Man Huang Feng Bao

Chapter 404

Man Huang Feng Bao, Chapter 404: Two faced person

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After reporting, those trusted subordinates quietly withdrew, but Mei Chuanfeng no longer had any mood to make merry. He jumped out of the bed and walked forward.

The Third Elder of Blacksnake Clan was unwilling to standing at his side, but this was within his expectation, if the worst comes to the worst, he could just crush him. The person who was truly hindering him from ascending the patriarch throne was not current patriarch who was lying on sickbed, rather Great Elder of Blacksnake Clan who held power. He was a bone that was hard to deal with.

Sacrificing 8,000 virgin girls and virgin boys to summon Blacksnake Great Archfiend was about to begin. If he couldn’t stop this sacrifice ceremony, then he would lose. But just at this time, White Dragon Sage who was well known in South Sea had finally arrived at Blacksnake Residence, in addition, that brat Ye Chuan had also come, thus, with many things gathered together, the overall matters had gotten even thornier.

“Noble son, come on!”

“Noble son, I already cannot wait, quickly come……”

Several beauties stretched out their jade hands from the thin curtain of the bed and grab the sleeve of Mei Chuanfeng who was standing in front of the bed, wanting to pull him on the bed.


Mei Chuanfeng fiercely slapped away the hands of these women. When needed, he would hold them in the center of his palm, but when unneeded, he would kick them away like a dog without mercy. Afterward, Mei Chuanfeng wore his clothes and hastily left this hall.

This won’t do, he absolutely should not just wait for his doom like this!

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The more Mei Chuangfeng thought, the more restless he became, so he went to look for Ghost King Dusen overnight.

Ye Chuan who was hanging down from the eaves quietly jumped and carefully followed Mei Chuanfeng keeping quite a distance between them.

In the dead of night, Mei Chuanfeng hastily walked away with only two guards. The three people walked straight towards a mountain. It was at a remote place, and although there were many restrictions, there were only a few patrolling guards.

Should he take advantage of this occasion to make a move and crush this Blacksnake noble son into a dead snake?

Ye Chuan who was far behind suddenly had this bold thought.

Rank 3 Daoist Master realm against peak Daoist Master realm and two Rank two Daoist Master realm experts, Ye Chuan had only 30% certainty, so should he make a move or not?

Ye Chuan hesitated, with only 30% certainty, he would have made a move without any hesitation if this was the wilderness as he would never miss such a change where he had some certainty, but this was inside Blacksnake Villa with tight security, so he had no choice but to think over again and again. If his attack failed, then he would suffer violent counterattack and even implicate Little Long’er waiting outside the villa.

“You two, guard here, don’t let anyone enter!”

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When Ye Chuan was hesitating, Mei Chuanfeng suddenly stopped and ordering his guards, he entered a courtyard at the summit of a mountain by himself.

Blacksnake Villa was built on a mountain, but the overwhelming majority of buildings were built at halfway up the mountain and the summit was very remote and deserted. And the moment Blacksnake noble son knocked the door and entered, a gloomy and cold air suddenly spread out from this courtyard. Those guards standing outside simultaneously shivered and their face was filled with fear. Even without the instruction of Blacksnake noble son, they wouldn’t dare to enter.

As it turned out, Ghost King Dusen was hidden here!

The mind of these two guards shook as they retreated. They were dying to run far away from this courtyard. The eyes of Ye Chuan however was shining.

Since he found the whereabouts of Ghost King Dusen, Redline Chu Hongniang shouldn’t be far away. If she wasn’t in this courtyard then where could she be?

Ye Chuan quietly used Cyan Feather Technique and sneaked into this remote courtyard without anybody knowing. Sure enough, after entering inside, he could clearly sense Chu Hongniang. Clearly, either Mei Chuanfeng or Ghost King Dusen had use some kind of technique to cut off the divine sense in this courtyard.

“Boy, finally, you have come!”

A gloomy and cold voice came from the room, precisely was the voice of Ghost King Dusen. Just hearing his voice, people felt cold and also felt invisible pressure. It seemed that the cultivation of Ghost King Dusen had increased a bit. The more blood he sucked, the more powerful he got.

The heart of Ye Chuan stopped, and thinking his whereabouts was exposed, his scalp tingled.

