“Did you remember anything you didn’t say during the investigation?” Yun Ting’s voice is a little grave.

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“Reporting to senior official, I think this time’s murder attempt was actually targeted at me.”

“En.” Yun Ting looked up at her and signaled her to continue.

An Xiaoqin’s heart was loudly beating in her chest in anxiousness. How did Lin Mumu sweetly get along with such a grave and scary man like Yun Ting?

Yun Ting also knew his aura was pretty intimidating and didn’t rush her. He just quietly stared into An Xiaoqin’s eyes.

This was Yun Ting’s professional habit. While she talked, he was actually judging whether she was speaking the truth or whether she was lying to him.

“You should have heard about my ex-boyfriend from Lin Mumu.” An Xiaoqin seemed somewhat hesitant.

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“You don’t have to worry about what other people would say, you can freely talk now.” Yun Ting emphasized.

After Yun Ting’s grave reminder, An Xiaoqin also subconsciously entered a more cooperative state to aid the investigation. She recalled:

“On the day of the opening ceremony, at 9 p.m., I went to room 3105 of Nandu Hotel and saw Duan Hailiang, a police officer rolling in the sheets naked with a woman. At that time, I just felt extremely angry and scolded them without much thought.

But now that I think about it, I recalled something thing. The woman was actually very calm at that time, and there was also a strange tattoo on her shoulder, made of a skull and roses.”

“Can you draw it?”

“I’ll try.”

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An Xiaoqin seriously tried to cooperate by recalling the tattoo and drawing it as best as she could with paper and pen Yun Ting handed her on the spot.

In her hidden spot, Lin Mumu’s heart instantly leaped in her chest. A skull and roses tattoo! In her past life, the mysterious organization that kidnapped her to threaten Yun Ting had that tattoo! Her senior brother Lin Tianlang had also died at the hands of that ruthless organization.

Lin Mumu had a very clear impression of that tattoo, the walls of the manor where she was detained were full of that skull and roses pattern!

She didn’t expect to encounter them this early in this life.


The means of that organization weren’t only military force and high-tech weapons, they were also aided by mysterious supernatural forces.

Lin Mumu really didn’t expect that Sun Xiaomei was a member of that mysterious organization! In that case, wasn’t her relationship with Duan Hailiang and their proximity to An Xiaoqin also arranged by that organization?

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No wonder that in her past life, that matter wasn’t settled clearly. It should have been Yun Ting who took care of it in the shadows?

Lin Mumu felt a little uneasy, but her head was suddenly lightly knocked on by someone.

“Had enough of eavesdropping?” Yun Ting helplessly looked at Lin Mumu: “You should know that according to the Chinese law, eavesdropping on military secrets is punished by a long prison sentence.”

“Oh, in that case, you can silence me.” Lin Mumu resentfully pouted her mouth, she felt very dissatisfied, “How did you find me?”


“Ha?” Lin Mumu didn’t understand what he meant by intuition.

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“If you seriously care about someone in your heart, you can naturally feel their breath at all times.” Yun Ting gave a simple explanation, then turned around to leave.

What about the agreed arrestation?

Lin Mumu simply sat on the small stone bench under the grape rack, picked a bunch of grapes with her left hand and casually wiped them before plucking them one by one and throwing them in her mouth.

When Yun Ting came back to pick her up, he found the little fellow solemnly eating grapes on the bench with a grave face.

“Yun Ting.” She said: “I seem to know something about the skull and roses totem. It’s a manor where a very strange plant is grown, and it’s even more powerful than heroin. Reportedly, after eating it…”

Before Lin Mumu could finish her sentence, Yun Ting interrupted her: “Lin Mumu, you shouldn’t know these things. You never mention them to outsiders, or else, how would you explain it?”

“I…” Lin Mumu was also a little confused. Yes, ah, how could she explain her rebirth. She shouldn’t be aware of the organization’s matters, but she just wants to warn Yun Ting earlier to let him take his precautions.

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