons, of all the various entities in the different countries, we call the magical beings that infest human beings and turn them into inhuman creatures as parasites. Even if Ancient Magic has become globalized, that still doesn’t change the fact that they keep their secrets to themselves, so it’s not surprising that everyone here with a modern magic background doesn’t know about it.”


“I can’t believe the monsters and djinns actually exist……”


After listening to Mikihiko’s explanation, Honoka murmured in fear. Tatsuya dropped a handonto her shoulder.


“In the past, no one believed that magic existed. However, we are capable of using magic. Even if we were ignorant of their existence, there’s no reason to be afraid.”


This was not a natural reaction on Tatsuya’s part. He knew these words coming from him would have a profound reaction on Honoka.


Which is why Tatsuya retracted his hand after Honoka jumped at the human contact and he was sure that he dispelled that blind sense of unease. Of course, he was also aware of how Honoka lamented the lost opportunity, but he pretended to be oblivious.


“So that’s the vampire’s true identity.”


Afterwards, he glanced at Mikihiko. Being overly fearful served no purpose, but he was also well aware that ignorance could compound the threat.


Without directly replying to Tatsuya’s question, Mikihiko turned a determined look at Leo.


“Leo.” “Um, what?”


Leo was overwhelmed by the ardor in those eyes. “Can I examine your spectral form?” “Spectral form?”


It appeared that the term spectral form didn’t register, seeing as how Leo could only parrot back the pronunciation. On some level, this wasn’t Leo’s fault, since neither “spiritual form” nor “soul vessel” were terms used in modern magic, and not because Leo was too slow to pick it up.


“Spectral form refers to the information body that is shaped like the physical body, except that it links the physical flesh with your spirit.”


Mikihiko used his fingertips to trace a large “spectral form”.


“The key to the spectral form is life, or life force. Monsters that devour the flesh and blood of man are rumored to prey on the life force that is taken with the flesh.”


“In other words, while vampires suck blood, what they’re really looking to do is sucking away the life force?”


Mikihiko nodded with a tight expression at Erika’s words.


“Vampires drink blood and ghouls consume flesh, but since they weren’t material beings in the first place, they should only be interested in life force. At least, if what the elders in Ancient Magic told me is to be believed.”


“Based on that line of reasoning, it shouldn’t be surprising to run into a vampire who relies on sucking out the life force, huh.” Tatsuya murmured at Mikihiko’s words.


In response, Mikihiko nodded once more.


“If I can examine Leo’s spectral form, I think I should be able to find out. ……Honestly speaking, I was never convinced that this vampire incident was caused by normal human beings. It always seemed like something more than just serial homicides, and not just because there was no trace of blood being sucked out. My instincts as an Ancient Magic user tells me this, except I have no proof. Precisely because it was only my gut feeling, so I never told everyone about Parasites. However, now even Leo has been attacked.”


“Go ahead Mikihiko.”


Leo overrode Mikihiko’s self-incriminating words. Mikihiko took a long second to process the meaning behind this concise phrase.


“……Are you sure?”


“Yeah. Actually, it’s more like I’m requesting you do so. There’s no way to respond if we don’t understand the cause.” Leo’s underlying meaning also contained forgiveness. In response to this degree of trust, Mikihiko’s expression tightened once more as he reached his hand towards the bag next to his feet.


Wielding bona fide talismans created with black ink on paper, Mikihiko used traditional mediums that even Tatsuya came across for the first time to verify Leo’s status, and failed to disguise his shock. More likely, he never even though of doing so in the first place.


“How should I say this…… While Tatsuya is also in a league of his own, Leo, are you really human……?”


“Hey, how polite of you.”


It was another thing altogether as a joke, but when faced with those words spoken in dead earnest, even Leo wasn’t able to laugh it off.


Leo’s mood was plainly affected.


However, Mikihiko was already astounded enough to miss this completely, or more like he wasn’t even able to detet this.


“No, but…… How are you still up and about? The average Magician would be unconscious if so much life force was devoured.”


