Before, when Lin Mumu was shot in the arm, Professor Lin was the one who did the operation on her. No one knew how the old guy did it, and when the operation was done, all they could see was Lin Mumu’s arm tightly wrapped up like a dumpling.

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At this time, Lin Mumu’s situation wasn’t good at all, and Yun Ting was also afraid of taking her to the hospital. So now that she had a problem, all he could do was follow the instruction Professor Lin left him before his departure: If there is any problem with Lin Mumu, throw her on the grass.

The old priest’s justification was that Taoist disciples were proficient in absorbing the natural essence of the sun and moon, and that it could eventually help them heal their wounds.

This excuse was awful, and Yun Ting naturally didn’t believe it. However, he still did what the old man told him to.

Everyone had their own secrets. If she didn’t want to tell him, he wouldn’t ask her. All he would do was believe in her.

Yun Ting kept holding Lin Mumu in his arms while he sat on the grass and leaned against the big banyan tree in the courtyard, surrounded by all kinds of flowers and plants, which made them feel like they were submerged in the world of plants.

At this moment, a strange fragrance was oozing around them, and it instantly made Yun Ting feel calm and relaxed. It seemed like all his previous tiredness and anxiousness was being corroded away into nothingness.

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In this peaceful atmosphere, Yun Ting’s phone suddenly started ringing.

Looking at the name of the caller on the screen, he merely sneered in ridicule and rejected the call.

The other side obviously didn’t want to give up and made another the moment after, but Yun Ting just turned it down again before putting his phone on mute mode.

At this time, strange ripples seemed to fluctuate in the air around Lin Mumu. He couldn’t see them with his eyes, but he could somehow feel them with his developed senses.

She seemed like a mountain spirit, pure and free of the least bit of dust. His phone’s ringtone, and even himself, seemed as if they were hindering her joining with nature.

Yun Ting reluctantly dropped a tender kiss on Lin Mumu’s forehead before putting her down and taking his phone to quietly retreat ten steps away from her.

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The phone’s screen lit up again for nth time, and Yun Ting finally answered the call. Even if he had walked 10 steps away from Lin Mumu, he didn’t let her leave his sight even for a second.


“Daughter or official career, you can only choose one. It was her fault to begin with, what do I have to do with it?” Yun Ting’s voice sounded extremely cold and ladened with killing intent.

“You must be kidding. I, Yun Ting, am only loyal to the Chinese country, and not to anyone else. You’re the chief inspector, and you haven’t even realized this point?”

“As we do happen to be blood related, I can only divulge you one piece of information: this matter involves blood skulls.”

After coldly dropping this last sentence, Yun Ting unconcernedly hung up the phone and didn’t pay attention to it again.

Father and son? Ridiculous.

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Even if the two brothers added up, in the heart of the chief inspector, they were no match to and old love’s adopted daughter, were they?

Looking at the weak Lin Mumu lying on the ground, Yun Ting’s anger got even stronger.

Last time, he was young and incompetent and ended up losing his brother.

This time, he wouldn’t lose Lin Mumu because of his lack of strength.

Lin Mumu had a good sleep. When she woke up, the moon was brightly hanging in the sky, shining its soft light on her surroundings.

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“It’s nice to be home.” Lin Mumu lazily stretched out her limbs, only to notice that there was another person standing further away, unwaveringly staring at her with an unfathomable gaze, like a leopard staring at his prey.

“Yun Ting, I’m alright, I’m just very sleepy.” Lin Mumu knew that Yun Ting was worried about her and quickly reassured him and explained her situation.

“So, are you full now?” Yun Ting’s voice sounded a little lower, with a special kind of hoarseness. It sounds very sexy and enchanting, like a magic spell that could corrode one’s senses.

“En. Don’t you believe me? My arm is already fine. ” Lin Mumu took off the bandages of her right hand and easily swung her arm. She had completely recovered.

“You vomited blood.” Yun Ting pointed to his chest to show her the bloodstains that should have been red, but all that appeared was a pale green color.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m not bleeding now.” As soon as Lin Mumu said this, Yun Ting suddenly thought of her last period in the military camp, and thoughtfully stared at Lin Mumu for a while.

“Alright, I’ll confess. If I bleed normally, there would be no problems. However, if my heart bleeds, my life will be in danger.” Lin Mumu didn’t want to conceal it from Yun Ting. Moreover, she knew he would never use her secret to harm her.

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