Chapter 124 – Uncle Gou (Part 1)

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However, what made Lili even more depressed was the unexpected imposing manner and loftiness of Lin Mumu. Somehow, she got the feeling of a pressuring momentum and was unexplainably intimidated by that little female student.

Actors and actresses, especially those that are accustomed to playing leading roles, usually pay close attention to their opponent’s aura. If they are unconsciously influenced by the other party’s aura while performing, their performance will instantly become unsightly.

Lili had already mixed with Xing Shao’s diversified circle for the past 10 years, and she played the female leading role in a lot of movies and productions, yet, she successfully controlled her feelings and never let herself be emotionally stirred by her co-actors.

However, she would have never expected that someday, she would be intimidated by the imposing manner of an unremarkable little female student who’s not even that good-looking, whose legs aren’t that long and who’s breast size doesn’t even exceed a C cup.

While Lin Mumu and Lili were still facing each other, strong and lofty shout suddenly rang out outside the store:

“Enough! What ability do you few men have to smash some female students’ little shop?”

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Afterwards, a loud thud sounded and the several tall men in black suits were thrown out one by one.

Once these people were thrown out, they all stood up and left in a hurry, desperately running for their lives.

None dared to stay after they saw the several big and vicious dogs of different violent breeds that chased them with clear attacking intent.

This scene was really awesome!

Lin Mumu herself was stunned by how things developed to this state.

After all the thugs were thrown out, the dogs’ owner finally appeared. He was an ordinary looking middle-aged man, pushing his own wheelchair and calmly walking towards Lin Mumu.

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After a single sharp whistle, the dozen big dogs chasing the thugs outside instantly came back to his side obediently wagging their tails and happily surrounding the middle-aged man with fawning expressions.

“Uncle Gou, thank you.” With a single glance, Lin Mumu instantly recognized the man as the owner of the nearby pet shop, uncle Gou. (TN: ‘Gou’ means dog, so I don’t know if she’s calling him uncle dog or if his name is Gou and it’s a joke by the author XD)

Previously, when Lin Mumu had just opened her store for business, she went to send candy to several nearby stores in order to express goodwill and meet the neighbor bosses to chat and introduce herself. And that’s when she met uncle Gou.

At that time, with her special eye sight, Lin Mumu could see that both evil spirit and righteous spirit coexisted in this man. Although he didn’t have the same strong purple Qi protecting Yun Ting of evil, he also had a very special constitution, so he must be a veteran and someone with great abilities.


Chapter 124 – Uncle Gou (Part 2)

Afterwards with the mentality of loving the house and its crows, Lin Mumu would often visit to share fresh fruits she obtained, or cute pots of healthy succulent plants for his 6 years old daughter to raise and play with. (TN: Love the house and its crows means to like everything involved with the main thing we like, in this case, Yun Ting, a military man with strong purple Qi, is the house, and uncle Gou, the veteran with his powerful aura, is the crows to which she extended her care.)

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She didn’t expect that her good karma would let uncle Gou help her out this time.

There were many people in the flowers’ and birds’ market, and Lili would only bring that many thugs with her. If more people came out to stand for Lin Mumu, Lili naturally wouldn’t dare behaving wildly anymore.

However, she was a big and famous star, and her people were extremely vicious. So when she acted so domineeringly, all the little shop keepers didn’t dare provoke her, and no one dared to fight for Lin Mumu.

Although his intervention wasn’t necessary, Lin Mumu was very grateful to uncle Gou’s kind gesture.

“This young lady, one must behave with integrity and good conduct. Our flowers’ and birds’ market isn’t a place where your kind of big stars can casually cause trouble.” Uncle Gou calmly gathered back his dogs and sternly glared at Lili.

Facing such a fierce momentum and solemn glare, Lili felt like her legs softened into jelly and she almost kneeled down. In her memory, only Xing Shao ever gave her this intimidating to the point of fright feeling.

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However, how could this ordinary disabled man compare to the mighty Xing Shao?

“How dare a little disabled man like you interfere? Aren’t you afraid you won’t even be able to keep your two arms?” Lili’s face was completely pale, however, her tongue was as vicious as ever and she didn’t bother being polite:

“Nowadays’ society is ruled by the law! If you dare to touch me or let any of your dogs bite me, I will prosecute you and see you in court with a lawyer to kill all your dogs!”

“So Miss Lili also knows that we’re living in a legal society now? Seeing your actions, I thought you didn’t know.” Lin Mumu mockingly taunted Lili with a gloating smile.

Now that her thug helpers were gone, Lili was just a toothless Tiger. Whatever she said would only amount to vain bluffing.

Nonetheless, she still tried instigating the surrounding bustling crowd that gathered to watch the show. Her foul mouth continuously spouted her vicious thoughts: “The ancient people often said that only poisonous and ruthless people became blind and lame. Look at this man, his behavior today is proof that the heavens must have punished him for his bad karma and made him disabled by breaking his legs.”

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