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Translated by atsam
Edited by atsam


“Taitai, Xie jia biao shaoye and Su jia biao shaoye have come to pay you their respects. They are just outside.”

“Quickly, invite them in.” 

Xie shi was visibly happy. 

The maid bowed, obeying and turned to go out. 

Soon, two gongzi entered.  

The young man on the left was dressed gorgeously, appearing romantic and elegant. On his face was a smile like the spring breeze but it seemed very sly. 

This was Xie jia‘s gongzi, Xie Xian. 

On the right was a slim, tall and upright figure wearing a white gown. He had a clean temperament and was calm as he faced everyone.  

Undoubtedly, this was Su jia‘s gongzi, Su Zheng. 

Xie Xian said, “Greetings to paternal aunt!”

Su Zheng said, “Greetings to taitai!” 

Xie shi’s eyes narrowed as she smiled. “Good, good. Give them their seats and offer them tea.”  

She had heard that the Su jia was in dire straits, that they were declining year after year.  

Seeing it personally, Xie shi felt as delighted as if she had drank a bowl of iced pickled plum soup in summer. 

The harder the Su jia‘s circumstances, the better it was for her; it was also her good fortune. She cursed the Su jia inwardly.  

“Sanlang, erguniang, quickly come and greet Su shaoye. He is your biaoge. You cannot be estranged from him just because he lives far away.” 

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Xie shi showed a kind smile. 

Gu Jiu was well aware of what was going on in her mind. It was nothing more than wanting to deal her and Gu Ting a blow. 

Look, look, their maternal uncle’s family was in such dire straits. Who could the brother and sister rely on in the future? 

At the same time, she was showing off Xie jia‘s glory and wealth by stepping on Su jia’s face. 

“Greetings to Su biaoge, Xie biaoge.” 

Gu Jiu stood up and greeted in a natural and unrestrained manner. Her sickly appearance made her look very weak and delicate. 

Su Zheng was calm as he looked at Gu Jiu. “Biaomei is too courteous. Is biaomei ill?” 

Gu Jiu laughed lightly. “Thank you for your concern, biaoge. I’ve been feeling much better after taking medicine.” 

“That’s good!” Su Zheng relaxed, exhaling. 

Xie Xian’s eyes slanted as they swept across Gu Jiu and her brothers.  

“Father let me greet aunt on his behalf. Is aunt well?” 

Xie shi smiled. “Your father is considerate. I’m in good health. Yue’er, Shan’er, this is your biaoge, Xie Xian.” 

Gu Yue raised her brows and laughed. “Since Xie biaoge has visited us for the first time, do you have any meeting gifts for us?” 

“This child, how can you say such things?” 

Although Xie shi’s words seemed to be reprimanding, there was a smile on her face. She seemed to not regard the other as an outsider, acting so casually in front of him. 

Xie Xian smiled said, “I have indeed brought gifts.” 

Gu Yue said cheerfully, “Greetings to biaoge!” 

Gu Shan was polite, as if meeting a guest. She went along with Gu Yue and greeted Xie Xian and Su Zheng. Su Zheng also returned the courtesy. 

Xie Xian was very good at making conversation. Almost every sentence and every word of his amused Xie shi, causing her to laugh heartily. 

The atmosphere inside the room became lively, displaying a stark contrast to Gu Jiu, Gu Ting and Su Zheng’s awkwardness. The three people seemed to be outsiders, superfluous. 

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Gu Jiu and Su Zheng were unperturbed but Gu Ting felt uncomfortable. Finding an opportunity, he interrupted, “Taitai, I will take Su biaoge to help him settle down.” 

Xie shi said faintly, “It’s good to settle down soon. San lang, you go on with Su shaoye. Don’t neglect the guests.” 

Su Zheng stood. “Thank you, taitai. I will come and greet you another day.” 

“Su shaoye is too courteous.” Xie shi was smiling ear to ear. 

Gu Ting impatiently left Shang Fang. Gu Jiu also took her leave. Xie shi did not retain her and exhorted repeatedly, “Er guniang, if you do not recover soon, don’t step out often. If your illness deteriorates, laoye will blame me for not taking care of you well.” 

“Thank you for your concern, taitai. I will definitely take care of my body and not disappoint taitai’s good intentions.” 

Xie shi waved. “You go on. If you need anything, send someone at once.” 

“I’ve kept the taitai’s words in mind.” 

Gu Jiu took her servants to leave shang fang. 

After passing the garden, she suddenly stopped. She turned to look at Jiang Yan. “What is your name?” 

“Nubi, Jiang Yan greets guniang.” 

Gu Jiu nodded. “I will call you Yanzi from now on. Xiao Cui, take Yanzi back to Zhilanyuan and find a place for her to stay. Qing Mei, Qing Zhu, follow me.” 

