Sun Xiaomei mockingly thought: fool, you can’t even act!

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Seeing Lin Mumu fiercely rushing over to pounce on her, Sun Xiaomei, as the poor and most pitiful victim, obviously won’t resist against her attack. She patiently waited for Lin Mumu to hurt her, so that she could immediately continue to act pitiful and appear all the more wronged and bullied.

Sun Xiaomei planned to make good use of the fool that sent herself to her door, so she just calmly waited for Lin Mumu to hit her, and at that time, she would instantly expose the relationship between Lin Mumu and Yun Ting, and easily turn the whole matter into a commander’s wife abusing her authority and hitting innocent girls on the street.

Unfortunately, Sun Xiaomei schemed very well, but she still underestimated Lin Mumu.

On the surface, it looked like Lin Mumu was ferociously trying to hit people, but in fact, she didn’t beat Sun Xiaomei at all, and merely tugged at her clothes. Lin Mumu kept on clumsily tugging at Sun Xiaomei’s clothes and eventually tore them seemingly ‘unintentionally’.

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Although Sun Xiaomei wasn’t happy that her clothes were torn in this way, she wasn’t supposed to fight back, so she could only let Lin Mumu do as she pleased. Later, it wouldn’t be too late to use this appearance to earn more sympathy.

“Ci la la.” (TN: Tearing sound effect.)

After a loud tearing sound echoed, Sun Xiaomei’s left sleeve was completely torn down by Lin Mumu, revealing the former’s white left arm and the beautiful artistic tattoo on her shoulder.

“Wow, big sister’s tattoo is so beautiful!” A naive child in the crowd couldn’t help but shout in amazement.

However, the wise adults didn’t think the same.

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The enchanting and flirtatious red roses entwined around the cold and gloomy black skull form a bloody and formed a bloody picture to result in an alluring tattoo, and there was absolutely no way a good girl from a proper household would have this kind of tattoo, rather, it looked more like shady gang’s tattoos.

Sun Xiaomei had painstakingly created the image of bitter cauliflower by dressing up in simple and dirty clothes and shamelessly kneeling and kowtowing. But her whole act instantly collapsed with the exposure of the sinister tattoo on her arm.

Yun Ting and Lin Mumu were both very smart and cooperated well. When Lin Mumu tore Sun Xiaomei’s sleeve, Yun Ting immediately caught her and brought her to his side, for fear that Sun Xiaomei would react and try to harm her.


Of course, Yun Ting couldn’t only save people, but also kill people.

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All year round, he would make sure to wear a few small throwing knives. At this time, he used one of those small knives to throw it at the man lying on the ground’s left arm. The sleeve was neatly cut but the flesh wasn’t harmed in the least. When the sleeve fell, a muscular shoulder and arm were instantly exposed, along another similar dangerous looking tattoo.

An Mingxuan wasn’t stupid. He immediately went to check the man’s tattoo and compared it to Sun Xiaomei’s and made the conclusion: “It’s the same tattoo! I’m afraid it has something to do with shady gangs. Arrest them both!”

“Yes!” The police officers have long been impatient, but they had been in a stalemate and couldn’t simply arrest a girl making trouble. However, they cold now fearlessly advance to execute orders since it was always more comfortable for them to carry out orders than to make decisions.

Lin Tianlang also chimed in and pointed to Yun Ruoshan who was desperately trying to shrink her existence in the crowd: “This classmate also has a close relationship with Sun Xiaomei. She continuously pleaded with the criminal several times and even helped Sun Xiaomei delay time to kill the victim. It’s suspected she’s an accomplice!”

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“Take back to the police station for investigation as well.” An Mingxuan calmly continued to give out orders. As for Yun Ruoshan’s identity, he could only ignore it for the moment.

“Second brother! Second brother, help me!” Yun Ruoshan knew that she was done for this time and desperately tried to catch Yun Ting’s sleeve.

However, Yun Ting merely pulled Lin Mumu behind him in a protective manner and avoided her clutch to let her hands awkwardly land on emptiness.

“Still not arresting her yet?” Seeing that Yun Ruoshan was coming to pester him again, Yun Ting coldly ordered his men.

Hearing his call, a few small soldiers immediately came forward to handle Yun Ruoshan. In a direct and efficient way, they quickly put her hands behind her back and delivered her right to An Mingxuan’s hands.

Yun Ruoshan knew that Yun Ting wouldn’t care about her anymore, so she could only shout to reveal her identity: “I’m the only young miss of Yunjia, and the chief inspector Yun Jianguo is my adoptive father! You can’t arrest me! An Mingxuan, if you dare to arrest me, my adoptive father won’t let you go!”

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