Lin Mumu didn’t like the feeling that woman gave her. But seeing as she went to her car without further action, Lin Mumu simply stopped thinking about it and rode her bike back to school.

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When she left, she could feel the woman’s gaze on her for a long time as she leaned on a red sports car. It wasn’t a provocative glare but a pitying gaze.

Since Yun Ting wasn’t home, Lin Mumu didn’t feel like going back there, so she simply decided to live in the school dorm for the time being.

When she came back, she first dropped by the bamboo tower of the religious department and put down her new flowerpot looked especially pitiful with its single branch with only two leaves left hanging. The difference was particularly striking when her pot was compared to Professor Lin’s noble and proud orchids.

Afterwards, Lin Mumu went back to her dorm room and took An Xiaoqin, Chen Fangya and Liu Yuanyuan to eat hot pot at the restaurant by the school gate.

Lin Mumu had a true love for hotpot because it was a single dish that had a lot of meat and where you could easily add as much vegetables as you liked.

The four people asked for a small private room and sat down.

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“Yuanyuan, did you start a tutoring part-time job?” Lin Mumu asked curiously, “How much does it pay per hour?”

“25.” After briefly talking about the events following the military training, the four people had nothing more to say. But Liu Yuanyuan, who was quiet in front of outsiders but talked more to acquaintances, immediately enabled the conversation mode:

“I really want to thank Mumu and Xiaoqin this time. My grandma found out that she had a tumor, but fortunately, the operation was performed early. The doctor said that, had it been six months later, they wouldn’t have been able to save her.

Xiaoqin, I’ll consider the money your brother gave me as borrowed from you. I will definitely return it to you later.”

“Good.” An Xiaoqin casually nodded her head.

They all knew that Liu Yuanyuan had strong self-esteem, and it was only because Lin Mumu thought of an ingenious way to give her money that she accepted it. Otherwise, she definitely wouldn’t have accepted it under any circumstance.

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“Yuanyuan, I bought a shop in the flowers’ and birds’ market. Rather than tutoring, you can come and help me watch over the shop. It’s not as exhausting as tutoring, and it’s also 25 per hour.” Lin Mumu suddenly spoke out.


“Ok!” Liu Yuanyuan didn’t even wait for Lin Mumu to finish before agreeing. Tutoring took a lot of time and mental effort, and she still needed to use transportation. However, the flowers’ and birds’ market was close to school, and even belonged to Lin Mumu.

“Good, I’ll give you a commission for everything we sell in this shop. The starting income may be average, but you will certainly not suffer any losses in the future.” Lin Mumu greedily stared at the meat being cooked in the hotpot while explaining her business.

“Classmate Lin Mumu, you’re not planning on selling your master’s orchids in your store, are you? The pot of jade spring orchid my father bought a while ago didn’t look as good as yours yet it cost 8000 yuan!”

“I won’t sell my master’s plants, but I have other good products. If local tyrant An wants to buy any type of flowers, just look for my store and I’ll make sure to give you the best.”


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“En.” Lin Mumu nodded.

“in that case, give me a pot of Xiangshan red autumnal leaves first. In another month, it will certainly become even more popular.”

“Alright, I’ll keep an eye open to find you one.” Lin Mumu continue to watch her meat.

“Hello? Classmate Lin Mumu, will you really remember? Don’t ignore a customer for food!”

“I’m afraid I can’t remember, just leave me a message.”

“Are you really the big boss of a store?” An Xiaoqin resignedly began to help Lin Mumu cook her meat silently.

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Who let Lin Mumu’s restaurant choices taste so delicious? Even if An Xiaoqin wanted to keep her figure and didn’t dare eat much by herself, just watching Lin Mumu greedily gobbling her food made her mouth watery.

“Boss Lin Mumu, I’m also poor, and I also need to work and study.” Chen Fangya said in pathetic voice.

“En, I cannot do without you. My identity is a little sensitive, and if someone knew, I’m afraid it could affect Yun Ting. So I’ll borrow your ID card and use it to operate the shop under your name, and you’ll help me operate it. Let’s sell a lot of fleshy succulent plants on the campus website.”

“Fleshy succulents?”

“A lovely kind of potted plants.”

“I, I, I also want to work and study! I don’t have enough pocket money!” An Xiaoqin wasn’t willing to be left out and felt lonely.

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