Suddenly, Lin Mumu opened her mouth to say: “Xiao Nigu, you tell me whether I should be angry or not. My Senior Brother actually said that he would definitely become a Taoist priest in the future. I don’t know how many young girls’ heart in the world would be broken by this news.”

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“I heard from my master that University Director Lin was so angry he fainted several times because of Senior Brother. His father painstakingly convinced him about the great righteousness of carrying the ancestral line many times. He also went as far as finding a lot of famous Beijing ladies to meet him in blind dates, yet, he failed to arouse even a little bit of interest from him.

Oh, that’s right, among those ladies, there was also Su Xinlan, our school’s most talented young lady.”

Lin Mumu casually gossiped while cheerfully eating her food, seemingly unintentionally revealing information. Yet, she was actually carefully paying attention to Chen Fangya’s reaction out of the corner of her eye.

After hearing out Lin Mumu, Chen Fangya appeared to be a little dazed for a while. After all, once one’s heart moved for someone, it wasn’t easy to let go of those feelings. She asked Lin Mumu again:

“I heard that the power of love is infinite. Maybe Senior Lin just hasn’t met the right person yet.”

After rolling her eyes in a full circle in exasperation, Lin Mumu quietly thought in her mind: Senior Brother, I’m doing a good deed, so please don’t blame me later for throwing you in a pit.

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After mysteriously looking around as if she was about to tell her a great secret, Lin Mumu suddenly pulled Chen Fangya closer to her and gently whispered near her ear: “Actually, my Senior Brother doesn’t like female students. En, it’s precisely that idea you always had on mind.

He was afraid that the secular world wouldn’t allow him to marry, and he was also afraid his family might force him to get married, so he found a convenient excuse by saying that he was committed to the Tao and wished to become a Taoist priest.”

Chen Fangya’s heart was thoroughly broken this time. Looking around at the room and its furniture, she was more and more convinced by what Lin Mumu told her, and thought it was very plausible.

“No wonder Yun Ting never guards against Lin Tianlang, yet, keeps An Mingxuan away like a thief every time. It turns out that your senior brother can’t be interested in you in the first place.”

Once you believed something, you would always find possible reasons for it, and so did Chen Fangya once she learned that her Senior Lin ‘didn’t like girls’.


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“No wonder Senior Lin has a better relationship with boys and doesn’t like talking to girls a lot.”

“No wonder Senior Lin and An Mingxuan act ambiguously all the time.”

The more she thought about it, the more she felt like it was true.

Chen Fangya left the bamboo tower in a daze. Lin Mumu first wanted to send her away, but when she saw Zhou Qiang wandering nearby downstairs, she gave up that idea.

It was better to leave Classmate Zhou Qiang some opportunities.

Still, Lin Mumu felt like she being a little cruel towards Chen Fangya by ruthlessly crushing her hope and first love.

But Lin Mumu always remembered that shocking scene she witnessed in her last life. When Zhou Qiang’s dead body fell into Chen Fangya’s arms, she had burst out into heart wrenching tears while lamenting:

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“If there is a next life, I must understand my feelings earlier! Why can’t I clearly see the people that are just around me? Why did I have to pointlessly pursue an illusory dream?”

After that matter, Chen Fangya solemnly shaved her head and decided to become a Buddhist nun to protect her and Zhou Qiang’s Buddhist principles.

In her past life, that was a sad tragedy. Lin Mumu wasn’t sure whether she could save Zhou Qiang in this life, but what she could currently do was to force Chen Fangya to understand her own feelings earlier, or at least give her the opportunity to.

Anyway, Lin Tianlang was a thoughtless man who was wholeheartedly devoted to Taoism, he wasn’t an appropriate candidate at all.

Moreover, Lin Mumu didn’t wrongly accuse him. He really didn’t like female students, well, he didn’t like male students either.

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In the afternoon, there were no more classes she needed to attend, so Lin Mumu unhurriedly went to the most bustling bicycle shop near university and casually bought a women’s bicycle. Afterwards, she leisurely rode it and went to the nearby flowers and birds’ market.

The flowers and birds’ market wasn’t very large, and bicycles were inconvenient to use inside, so Lin Mumu had to park her newly-bought bicycle outside before walking in on foot.

Perhaps it was because she really felt like she had Yun Ting’s backing, Lin Mumu, who had always believed in principles of Taoism and the law of nature, actually wanted to try making money this time.

But since she was still a student, the most direct and efficient way she could make money was to raise flowers!

Yanda was located at the center of the ancient imperial city, near the bustling residential area. The flowers and birds’ market was just nearby, and was naturally bustling and lively as well.

On the different stands and small shops, all kinds of strange flowers and plants were competing for splendor, and all kinds of adorable small pets were competing for cuteness. And the market was not only crowded by the citizens but also the curious tourist visiting the area.

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