“Setting aside exactly what life force is, can you also detect how much is missing?”


Tatsuya’s expression showed how impressed he was, to which Mikihiko replied back with a neutral smile and a nod.


“That’s because the spectral form and the physical body possess the same shape.


Since the capacity size is a given, the original amount of life force compared to the current level is more or less detectable.”


Mikihiko squinted his eyes and once again gave a measuring look at Leo.


“Currently at Leo’s life force level, forget even crawling, the average person wouldn’t even be able to remain conscious. To able to sit up and still converse like this, his physical capability must be astounding.”


For Mikihiko, this was something that just popped out.


However, the phrase “astounding physical capability” struck Leo in the heart because his genetic modifications to raise physical prowess.


“Probably. My body is specially designed.”


Even so, Leo kept up his smile. He didn’t plan on causing a fuss at someone who unknowingly caused him harm.”


“At any rate, right now I feel powerless because that masked woman ate my life force. Is that how it goes?”


Leo suppressed the fluctuations in his heart and asked. “I think so, but…….”




“……Since this was during combat and they have the ability to consume life force on contact, there should be no reason to suck blood. While I have no idea who they can take blood without leaving any wounds but…… Why is this Parasite wasting additional time and energy doing something extraneous like sucking blood?”


Even Tatsuya had no answer to Mikihiko’s query. In truth, this was because blood was lost instead of being sucked away, so right now they had no way of arriving at the truth.


Visiting hours came to a close and five people left the sickroom.


The five people were Tatsuya, Miyuki, Mikihiko, Honoka, and Mizuki.


Erika said she had to meet up with her brother Toshikazu and stayed behind.


Although none of the five understood those words at their literal meaning, again, none of them verbalized this.


“Speaking of which – Mikihiko.” “Hm?”


Suddenly being called on, Mikihiko turned from his conversation with Mizuki and switched over to Tatsuya.


Miyuki and Honoka flanked Tatsuya.


While they weren’t holding onto his arms, the physical distance was close enough to make no difference.


Let all the popular men burn. Except there was no way of knowing whether Mikihiko was truly thinking this.


No matter what Mikihiko thought, it was unlikely that Tatsuya would pay heed to it.


“There was one detail I forgot to ask.”


Actually, he intentionally failed to ask this question out of concern for listening devices. Even for someone other than Mikihiko, getting Tatsuya to cough up dangerous information was extremely difficult.


“What is it?”


“In regards to creatures like demons and Parasites, do they occur frequently?”


Even though they weren’t eating, Mikihiko almost gagged.


Owing to Tatsuya’s nonchalant tone, Mikihiko listened in with only a casual mood, only to hear a rather profound question.


“……No, they are really rare. While in the stories they exist in hiding ready to do evil, those are largely Magicians pretending to be dark creatures. For example, our side believes they have determined the true identity of the infamous spirit at Mt. Oyama to be a practitioner from the Middle East.”


Unconsciously, Mikihiko was stroking his chin just like someone in a “contemplating posture”.


“The chances of a Magician running into a real spirit is about……


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Maybe one in ten generations. Even so, those encounters are usually something accidentally stumbling into our world. Real incidents of spirits harming humans that necessitated immediate extermination from Magicians probably once every several hundred years across the globe.


At the end of the day, the last time on record that Japan exterminated a true spirit was probably when Yusanari Abe exorcised the nine-tailed fox nine hundred years ago.”


“Yet, this vampire incident was probably done by a “real spirit”.” “I believe so.”


“Do you think this is a coincidence?”


“While I cannot say for certain, but the probably is near zero……”


Mikihiko’s reply was extremely prudent.


“As history has progressed into the modern age, incidents of spirit activity has been on the decline. I am unwilling to believe that this incident came out of nowhere.”


After hearing Mikihiko’s response, Tatsuya softly said “Indeed.”


After making sure that Tatsuya’s group left and Kaya returned to the room, Leo collapsed back onto the bed in exhaustion. Although Erika was still in the room, he had already pushed himself to the limit.


“……Meh, I already know everything anyways.