“The sun is right on top. Is guniang feeling fine?” Qing Mei asked, feeling concerned. 

Gu Jiu smiled. “I’m fine. I haven’t stepped out in a long while. Taking advantage of my good mood today, follow me to take a stroll.” 


Gu Jiu took Qing Mei and Qing Zhu, passing through the garden and arrived at a pavilion to sit down. Qing Mei and Qing Zhu assumed that she sat down to rest but didn’t know that she came here deliberately, waiting for someone. 

It was neither a festival nor a special occasion. For Xie jia‘s father and son to visit suddenly, there was certainly something going on. 

Gu Jiu was faintly uneasy. She had very few servants by her side and didn’t have enough to inquire for news in the rear court.  

On her brother’s side, other than Li Chuan who was fairly clever, it was best not to mention the other manservants.  

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After considering this matter, Gu Jiu decided to join hands with Su biaoge and cooperate. 

She only required one glance to know that Su biaoge was an insightful person with deep thoughts. He didn’t need many words to understand her implication. 

Because of Su jia and Xie jia’s contradiction, it was possible that Su biaoge also knew the reason behind Xie jia’s father and son dropping in. 

But if she wanted Su biaoge to inquire about their news, she had to give him an opportunity to get close to them. 

Gu Jiu hadn’t sat there for long before a young man entered the pavilion.  

Gu Jiu stood up. “Greetings to si”ge“.”

The si ge Gu Jiu was talking to, called Gu Yu, was an elder brother of the same clan. 

Gu daren served as a provincial governor of Jinzhou and naturally wanted to promote a child of the same clan.  

Gu Yu seemed to be the most promising within the clan and he constantly strived to improve himself.  

When Gu daren took office, he brought Gu Yu by his side to cultivate him. 

Gu Yu looked at Gu Jiu with some surprise. “It turned out to be er meimei. Er meimei, are you feeling better?” 

Gu Jiu smiled weakly. “Thank you for your concern, si ge. I’m feeling much better.” 

“Nurture your body well. If you have no other matter, I will take my leave.” 

Gu Jiu said, “There is one matter I have to bother si ge with.” 

Gu Yu asked calmly, “Er meimei, please speak. If I can, I will certainly help.” 

Gu Jiu’s brows bent as she smiled. “Thank you, si ge. Su jia‘s biaoge is visiting and hasn’t found a place to stay yet. Can si ge find a courtyard for Su biaoge next to the Xie jia’s father and son?” 

“Just this?” 

Gu Jiu nodded. “I will have to trouble si ge.” 

Gu Yu said, “This is a small matter. I will make arrangements. Er meimeiis still recovering and the sun is atop our heads. Quickly go back, ba.” 

“Thanks for your concern, si ge. I will return at once.” 

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Gu Yu looked at Gu Jiu with deep meaning. Then he turned and left. Once he left, Qing Mei said, “Did guniang wait here specially to talk to si shaoye?” 

Gu Jiu smiled, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. “Let’s go, ba! Go to san shaoye‘s place to take a look.” 

“Will guniang not go back?” 

Gu Jiu smiled and said, “Biaoge must certainly be at gege‘s place. I want to talk to him.” 

Saying so, Gu Jiu picked up her skirt and walked out of the pavilion and towards Gu Ting’s courtyard. 

“Gege, Su biaoge, what are you talking about? I could hear your loud voices from the door.” 

Gu Jiu entered the room, all smiles. 

“Meimei, why did you come? It’s so hot today. Can your body bear it?” 

Gu Jiu smiled softly. “Gege, don’t worry. I neglected Su biaoge in shang fang earlier. I ask Su biaoge to forgive me.” 

Su Zheng said, “Xiao Jiu biaomei is too courteous.” 

Gu Jiu sat down on a chair. Qing Mei brought her a cup of hot water.  

Gu Jiu smiled and said, “I haven’t asked, are uncle and aunt well?” 

Su Zheng said with a faint expression, “Many thanks for your concern, biaomei. Everyone in the family is good.” 

Gu Jiu looked sad. “When maternal grandfather passed away a few years ago, gege and I were still very young, not able to make decisions for ourselves. We couldn’t offer sacrifices for maternal grandfather. We are indeed unfilial.” 

Su Zheng said calmly, “Xiao Jiu biaomei needn’t blame herself. We understand your difficulty. It is a pity that circumstances at home aren’t very good and we are unable to help biaomei and biaodi. It’s good if you don’t blame us.” 

Gu Jiu said sincerely, “These years, aunt and uncle have worked hard.” 

Su Zheng laughed. “Not too hard. Instead, it is biaomei and biaodi who haven’t had an easy time under Xie taitai.” 

Gu Jiu nodded. “In fact, it isn’t easy for all of us.”

After a pause, she asked about the matter she had been concerned about. “Did biaoge come to Jinzhou for a purpose this time?”

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