My Gongzi Invites You

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Gu Jiu changed into simple and clean clothes and walked out of Puxian courtyard with her maids. 

When her eyes swept across her surroundings, she spotted a powerful guard stationed in front of a courtyard to her right. 

Qing Mei said, “Guniang, there seems to be someone living in the neighbouring courtyard.”

Gu Jiu nodded.

Xiao Cui hesitated for a second, but still said, “While coming back, nubi passed by the courtyard. It seemed quite big inside and they seemed to have been living there for many days now.”

Gu Jiu smiled, saying, “They must be the same as us, hearing the fame of Tianmen Temple and coming to burn incense and pray for blessings. There’s no need to pay more attention.”


Gu Jiu led the maids to enter the Jubo courtyard to her left. 

Gu Ting was exchanging moves with the guard. Seeing Gu Jiu, he hurriedly stopped. “Meimei, you’ve come. You must be hungry. The vegetarian food has just arrived. Let’s eat together.”

Seeing Gu Ting who was perspiring profusely, Gu Jiu quickly said, “Gege, it’s better if you get rid of all that sweat and wash up first.”

Gu Ting chuckled. “You are right. I’ll go clean myself up right away.”

Gu Jiu sized up the courtyard. Jubo courtyard and Puxian courtyard were roughly about the same size, but the latter had two additional wing rooms for the guards to rest. 

Gu Ting washed up quickly and changed his clothes. The siblings sat in the main room and relished the vegetarian food. 

Tianmen Temple’s vegetarian food enjoyed a well-deserved reputation. 

Gu Jiu was greatly satisfied with the food and her stomach seemed to be filled to the brim. She couldn’t help but let out a burp of satisfaction, and then gave an embarrassed smile.

Gu Ting burst out laughing. “I didn’t expect that you have such a side to you. I don’t get to see this in the fu.”

Gu Jiu wiped her mouth with her handkerchief. “I haven’t had such a refreshing meal in ages. I unwittingly ate a bit too much. Did you eat your fill, gege?”

Gu Ting nodded. “I’m so full that I feel bloated. I will go move around a little. You can do as you wish, meanwhile.”

Gu Jiu looked at the colour of the sky; it was still bright outside. Daytime was longer during summer, so the sun hadn’t set yet. 

She told Gu Ting, “I will have a stroll at the back of the mountain. I’ve heard that there is an orchard there.”

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“It will get dark soon. Remember to return soon.”

Gu Jiu nodded. She said to her maidservants, “Let’s go.”

Exiting from the door of the rear-court, they entered the back of the mountain. Sure enough, several fruit-bearing trees had been planted on the hilltop. There were plums, tangerines, peach saplings and plum blossoms.

Fruits were already hanging from the peach and plum trees. The plums could be eaten right away while the peaches still needed some time to ripen.

Qing Zhu asked, “Does guniang want to eat the plums? Nubi will ask the novice monks tomorrow to pick two catties for us.”

Gu Jiu smiled and said, “I wonder whether the plums are sweet.”

Qing Zhu replied at once, “They are very sweet. Everyone who has eaten the fruits of Tianmen Temple has said that they are delicious. Nubi heard that the children from the nearby villages sneak into the back of the mountain and pluck the fruits to eat them.”

Gu Jiu laughed. “Listening to your words, I’m feeling a little greedy. But I’ve already eaten too much today and I don’t feel like eating anymore. Ask the novice monks to pluck a few plums for us to eat. We can all taste them and satisfy our craving.”

“Nubi will remember.”

The maids were very excited. Not only could they eat the seasonal fruits, but they could also be more relaxed and comfortable when compared to being in the rigid and inflexible fu.

Gu Jiu walked around the back mountain. The orchard was huge. 

She suddenly thought of fruit wine.

In the future, when she had her own zhuangzi, she would have many fruit-bearing trees planted there. Every year, she would use those fruits to brew wine. 

Other than fruit wine, she could also ferment grape wine. 

Thinking of the sweet fruit wine, Gu Jiu began to crave them again. 

“Guniang, there is a pavilion ahead. Would you like to rest for a moment there?”

Gu Jiu was already panting. Her body was still too weak; she was tired after walking for such a short period and was already struggling to catch her breath. She had to recuperate well. 

She nodded. “Let’s go to the pavilion and rest for a while.”

“Nubi will support the guniang.”

Qing Mei stretched her hand out to help Gu Jiu. 

After walking some distance, Gu Jiu suddenly stopped. 

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The pavilion was already occupied. 

Unfortunately, they came late.

Qing Zhu said, “What do we do? Someone is already here. Shall I go and take a look at whether there are any seats available?”

“No, there is a boulder just ahead. We’ll sit on the stone and rest for a while.”

If she weren’t so fatigued, she would have directly returned to Puxian courtyard.

It was a pity that she was too weak. After catching her breath recovering her strength, she wanted to go back to Puxian courtyard. 