There’s no need to keep bluffing any longer, OK? You’ve already worked really hard.”


“……I’ll just…… Take that as an honest…… Compliment.”


“It was an honest one. Compliment, I mean.”


Seeing Leo painfully close his eyes, Erika revealed a warm smile. “Um, Erika-san…… Is my brother really going to be fine?”


Still, seeing this interaction, Kaya didn’t seem to find anything funny.


“No worries. I’ve already called the best doctor the Chiba Family knows of. I know it can be a little difficult for you to understand since you’re not a Magician, but life force exhaustion requires more time to recuperate than physical exhaustion. All of the necessary recovery procedures have been done already. Afterwards, the best medicine would be plenty of bed rest, so he’ll be fine after a while.”


Kaya shook slightly at being identified as a mundane. Though Erika noticed this, she didn’t espouse any comforting words from her mouth.


“Then, I’m headed off to my brother’s place. If you need anything, please don’t hold back and call the nurses, my brother’s subordinates, or even myself.”


Erika gave a cursory bow to Kaya and excused herself from the sickroom.


Leo had no intention of chiding Erika for her attitude.


“Young mistress, can you show a little mercy?”


The moment she entered the room that was listening in on Leo’s sickroom, Inagaki called out to Erika.


Although his words were vague due to several omitted words, Erika knew exactly what he was talking about. That being said, Erika also held those words in contempt.


“I don’t plan on requesting any Magician to take care of him. It doesn’t matter if it’s our parents or siblings, they’re all a hassle to deal with. I think keeping this degree of relationship here would be enough. Speaking of which…… You heard what was said in there.”


The last sentence was directed towards Toshikazu.


Erika’s oldest brother was sitting with his back to a chair and both hands clasped behind his head before he brusquely peeled off his ear set and straightened up.


“It was very interesting. Then, assuming the second son of the Yoshida Family is spot on with his theory, Erika, what do you plan on doing?”


“Under these circumstances, it doesn’t matter if he’s correct.”


How tedious, Erika’s condescending gaze seemed to accuse Toshikazu as he sat on the chair.


“Even for a moment, that guy counts as a member of the Chiba style and is one of our own. In addition, I personally instructed him in the art of the sword, so he technically counts as my first disciple. No master could just stand by while their disciple took a beating.”


“What a cold line of reasoning.”


“There’s nothing there, so stop fishing. Even if they don’t exist, there’s plenty of reason to accept the fight. I have no idea whether the vampire is male or female, they were the one who gave the offense. All we have to do on this side is accept.”


Even her brother Toshikazu had no idea if she was being truthful or prevaricating.


The only thing for sure was that Erika was dead serious, that’s all.


◊ ◊ ◊


At the same time that Tatsuya was visiting Leo, Lina arrived at the Tokyo branch for Maximilian Devices. This was where Michaela Honda was working under the alias Mia Honda, and also one of the secret meeting grounds for the unit hunting for the deserters.


Even if not to the degree of magic university students, it wasn’t particularly rare to see magic high school students visit CAD manufacturing sites. A letter of introduction from the embassy and First High’s uniform enabled Lina to pass through all security and enter a conference room, where she met the two Stardust members she rescued last night in a nick of time, who were dressed in tight skirts and tunics.


“Major, thank you for the save last night.” “At ease.”


Lina gestured for the two saluting members to sit before she also took a seat on the sofa. After closing her eyes and breathing deeply out, a pair of golden eyes opened beneath flaming red hair.


A completely different color than Angelina Kudou Shields, and a completely different face.


Still, neither of the two Stardust members betrayed any surprise on their faces. This golden eyed young girl with a cold face was their Angie Sirius.


“You two, what is the extent of your injuries from last night?” “Mostly healed. It will not affect our mission.”


Hearing the hunters refer to themselves as mere tools, Lina, no, Angie Sirius wrinkled her brows, but that only served to deepen the cruel impression on her cold features rather than betraying her displeasure.


“Is that right. Then give me your sit rep.” “Yes, ma’am.”


