“In that case, you’ll be in charge of cooking later!” An Xiaoqin could only resign herself to her fate, and casually threw the cooking responsibility to Su Xinlan. Before turning back, she suddenly thought of something and seriously warned Su Xinlan:

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“Major General Yun Ting and our classmate Lin Mumu are married with a real marriage certificate. As a descendant of a military family with the army’s upbringing, you should be aware that wrecking a military marriage is against the law!”

Su Xinlan didn’t bother about An Xiaoqin’s antics, and merely gave her an odd look which cleary expressed “idiot”.

“Rest assured, in my eyes, there’s only a distinction between men and Lin Mumu.”

Yun Ting once again started feeding Lin Mumu, but this time, he switched to grapes instead. Because the grapes were moist and the skin should be spit back, Yun Ting kept holding the grapes while Lin Mumu needed to suck out the juicy pulp inside the skin.

This action was very ambiguous, but Lin Mumu was very carefree and her mind was merely focused on eating the delicious treats. Every time she sucked on the grapes, her moist lips would lick Yun Ting’s fingers, but she was completely unaware of her actions.

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Fortunately, they were sitting in the last row of the car. Except for Professor Lin who occasionally looked at them through the rearview mirror, everyone else who sat in front of them tactfully didn’t turn back to avoid being rude.

In the blink of an eye, they already got home.

In order to take care of Lin Mumu more conveniently, Yun Ting invited Aunty Wang who had been waiting on him since childhood. She would come to the courtyard to help with cleaning and buying groceries for cooking. In addition, two more groups of people would live there: The An Xiaoqin and Su Xinlan duo, who never stopped bickering with each other, as well as Professor Lin and Lin Tianlang, who painted the perfect picture of an enlightened immortal master and his disciple.

The originally empty courtyard house sudden turned extremely lively and bustling with noise and excitement, and Lin Mumu was unexpectedly a little fond of this kind of feeling.

Yun Ting actually asked her: “You like Su Xinlan’s chicken soup and An Xiaoqin’s roast steak, right?”

“Ha Ha Ha, I like you more, ah.” Lin Mumu couldn’t help laughing out loud, “If I didn’t have you, who would feed me?”

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Lin Mumu was injured in her right shoulder, however, the bandages were so thick and extensive her whole right arm from shoulder to elbow turned into a giant white dumplings. She couldn’t more her arm or even her right hand at all, so she completely relied on Yun Ting to feed her.

In reality, Lin Mumu had tried practicing eating with her left hand, but Yun Ting didn’t let her.

Fortunately, Lin Mumu’s left hand wasn’t completely abandoned as she could still use it to water the plants.


“Lin Mumu, your orchid is really beautiful. I’ve rarely seen ones with this kind of pretty lilac (light purple) color.” Su Xinlan was very fond of accompanying Lin Mumu to water the plants, even if she was only in charge of carrying the water buckets, she still felt very comfortable. Watering flowers was really an activity that suited talented women.

“If you like it, I can help you divide a sprout from the main flower and grow it out. After a month, you can come back to get it.” Lin Mumu gave the directions while Su Xinlan followed her instructions and arranged the pot and put the soil inside it. Finally, Lin Mumu personally cut a small thumb-sized sprout from the orchid flower and casually planted it into the pot Su Xinlan had arranged.

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“Can it really grow like this?” Su Xinlan didn’t believe it could. After al, everyone usually said orchids were very delicate plants, and the rarer their species, the more delicate they would, and thus, the more difficult they would to grow. Su Xinlan was a rich young miss but had never seen that type of orchid before, so it must obviously be a very delicate species.

How could it successfully live and grow with the way Lin Mumu casually pinched and inserted it into the soil?

However, looking at Lin Mumu’s confident expression, Su Xinlan subconsciously believed that little sprout will definitely be able to live and grow successfully.

Su Xinlan’s food was extremely delicious, but it took a lot of time to prepare. Moreover, Su Xinlan was very arrogant and wouldn’t cook for everyone. At most, she would cook occasionally for her life-saver and benefactor, Lin Mumu. Others basically relied on Aunty Wang for the meals.

Aunty Wang was also good at cooking. Lin Mumu endlessly praised her cooking that very evening, and didn’t stop praising whatever she ate. Consequently, whatever Lin Mumu wanted to eat, she would tell Aunty Wang, and the latter would make it the next day.

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Lin Mumu wasn’t the least bit polite and asked for several meat dishes in a single breath. (TN: in a single breath meaning in one go, without pause.)

Before Aunty Wang went shopping, Yun Ting unexpectedly told her: “You don’t need to make all these dishes for Lin Mumu. Her wound hasn’t fully recovered yet, so it’s better to prepare more vegetarian dishes for her.”

“But recovery needs nourishing dishes.” Lin Mumu pitifully looked at Yun Ting.

“Is Miss Su’s chicken soup not nourishing enough? Or would you prefer to have meat instead of that soup?”

“Eating is eating, I didn’t say anything.” Lin Mumu reluctantly gritted her teeth and could only aggrievedly bit her chopsticks while pouting her mouth pitifully.

Fortunately, Yun Ting still gave her a small piece of lean meat, and Lin Mumu wasn’t embarrassed and shamelessly opened her mouth to be fed. Based on the foodie’s doctrine and principles, she didn’t need to be embarrassed or throw her little temper in front of tasty dishes.

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