Xiao Cui hurriedly stepped forward and put a cushion on the rock. “Guniang, please sit down. Do you want to drink water?”

Gu Jiu nodded. 

Xiao Cui took out a teapot from the basket and poured a cup of tea for her.

The tea was warm, so Gu Jiu blew on it and took two sips. 

She was just beginning to feel comfortable when a gongzi of noble origins clad in snow-white clothes passed the path in front of her and entered the pavilion.

Gu Jiu glanced inside curiously. 

Inside the pavilion sat another gongzi wearing black. 

The white-robed gongzi stood in front of the black-robed one.

The atmosphere between the two was rather solemn and dignified.

A cool breeze blew from inside and the conversation between the two gongzi inside the pavilion reached Gu Jiu’s ears.

“I heard that biaoge had come to Jinzhou, but I didn’t believe it. Unexpectedly, biaoge is truly residing in Tianmen Temple.”

Pei Yun looked at Liu Zhao with a complex expression.

Pei Yun was the eldest di daughter of the western general, Lu hou, Pei Ren. To avoid the marriage arranged for her, she feigned illness and secretly came to the northwest. 

When Xie er laoye instigated Xie shi to become relatives by marriage with Lu hou Pei Ren, the target was precisely Pei Yun.

Gu Jiu’s ears moved slightly. This was clearly a female voice. The white-robed gongzi turned out to be a woman disguised as a man.

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She wondered what her background was that needed her to disguise herself in that manner. 

Liu Zhao glanced at the distance. 

Gu Jiu felt that he must have noticed her and hurriedly looked away, no longer examining the pair.

Liu Zhao’s lips curved slightly, showing a faint smile as if he were wearing a mask.

“I was also astonished to hear that biaomei was not in the capital recovering from illness, but rather in the northwestern barracks.”

Pei Yun forced a smile and sat down facing Liu Zhao. “Biaoge should clearly know the reason why I came to the northwest.”

Liu Zhao maintained his smile and shook his head. “I don’t know.”

Hearing this, Pei Yun felt grievances bubble up in her heart. She lowered her head with a self-deprecating smile. “I shouldn’t have any expectations of you. Only then, will I not feel disappointed.” 

Liu Zhao remained silent.

Looking at him, Pei Yun’s voice turned more solemn. “Biaoge, go back. You shouldn’t have come to the northwest.”

Liu Zhao raised a brow. “Is this your opinion or Lu hou’s?”

“Regardless of whose opinion it is, I request biaoge to please return to the capital as soon as possible.”

Pausing, she continued, “If someone knows that you secretly left the capital, I’m afraid that you will be in trouble.”

Liu Zhao said indifferently, “It seems that my jiujiualready knows that I’m in the northwest but has refused to meet me. Has he already made his decision?”

Pei Yun stared at Liu Zhao and shook her head. “You don’t need to ask me. I don’t know anything.”

Liu Zhao smiled. “I understand. Thank you, biaomei, for making this trip.”

Pei Yun stood. “It’s already evening. I should go. Biaoge, take care.”

Saying so, Pei Yun hastily left.

The guards outside the orchard rushed to surround Pei Yun and protect her, escorting her away.

Gu Jiu had rested enough. “Let us also leave.”

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“Guniang, my gongzi is requesting your company.”

A strong, armed guard suddenly appeared before them. Qing Mei and the other maids were terrified. 

“Guniang, nubi will protect you.” Qing Mei stood in front of Gu Jiu, looking at the guard with alertness. 

The guard looked at Gu Jiu, not paying attention to Qing Mei at all. He repeated, “Guniang, my gongzi is requesting your company.”

Gu Jiu frowned and asked calmly, “Who is your gongzi? Do I know him?”

“My gongzi is sitting inside the pavilion ahead.”

Gu Jiu turned to glance at the pavilion. “If I don’t go, what will you do?”

“I advise guniang to take the initiative to go. Otherwise, I might have to make a move. I’m a crude person and may accidentally injure the guniang.”

“How dare you?!” Qing Mei was furious. “Do you know who my master is? Do you know whose territory this is? If you dare to hurt my guniang, I will take your dog life.”

The guard scowled angrily, almost ready to punch her. 

Gu Jiu promptly made a decision and stood out. “Qing Mei, withdraw.”

“Guniang?” Qing Mei exclaimed anxiously.

Gu Jiu shook her head sternly at Qing Mei, hinting at her to not worry. 

The eyes of the guard before her were clever and his body was robust. There was a broadsword on his back and thick calluses had formed on his hands.

Compared to him, the guards at the provincial governor’s mansion were as weak as chickens.

Obviously, he wasn’t the guard of someone ordinary.

It seemed that the status of the gongzi in the pavilion wasn’t small.

Gu Jiu smiled lightly and asked the guard, “I still don’t know your gongzi‘s family name.”

The guard said expressionlessly, “Gongzi is just gongzi.”

Gu Jiu gave in, smiling. “Okay, I will follow you to meet your gongzi. Please lead the way.”

“This way, please.”

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