Lina herself felt that those words didn’t convey the complete picture, but it looks like the other side got the hint.


“After picking up the trail on Demus Second, we utilized Cast Jammer based on the target’s profile. However, Cast Jammer failed to have any effect on Demus Second.”


“Did he affect Cast Jammer’s operation?”


“Negative, Cast Jammer was functioning normally. Based on Demus Second’s words, he no longer requires a CAD.”


“No longer requires a CAD…… Does that mean Sgt. Sullivan has achieved spiritualization?” “I concur.”


In response to Lina’s suspicion, the hunters replied in the affirmative.


“The current Demus Second did not need a cad to use Trajectory Alteration.”


“So no other magic was used.” “Affirmative.”


“In addition, Demus Second possesses superior physical capabilities than our augmented bodies.”


The deserters physical prowess had increased was fresh intelligence. Lina slightly turned this over in her head before carefully asking the two of them the next question.


“Has Sgt. Sullivan’s psion wave signature changed?” “At least, we’re still able to identify it.”


“During my pursuit of Sgt. Sullivan, I suspect he made contact with his comrades. However, I was unable to observe that person’s psion wave signature.”


“……My apologies. We detected no other psion wave signature save for the Major and Demus Second.”


Lina closed her eyes and considered this for a moment.


“……Looks like our old data is no longer reliable. From today onward, continue surveillance on any deserters that you found the trail for and do not engage. Wait for me to arrive before engaging.”


“Yes, ma’am.”


Returning the salute of the two Stardust members who had risen to their feet, Lina quitted the conference room.


In the halls of the Tokyo branch for Maximillian Devices, Silvia was waiting for Lina.


“High Commander, this way.”


Hearing this, the red haired, golden eyed Lina followed Silvia. Their destination was the women’s changing room for the employees.


“This way, Major. I’ve already ascertained the premises are empty.”


Following Silvia after she unlocked the door, Lina swiftly glanced around the changing room and only let out a sigh of relief after hearing the lock on the door click home.


Her hair and irises changed color.


The red hair turned blonde and the golden eyes returned to their azure hue.


“As expected, this way is much easier. Compared to keeping “Parade” up, hiding the ability to use magic is much harder.”


“Major, there’s no time. Please change before the employees return.” Silvia immediately started nagging the relaxed Lina.


Lina shrugged her neck and started speaking to Silvia as she was changing.


“Looks like the pursuit unit couldn’t identify the psion wave signature of the person in the white mask either.”


“Really…… Looks like there are massive individual power level differences between the deserters.”


Maybe it was because she already had a premonition of what Lina was going to say, but Silvia’s voice wasn’t very amazed. Still, a dismayed aura hung around her shoulders.


“Speaking of which, why are they attacking the Japanese?”


Dressed in her underwear, Lina asked Silvia as she reached for her First High uniform.


“What do you mean by why?”


Unable to ascertain the intent of the question, Silvia returned a confused question.


“They are currently being pursued. Normally, wouldn’t they try to hide their presence as much as possible?”


“Ah, so that’s what you mean.”


At this point, Silvia finally understood what threw Lina for a loop. What Lina really wanted to ask was why the deserters were running the risk of revealing their location in order to attack Japanese people.


“I don’t know either, except……”


“Except what?”


After changing her stockings for a pair of underpants and in the middle of putting on her gown, Lina urged her to keep speaking.


“I just feel that there is a connection between this and the new power they have been granted.”


“New power…… You mean the vampire’s ability to remove blood without leaving any wounds?”


With the outer jacket and gown in place, Lina kept up her questions while fussing over her hair.


“While I’m not sure if we should call them vampires, but…… Lina, what are you doing?”


Just as Silvia was trying to organize her thoughts, her gaze once again drifted over to Lina.


Only to find the beautiful young woman with blond hair using both hands to lightly life the two sides of her inner gown before the mirror as she struck a few poses.


“Eh, no, this is......”


Seeing her superior officer quickly recover her posture and drop her head while blushing the entire way, Silvia could only heave a deep sigh.

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