Lin Mumu said: “To live is to be in motion, beautiful lady, you’re always sitting in a car, your long swan legs might just turn into elephant legs.” (TN: The first part is a saying “life is motion” which means to live is to exercise.)

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“Run, run! Bring it on! ” Su Xinlan was instantly aroused by Lin Mumu’s sentence and really started running with her towards Yanda.

Lin Mumu’s house was only ten minutes away from Yanda by bike, but Su Xinlan’s physical strength wasn’t too good. Lin Mumu also couldn’t run too fast, so they could only reach Yanda in less than half an hour.

Poor Su Xinlan ran until Yanda and thoroughly became a tired dog. Once she reached the school, she immediately leaned on the to take in big gulps of air. Lin Mumu, in contrast, was still full of energy, as if she had just come down from the nearby dormitory.

“How long can you run?” Su Xinlan wasn’t reconciled.

“At this speed, at least ten hours.”


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Just as they were talking, a red BMW sports car harshly stopped by the school gate. When the door opened, Yun Ruoshan arrogantly stepped down from the car on her 12-inch-tall high heels. She proudly held up her head and slowly walked towards Su Xinlan:

“Look at your current state, really a mess. Is this our number one liberal arts scholar in China?”

“What mess?” Su Xinlan shrugged: “I’m being close to nature by getting up in the morning for exercise. I’m a female student from Yanda, so I naturally should also promote the student’s fitness.”


Yun Ruoshan was still thinking of what else she could say when Sun Xiaomei got off the same car. However, she had barely taken a step outside when she suddenly fainted. Lin Mumu ‘kindly’ held her to stop her falling and asked:

“Classmate, are you carsick?”

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“Lin Mumu, what sinister tricks are you playing again?!” Yun Ruoshan urgently looked at Sun Xiaomei.

Her face had abruptly turned as white as paper and her complexion looked very bad as she resentfully stared at Lin Mumu.

Just now, Lin Mumu had silently put her hand on her shoulder before leaving a sentence in her ear:

“I don’t care where you come from. In front of me, you’d better tone it down, or else, I don’t mind getting rid of the troublesome people myself.”


Sun Xiaomei tried maneuvering that thing on her body in order to play Lin Mumu to death, but to her horror, she found out that the trump card she was so proud of suddenly didn’t react anymore!

Of course, it wasn’t a natural disaster, but rather a man-made disaster.

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And the only one close to her who had a chance to do it was Lin Mumu.

Lin Mumu seemed to be so weak, yet, she was actually more powerful than Lin Tianlang, a young Taoist expert?!

Sun Xiaomei cultivated the mysterious Taoist technique of raising poisonous insects. Although she looked like a charming little girl, there was actually a living colorful poisonous spider in her body. Once it was released, the consequences were terrible.

Yesterday, Sun Xiaomei and Lin Tianlang secretly fought together. Although Lin Tianlang had the upper hand, he still failed to get rid of that thing in Sun Xiaomei’s body, and could only temporarily imprison it.

But when Lin Mumu saw Sun Xiaomei today, the first thing she did was to actually kill the colorful spider in her body.

Fortunately, since Sun Xiaomei was still an apprentice, the spider that was given to her by the elders wasn’t the legendary life bug, otherwise, Sun Xiaomei would have really died this time.

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But nonetheless, Sun Xiaomei had personally raised that spider with her own blood for a long period of time, and had already formed a tacit understanding with it.

So now that the colorful spider was dead, she almost followed along. Her body felt extremely weak all over, and her legs were completely soft and instable. Her situation was much worse than simply being carsick.

But what scared Sun Xiaomei the most was actually Lin Mumu. She didn’t give her any hints or leads, and her spider was very well hidden and impossible to discover easily. Yet, Lin Mumu had merely patted her shoulder and was able to instantly kill her poisonous spider? How did she do it?!

She still remembered yesterday’s confrontation with Lin Tianlang. She was a prisoner in custody, and Lin Tianlang could only use some mysterious chanting for half a day. She resisted for a while before spitting out a mouthful of blood to feed the colorful spider, and let the little thing hide well to avoid being robbed.

For this reason, Sun Xiaomei had proudly called her hometown as soon as she was released.

This time, it was awful. She had barely stepped into school but she was already fricking played by Lin Mumu.

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