(TN: The tittle means the spring of the heart, as in the coming of love.)

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Seeing Lin Mumu’s tangled expression, Lin Tianlang’s heart finally felt less stifled, and contentedly shifted the topic towards Gu Shu witchcraft.

“I’ve heard before that there were still some mysterious Gu Shu techniques in Yun Province that had existed there since a long time ago, but I didn’t expect it to be true.”

Lin Tianlang poked the jar containing the dead spider and sighed: “Although this thing is quite weak, Sun Xiaomei is only 18 or 19 years old, and achieving this at her age is already pretty good.”

“No one manages it?” Lin Mumu asked curiously.

Gu Shu is a kind of witchcraft that raises poisonous insects that can harm and control people. However, it wasn’t a practice that could casually see the light of day. Anyone who was found out practicing it would inevitably be beaten to death.

Nowadays, modern science was more and more developed, and Taoism, Buddhism and traditional medicine were becoming the ancient cultural heritage that the majority didn’t trust anymore. Even if they were still somewhat supported and protected by the state, their inheritance was becoming less and less prominent in today’s society. So how could a target of scorn and dislike like Gu Su possibly still exist peacefully instead?

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In her past life, Lin Mumu had heard her master mention this kind of thing before, but she didn’t expect to meet it so soon in this life.

While they were studying the mysterious spider in the glass jar, they suddenly heard someone loudly shouting downstairs:

“Senior Lin, Lin Mumu, I’ve brought lunch for you guys!”

“Is It Classmate Chen Fangya? Quickly come up.” Lin Tianlang took back the poisonous spider to hide it while kindly inviting her in.

Although this bamboo tower was considered a teaching building, in fact, it was mostly used as Professor Lin’s private area for him, Lin Tianlang and Lin Mumu.

Generally, students wouldn’t come here if they didn’t have a specific purpose. And even if they did, they would first shout downstairs like Chen Fangya did, in order to prevent disturbing the teacher and Senior who were occupying the building.

With Lin Tianlang’s permission, Chen Fangya cheerfully began to climb the stairs.

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In her arms, she was carrying several food boxes, obviously buying not only Lin Mumu and Lin Tianlang’s but also her own share of lunch.

The dishes she brought were more than enough for the three people enjoy.

“Senior Lin, I heard that you liked fish the most. I went to the cafeteria and ordered braised fish for you.” Chen Fangya enthusiastically set the dish on the table in front of Lin Tianlang.


“Many thanks.” Lin Tianlang was a little absent-minded, still thinking about the topic he had just discussed with Lin Mumu. How can they destroy the Gu Shu? Why did Lin Mumu that Jack of all trades suddenly seem more powerful than him, a Taoist genius?

En, today, Lin Mumu not only irritated Sun Xiaomei, but Lin Tianlang as well.

“Senior Lin, eat a little more. Today’s stir-fried vegetables taste quite good.”

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“Senior Lin, would you like more soup?”

“Senior Lin, I’ll pour some water for you.”

Chen Fangya originally had a lively and talkative character, and Lin Tianlang was still being absent-minded so he didn’t think her behavior was particularly inappropriate.

It was unexpectedly Lin Mumu who noticed there was something wrong first, although she had only just recently been enlightened by Yun Ting and had just a bit more of understanding regarding feelings.

Seeing Chen Fangya acting this way, it was obvious she was quite captivated by Lin Tianlang.

The problem is, didn’t only meet and interact together a few times? Didn’t she have a better relationship with her good friend Zhou Qiang who had helped her out of trouble before military training? When did she fall in love with Lin Tianlang? Other than his good-looks, Lin Tianlang didn’t have any other attractive traits that girls would be fond of, did he?

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Lin Mumu thought so much she felt like she was having a big headache for a while. Despite Chen Fangya’s lively and cheerful character, once an idea had drilled itself into her head, she was the strong-headed type that absolutely wouldn’t change her mind no matter what.

Lin Mumu could only take Chen Fangya’s fish: “Xiao Nigu, you really know me well and know that I love fish. He he, I just hurt my hand a few days ago so I couldn’t have as many fish as I liked. I was tortured to death by Yun Ting who kept restricting my food. So now, this fish is mine, you’re not allowed to snatch it from me!”

“Xiao Nigu, do you want to listen to the follow-up gossip of An Xiaoqin’s love rival kneeling and kowtowing to her while apologizing? It was a wonderful scene.”

“I’m listening! Speak, speak!”

The two girls quickly began to enthusiastically share gossip, naturally ignoring the dazed Lin Tianlang by the side.

Lin Tianlang casually ate a few mouthfuls during the meal before excusing himself to go take a rest while leaving with his little glass jar.

Naturally, he didn’t go to rest. Rather, he went to visit Sun Xiaomei whom he had sent to the infirmary earlier.

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