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“Yes, Your Excellency Great Master Dusen, I have come.”

Mei Chuanfeng was subservient and he respectfully entered. In front of other people, he was insolent and arrogant, but in front of Ghost King Dusen, he didn’t even dare to stand straight. This time, whether he could sit on the throne of Patriarch or not was completely dependent on whether Ghost King Dusen would help or not. Moreover, even his little life was in the hands of this Ghost King Dusen.

Outside the courtyard, Ye Chuan who was hiding in the dark relaxed. Then, he carefully hid in the dark some distance away. He didn’t dare to approach too near. Who was Ghost King Dusen? If he carelessly leaked even a bit of his aura, then he would be discovered, and at that time, even if he wanted to run away, he wouldn’t be able to do so! Through the half opened window, he could see Ghost King Dusen sitting on the bedside, and Mei Chuanfeng was respectfully bowing in front of Ghost King. But, to his surprise, he also saw Redline Chu Hongniang, her hands and legs were tied on the bed.

Not good, could it be that Chu Hongniang was already……

The heart of Ye Chuan trembled, but looking carefully, he again felt it didn’t resemble so.

Although Redline Lady Chu Hongniang was tied on the bed and couldn’t move, her clothing was still neat. There was no sign of violation. But, the big hand of Ghost King Dusen was continuously moving around the body of Chu Hongniang, however, that movement didn’t resemble blaspheming, on the contrary, it seemed that he was helping the latter cleanse her blood, muscles and marrows.

“Wife, I am Dusen, I am your husband, Dusen, could it be that you forget your past life’s memories? Wife……”

Ghost King Dusen helped Chu Hongniang resist the erosion of corpse poison while continuously talking to her. He didn’t even look at Mei Chuanfeng. Clearly, after being awakened by Ye Chuan, Mei Chuanfeng and others at the bamboo forest of Cyan Sand Island where he cultivated for millions of years, he regarded Redline Chu Hongniang as his wife. Perhaps, he missed his lover too much, or perhaps, Chu Hongniang truly looked exactly like his wife, he believed that she was his wife.

“I am not your wife, my husband is Bai Rulong, he will kill you. Let go, take away your dog paw……” Chu Hongniang looked pale in fear and wanted to dodge, but she was unable to move. Even though her cultivation had already reached peak Daoist Master realm, she was easily suppressed by Ghost King Dusen. Fortunately, this fellow only talked and didn’t make a move, otherwise, in these past few days, he would have already……

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Chu Hongniang was anxious. At this moment, her hands and legs were tied up and she was wearing only extremely thin clothing. Her charming and curvy figure was completely displayed. In addition, the more anxious she was, the more alluring she looked. Mei Chuanfeng couldn’t help looking at her and had a thought in his heart, but he didn’t dare to do anything even if he was given a leopard’s guts. Whoever dared to make a move against the woman of Ghost King Dusen was absolutely courting death!

“Wife, I am your husband, where is that whatever Bai Rulong? I will kill him!” Ghost King Dusen emitted dense killing intent. Several days had already passed but Chu Hongniang didn’t have any feeling towards him, so he had begun to get impatient.

“Your Excellency Dusen, women want coaxing, but at the critical moment, they still wanted to be conquered forcibly. Whoever conquered her to obedience, he would be her husband.”

Mei Chuanfeng smiled and suggested. Just taking a quick glance at the curvy body of Chu Hongniang, his throat became dry and his eyes shone with scorching heat, but he hastily lowered his head.

Hearing his words, Ghost King Dusen still said nothing. But, Chu Hongniang who was tied on the bed panicked and became paler. Outside the courtyard, the heart of Ye Chuan also sunk and he also got nervous.

This Mei Chuanfeng was truly a bad thing. If Ghost King truly listened to his such suggestion and forced himself upon Chu Hongniang, then should he save her or not?

Now, there was a difficult choice in front of Ye Chuan.

Now, going out to save her was just like a moth darting into a flame, but if he indifferently watched Chu Hongniang getting sullied, then in the future when he met White Dragon Sage, then how could he explain? Moreover, returning to sea dragon boat, what should he say to Zhu Sijia and others?

Ye Chuan was very nervous and watching Mei Chuanfeng, he gritted his teeth. He had never hated a person like this before.

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