Lin Mumu was in a good mood and smilingly told Yun Ruoshan:

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“Isn’t she your friend? You should quickly take her to the school’s infirmary.”

“In that case, I’ll have to trouble classmate Lin Mumu.” Yun Ruoshan hatefully glared at Lin Mumu, wishing she could just eat her right then and there.

Seeing her expression, Lin Mumu innocently blinked her eyes and said: “Well, you should be aware I have just married recently. I exerted myself too much last night, and now I’m too tired and weak, so do it yourself.”

“You’re shameless, Lin Mumu!!” When she thought of what Lin Mumu was alluding to, Yun Ruoshan got so angry her whole body started shivering.

“Why? What’s wrong with facing it? Aren’t you too weird? Forget it, let’s just ignore crazy people.” Lin Mumu casually clapped her hands in a good mood and took Su Xinlan inside the campus.

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When the two girls left the house, Lin Tianlang had always been running half a step behind them. Of course, with Lin Tianlang’s speed, this much jogging wasn’t a problem and didn’t even count as morning exercise. His main mission was to guarantee their safety and protect them along the way.

Afterwards, Lin Tianlang personally witnessed what happened, but he still couldn’t understand how she did it.

Didn’t master say before that junior sister was only a little female student that could raise flowers?

So he, Lin Tianlang, a young genius in Taoism, couldn’t even compare to a little girl who had poor talent in Taoism and could only study and raise flowers?

As if he could believe it!

If this matter was known by the master, wouldn’t he beat and ridicule him every day?

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Lin Tianlang couldn’t stop his curiosity anymore, so he went to Sun Xiaomei’s side and proposed very gentlemanly: “This classmate, I can help you take her to the school infirmary.”

Afterwards, Lin Tianlang picked up the half unconscious Sun Xiaomei and went to the infirmary. Yun Ruoshan thought that with, Sun Xiaomei’s strength, she should be fine on her own, but she still decided to follows after Lin Tianlang.

Yanda was well-known for its strict school policy. Since cars couldn’t be driven into the campus, Yun Ruoshan could only pitifully walk on her 10cm high-heels all the way from the gate to the infirmary. By the time, she arrived, she couldn’t feel her feet anymore and was enviously looking at the people walking around wearing flat shoes.

On the surface, Lin Tianlang looked like a proper gentleman and solemnly took Sun Xiaomei to the school infirmary. However, in reality, he had long put his hand on Sun Xiaomei’s arm and used inner energy all the way while carrying her.


By the time they arrived at infirmary, Sun Xiaomei had completely fainted, and a colorful dead spider smoothly and discreetly fell into Lin Tianlang’s sleeve.

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When Lin Mumu finished her morning classes, she decided to go to the bamboo tower to take care of the plants her master had entrusted her before leaving. However, Lin Tianlang intercepted her at the entrance and invited her over to have a cup of tea and chat.

In a small glass jar on the table, the colorful spider Lin Tianlang had retrieved from Sun Xiaomei was quietly lying, motionless. Its body was still completely intact, apparently not yet sliced up for research.

“How did you do it?” Lin Tianlang’s curiosity had long reached its peak.

“Go and ask Master, he was the one who passed me all his secret skills and techniques.”

“Ha ha.” Lin Tianlang laughed dryly and stopped asking, not wanting to talk to her anymore.

Even if Master teaches you his secret skills and techniques, you first have to be able to learn it. With your innate skill, you would first infuriate master to death before he can teach you anything.

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Lin Mumu also didn’t care whether Lin Tianlang believed her or not, anyway, she was just casually making up a random excuse.

When the tea was ready, she quickly took the cup he was handing her. Without fear of being scalded, she hurriedly drained the whole cup in one big gulp. And after quenching her thirst, she didn’t forget to delightfully smack her lips.

“Senior Brother, give me a few Jins of this tea leaves.” (TN: Jin is a weight unit measure, also means catty, 1 Jin equals around 500g.)

“A few Jins?!” At this point, Lin Tianlang finally understood the master’s ‘Hating he couldn’t beat up Classmate Lin Mumu to death’ frame of mind. In his whole collection, he at most only had a few Jins of two good quality high grade tea leaves, one of which they were drinking at the moment, and this much was already considered pretty good. How many Jins did the little girl think he had? Did she believe good tea leaves were sold in the market like cabbage?

“Here you go.” Lin Tianlang, like Professor Lin, was very generous when it came to Lin Mumu. He casually found a small box of tea and handed it to her

“This is Tianhang’s most famous green tea, but I can also give it to you as a reward for your meritorious contribution.  Look, the peony you brought back to life the last time was exchanged by the old fellow for these tea leaves.”

“Eh.” Learning of the tea leaves’ origin, Lin Mumu suddenly felt some inexplicable helplessness.

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