“I already know everything you know.” Yun Ting meaningfully looked at Lin Mumu: “I also know that in three years, there will be a large man-made flood. If you don’t take precautions earlier, your master might use his mysterious Taoist means to suppress it and sacrifice himself the common people. “

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How could he know these things? Could it be he was the same as her?

Lin Mumu’s heart was beating loudly in her chest, but she didn’t dare ask to confirm her suspicion. She blankly looked at Yun Ting for a while. Was he the Yun Ting that promised he’d accompany her for a lifetime, or was he that Yun Ting that said he’d meet her on their way to the yellow springs?

“Little fool!” Yun Ting lightly knocked Lin Mumu’s forehead, “What are you thinking about? Be good and go have your meal. You have me here, I won’t let you or your master meet any mishap. “

“En.” Lin Mumu smiled sweetly, but her heart didn’t stop beating loudly. She was thinking about how she could help Yun Ting investigate that mysterious organization.

Since they’ve already worked hard for a lifetime, her master and Yun Ting simply couldn’t have any accident!

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In the evening, Lin Mumu discovered a big barrel in their bathroom.

“With your arm injured, it’s inconvenient for you to shower, so I’ve prepared a barrel so that you can take a bath.” Yun Ting simply explained.

Indeed, ever since she hurt her arm, showering was really inconvenient for Lin Mumu as her wound mustn’t get wet. Moreover, she wasn’t able to take a shower since they went up the mountain for the shooting practice, so in total, she hadn’t bathed for six days ~ ~ ~ Even if Yun Ting didn’t dislike her smell, Lin Mumu herself couldn’t bear it anymore.

“Come here.” Yun Ting beckoned Lin Mumu over to his side as he stood next to the barrel.

Lin Mumu nodded, “I’ll go call over An Xiaoqin for help.”

She had barely finished her sentence when Yun Ting pulled her into his arms: “I’ll help you.”

“Ha?” Lin Mumu’s face instantly broke into a furious blush.

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She wanted to wash, but thinking of Yun Ting helping her, even is she didn’t totally refuse it, she couldn’t help getting embarrassed.

“I have a license, so it’s my job.” Yun Ting replied seriously, but his voice sounded as if it was suppressing some kind of emotions.

Maybe others wouldn’t notice it, but Lin Mumu knew that when Yun Ting’s voice had this tone, he was most likely nervous.

Even him could get nervous?

Unexpectedly, Lin Mumu wasn’t as nervous as him. She leisurely turned around to face him and mischievously blinked her eyes while innocently looking up at him. Her thick eyelashes moved softly like small brushes that feel right on Yun Ting’s heart, and gave him some kind of itchy and numb feeling.

Before Lin Mumu could react, Yun Ting had directly dragged her into the bathroom.

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Fortunately, he didn’t actually take off her clothes, but simply let her bow down in order to patiently wash her hair with warm water.

The pleasant fragrance of shampoo freely drifted in the bathroom, and made Lin Mumu momentarily distracted.

After washing Lin Mumu’s hair, Yun Ting carefully helped her dry it and tuned on the faucet to fill the barrel with warm water.

Lin Mumu was a little confused. His large hands should be used to holding guns. He even once led a team to shoot more than ten criminals with accurate marksmanship, and after disposing of the enemy, he successfully rescued the important personality that was held hostage.

Such a pair of strong hands was actually gently washing her hair just a moment ago, and even went to the extent of helping her filling in her bathwater.

The shyness in Lin Mumu’s heart suddenly decreased a bit, and was instead replaced by resolve. She was determined to dedicate herself to this man for the rest of her life.

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Seemingly feeling Lin Mumu’s intense gaze on his back, Yun Ting turned his head towards her.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Wondering, would you like to bathe together?” Lin Mumu unconsciously blurted out, but instantly turned bright red the next moment.

She, she, what did she just say?

“Alright!” Yun Ting’s lips were slightly raised, not really forming a smile, but anyone could feel he was in a very happy mood at the moment.

Whether because of embarrassment or because of the warm steam in the bathroom, Lin Mumu’s face was currently dyed in a deep red color that extended all the way to her neck and ears.

Would she really take off her clothes right in front of him?

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