“Senior brother, please go with them. I’m afraid the police won’t be able to restrain Sun Xiaomei until the station.” Before leaving with Yun Ting, Lin Mumu suddenly asked Lin Tianlang.

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“Sun Xiaomei? Is there anything wrong with her?” Previously, Lin Tianlang didn’t find out anything wrong about Sun Xiaomei, however, did feel like she wasn’t an ordinary person like she pretended to be.

“I’m sure that with senior brother’s ability, as long as you get closer to her, you’ll find out.” Lin Mumu playfully winked at him before begin directly pulled into the car by Yun Ting.

After such a request, Lin Tianlang became somehow curious. What was he supposed to find out the moment he approached her? He was quite curious about this, but since Lin Mumu didn’t say anything more, he would just have fun by finding out by himself.

In any case, junior sister’s safety was guaranteed since she was now with Yun Ting, and if Sun Xiaomei really had some abnormal means, he couldn’t just sit back while she hurt ordinary people.

The car they got in was still Yun Ting’s black AD. However, he didn’t drive himself, but called over Xiao Du, the lively little soldier Lin Mumu was familiar with, to drive them home. Meanwhiles, Yun Ting comfortably sat in the back seat next to his Lin Mumu.

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Just as Lin Mumu got in the car, she instantly felt the obviously lower pressure and intimidating cold aura of Yun Ting. He neither talked or laughed, and his face had a frozen solemn expression, stoic and grave, and cold as ice. The atmosphere in the car also got colder because of Yun Tin’s low pressure.

“Yun Ting.” Lin Mumu childishly shook Yun Ting’s arm.

However, Yun Ting merely ignored her, and just continued to act as the ice God, without speaking a word.

Lin Mumu blinked mischievously and leaned her head on Yun Ting’s shoulder while saying softly: “Yun Ting, I feel so dizzy and my head feels heavy. I feel like everything is spinning around me. Am I going to die?”

After whining, she felt that his eyes finally fell on her. His cold and slender fingers pinched her chin, and he coldly looked at her right in the eyes.

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Facing his gaze, Lin Mumu felt inexplicable guilty, and somehow felt like bowing her head and retreating a little. However, he suddenly pulled her into his arms and locked her into a tight embrace while holding her face in place, and quietly gazing into her eyes with the same intimidating aura.


It was obviously him giving her the cold shoulder and coldly looking at her, how could Lin Mumu end up the first to feel guilty? Lin Mumu knew that the current Yun Ting must be angry with her, and refused to go home until she admitted her mistake.

However, Lin Mumu didn’t feel that she did anything wrong, so she instantly pouted her little lips in an equally angry way. How could he not immediately understand what she did?

Suddenly, Lin Mumu’s gaze swept over his bandaged hand, and her heart instantly softened. Just a few moments ago, in order to avoid hurt her in the least, this man fearlessly caught a sharp blade barehanded.

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If not for the fact that the cruel gangster was only threatening her with the knife and didn’t dare apply too much force on her neck because he was afraid of accidently killing her, maybe the hand that Yun Ting used to block the knife for Lin Mumu would already be cut off at this moment.

He really saved her life, how could she be angry with him merely giving her a cold face?

However, that didn’t mean Lin Mumu would simply admit to her mistakes. After all, she had a better way to deal with Yun Ting.

“Yun Ting, I’m really upset.” Lin Mumu instantly used her unique skill and made her voice deliberately softer and more tender, and also sounding a little pitiful:

“Earlier, that door panel hit me really hard, but my blood was still boiling in the course of event and I didn’t feel the pain, but now, I can’t bear it anymore. You, Wuwu…!” Lin Mumu had barely started playing coquettish, but she abruptly couldn’t go on anymore!

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Yun Ting, this guy, he actually kissed her in the car! Don’t you see the driver right in front of them?!

Lin Mumu’s face instantly became red in shame and she quickly reached out trying to push him away.

“Next time, don’t bother like that, just kiss me.” After sucking on her lips for a few minutes, Yun Ting retreated a few millimeters away from her face and said a few words.

Satisfied with her blushing face and resentful glare, Yun Ting’s lips finally curled up into a smile, and he immediately leaned over again into another passionate kiss, making Lin Mumu’s lips thoroughly swollen.

No matter how Lin Mumu pushed him away with her uninjured hand, Yun Ting just kept tightening his hug all the more, and kissing her deeper and deeper. Nobody knew that in his heart, he was afraid. He was afraid that if he let her go, he would lose her.

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