Man Chao Huan

Chapter 14

Wangye was in the badmood. As the person in charge of him and his guards commander, the two naturally could guess what was on Wangye’s mind so Zhao An secretly asked Zhang Ma to inquire Yun Ge’s situation after the test*.

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(*In case anyone ask what kind of test is that, in previous chapter, ZJS ignored YG and instead got ignored by her. There is no long explanation, but use imagination in this part. Using C-Drama as reference is also good)

Zhang Ma brought back the news that caused Zhao An’s head to hurted. The schadenfreude Zhang Qiao Yu was overjoyed as Zhang Ma repeated the information she got about Yun ge – that girl Yun Ge was indeed wanted to stay in separate courtyard.

That being said, several people still couldn’t believe from the bottom of their heart that there was a woman that more than willing to give up the chance to being a phoenix soaring to the sky. Instead, she would chose to ‘fall from the grace’, stayed in the cold palace like the unfavored concubine.

Even after Wangye and his entourage had travel ten miles, Yun Ge had not changed, showing no movement. They all thoroughly believed that Yun Ge was the rarest creature that exist under the heaven.

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Zhao Jian Shen was still able to smile warmly like a jade, but the very closed people around him all knew that Wangye was very unhappy!

The entourage kept continue their trip back to the capital city. At the same night, Zhao Jian Shen, without telling anyone, secretly went back to the Hua Ting Hall. Going by to what Zhang Ma told him about Yun Ge’s room, he stealthly and directly snuck into her courtyard.

Zhao Jian Shen came into her room through the window from the outside as he faintly heard the constant sound of her breathing. Knowing that the person in the room was sleeping soundly, Zhao Jian Shen raised his hand to gently push the window without making any sound.

After he opened the window, with one quick leap, Zhao Jian Shen entered the room and saw his own shadow reflected due to the moonlight. This was not a laughing matter. A dignified Wangye like him, to actually doing the same things like a kidnapper only to see his own concubine*, if this was spread out, he would be laughingstock in the entire capital city.

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(*ZJS really claims Yun Ge as his concubine, not just a servant, but not even a wife or someone he likes.)

With his skill, in the middle of the darkest night or the usual night made no difference for Zhao Jian Shen. Walked to the side of the bed, he lifted up the veil that covered the bed. On the bed slept the beauty who these past few days kept appearing on his mind.

His fingers gently brushed the eyebrow above of her eyes. He couldn’t help but remember their moment in the library, how Yun Ge looked straight at him with the pair of tranquil and bright eyes where his shadow was reflected. It was engraved deeply in his heart.

He desired this woman but this woman seemed to lacked interest toward him. According to the news from Zhang Ma told him, the moment she heard about their departure, she was very happy! So very damn happy!

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Zhao Jian Shen was frustrated, but couldn’t stop the excitement inside of him. It had been such a long time that someone was able to provoke the turbulence in his heart, although it was unintentional.

Due to his prestige and pride, he naturally refused to do such a disgusting act such as forcing an unwilling woman. But due to the unhappiness in his heart, he also couldn’t let this woman lived a happy life!


The deep in sleep Yun Ge felt itchy from all of his touching, frowning as she tried to escape from him.

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Zhao Jian Shen smiled. His left hand gently twisted Yun Ge’s chin toward him as he lean closer, gently kissed the red lips of the young maiden, whispered softly, “I will give you another chance. If your appear before me once again, I will take you with me.”

Yun Ge who had been harassed even in her beautiful dream, unconsciously twisted her body around and rolled up into the blanket like a kitten.

Zhao Jian Shen who was about to leave, looking at this cute and funny looking, suddenly he really wanted to turned back. He should just take her with him now!

(TL: 742 / E: Sovannah )

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