“Do you want to have roasted duck?” Yun Ting didn’t retort to her complain, but cleverly understood how to subtly shift the topic.

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“Yes, yes!” When it came to foods she liked, Lin Mumu could really forget anything unrelated. She liked to eat, so she was especially easy to coax. ~

“En, you can dress up, let’s go to Quandeji for roast duck this evening. Invite your classmates to come as well, they’ve prepared food for you so many times, you should invite them back to thank them. ” Yun Ting estimated that he would only be willing to talk this much to Lin Mumu.

“But I don’t have money.” Lin Mumu mischievously blinked at him with a beaming smile.

“You’re still complaining about poverty when I already gave you a card? You little money grubber. ” Yun Ting helplessly scratched Lin Mumu’s nose: “Don’t worry, it’s my treat.”

“So you still have money at hand?” Lin Mumu asked this question, but she already knew the answer. However, she still ‘worriedly’ looked at Yun Ting from top to bottom and said: “You’re a soldier, how could you have so much money? Didn’t you already give me your pay card? “

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Yun Ting was amused by Lin Mumu’s appearance: “Who said that soldiers can’t have money? How can I afford to feed my little foodie wife if I don’t make enough money? “

“Humph! You’re the foodie!”

“Right, I only eat you.” Yun Ting closed in and whispered in Lin Mumu’s ear.

Feeling the heat emanating from his lips, a tingling feeling assaulted Lin Mumu’s sense and she hurriedly stepped back to avoid the ambiguous atmosphere: “Master left me two pots of particularly delicate orchids. I have to look after them and raise them well, buying these pots of young seedlings cost him a lot of money. “

“En, I’ll help you with the water.”

“Ah, no need. Let Su Xinlan help me instead.” Lin Mumu didn’t need him to help her water the flowers, she must absolutely avoid that greedy wolf. If she fell into Yun Ting’s hands again, it was estimated that Quandeji’s roasted duck would go down the drain.

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Lin Mumu was thoroughly a dedicated foodie. She had absolutely no resistance to new and delicious things that she’d never tried before.

In her past life, she unfortunately never had the chance to taste Beijing’s authentic roasted duck. How could she miss the opportunity that presented itself today?


So between eating roasted duck and being eaten by Yun Ting, Lin Mumu didn’t hesitate to choose the former. ~

In the end, Lin Mumu found a decent excuse to send away Yun Ting: “By the way, won’t you go deal with your good sister? If you don’t send her away now, are you planning on bringing her with us at dinner? Could it be you want to hold a person in the left and in the right? “

Looking at Lin Mumu acting jealous and cutely pouting her mouth, Yun Ting’s mood instantly got better. He actually nodded and opened the door to deal with the situation outside.

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On their doorstep, Lin Mumu could see Yun Ruoshan pitifully squatting at the corner against the wall, acting all gentle, weak and wronged. When she saw Yun Ting coming out, she immediately stood up to face him with tears in her eyes and pitifully called out: “Second brother ~”.

Yun Ting’s face became completely black. Without hesitation, he instantly shut the door to block Lin Mumu’s gossipy line of sight.

Lin Mumu forcibly shook off the goose bumps on her body. She didn’t try to aggravate the situation, and just hid in the corner to eavesdrop on their conversation. She didn’t worry about how Yun Ting would react, but she was curious and wondered what kind of thick Yun Ruoshan would play.

In a quiet alley one wall away from the house.

Yun Ting coldly looked at Yun Ruoshan without speaking a single word.

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In her heart, Yun Ruoshan was actually very happy. She thought that her trick of injuring herself to gain the enemy’s confidence was successful.

Right after being thrown out, she suddenly started wondering. Since second brother touched Lin Mumu, it meant that he wasn’t the kind of man that wasn’t close to women or had abnormal interests.

As long as he was a normal man that could want Lin Mumu, couldn’t he want her too, Yun Ruoshan?

It was said that there were no cat or men in the world who didn’t cheat. As long as she was docile enough, and didn’t care about anything else, she could hope to climb Yun Ting’s bed.

After all, didn’t the idiom say: There was no motionless corner that couldn’t be dug, only mistresses who didn’t work hard enough.

This word of ‘mistress’ was still not very popular at the beginning of the 21st century, but Yun Ruoshan had received an expert’s pointers and directions. Her obsession with Yun Ting was so crazy that it could melt everything.

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