Chapter 1: Marrying into the Yuming Mountain

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The Lingxu Realm was situated between the cultivation realm and the divine realm, serving as the home to countless immortal clans and divine beasts.


In the narrow mountain path of Yuming Immortal Mountain, members of the Mountain Spirit Clan, donning white deer masks, cautiously carried a bridal sedan chair, navigating their way through.


The wedding procession consisted of merely a few dozen people, which appeared rather modest considering the intermarriage between the two clans.


Yun Zhao, inside the cramped sedan chair, wearing a white deer mask, felt dizzy and disoriented. The deer antler ornaments hanging from the red canopy above weighed heavily on his head, preventing him from lifting it.


He wanted to wipe off the thin sweat on his forehead, but his wrist was securely bound by the Immortal Binding Rope, lest he try to escape.


Yun Zhao was a typical office worker, sticking to a routine of eight-to-nine work hours, with no interests other than eating. Little did he expect that a car accident would transport him to this world bustling with divine beings and exotic races.


Upon his arrival, he learned about the arranged marriage between the Dragon Clan and the Mountain Spirit Clan. The Mountain Spirit Clan was favored by the heavens, possessing exceptionally pure spiritual power and adeptness in healing arts, making them the most desirable partners for many immortal beast clans.


However, due to severe injuries sustained by Ao Yu, the Dragon Clan's representative, during a battle with demons in the abyss, the clan leader refused to wed their young master to this fallen god, given his violent and unpredictable temperament.


This morning, a few burly men forced Yun Zhao into the bridal sedan chair, and it was only then that he realized his clan intended for him to stand in for the Mountain Spirit's young master in this marriage.


Before his departure, the Mountain Spirit's young master caressed Yun Zhao's face, a faintly mocking smile curving his thin lips. "Trash suits trash. It's a perfect match."


Having said that, he personally tied the Immortal Binding Rope around Yun Zhao's wrist and lowered the sedan chair's curtain.


Yun Zhao never expected that shortly after his arrival in this world, he would be cast into the role of a substitute bride. He felt somewhat bewildered.


Lost in his thoughts, the sedan chair eventually came to a halt, accompanied by the faint sound of clan members playing melodious tunes on jade flutes, their music resonating through the dense forest.


After the tune concluded, the clan members swiftly departed, leaving behind only the bridal sedan chair and a few carriers bearing the dowry.


Gradually, tranquility enveloped the surroundings, and within the sedan chair, Yun Zhao wore a puzzled expression.


Is this all?


For a moment, Yun Zhao couldn't make sense of it, yet the Immortal Binding Rope on his wrist unexpectedly loosened by itself.


A gentle breeze, carrying a subtle floral fragrance, lifted the curtain of the sedan chair. Yun Zhao lifted his head, catching a glimpse of a towering figure standing before him.


A hand with distinct knuckles extended towards him, and Yun Zhao comprehended, placing his own hand into it.


Goodness, it Is freezing!


The person holding his hand seemed devoid of warmth. The icy fingers wrapped around his own, sending shivers down Yun Zhao's spine.


He had been in the Lingxu Realm for quite some time, but that was the first time he had seen such thin spiritual energy in the immortal mountain. There were no signs of any spirit beasts either.


Amidst the tranquility, a sense of desolation permeated the mountain path, accompanied only by the sound of the spirited steed carrying the dowry.


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After walking for an unknown duration, Yun Zhao finally entered a pavilion. In his hand, he held a thick, red cord, with one end held by himself and the other by the man beside him.


Lost in thought, he heard the calls of blue birds and white cranes. As the sounds grew louder, a figure appeared in the hall.


Yun Zhao's face was covered by a red veil, so he couldn't see clearly. All he knew was that the person held a book of scripts and stood between the two of them. With the melodious bird calls, the complex incantations were slowly recited, and a golden light descended onto the red cord.


Gradually, his chest began to warm up within the incantation. The sharp and distinct pain made Yun Zhao, who had been jostled in the sedan chair all day, suddenly lose his balance and stumble forward.


His arm was firmly grasped by a strong hand, providing support and preventing him from publicly bowing to the immortal officiating the wedding.


"Stand firm."


The cold and proud voice reached Yun Zhao's ears through the thin veil. Feeling embarrassed, he nodded and involuntarily curled his fingertips due to the lingering touch on his arm.


How awkward.


Fortunately, the immortal didn't mind. With a faint smile, he closed the book of scripts and said, "The ceremony is complete."


As soon as the words fell, several attendants approached and lifted Yun Zhao, carrying him into the room.


Sitting on the bed, Yun Zhao reflected on the scene that had just unfolded. This divine lord seemed to have a decent temperament.


Lost in thought, a strange voice suddenly rang in his mind: [Welcome, host Yun Zhao, to the Lingxu Realm. I am your partner system. I hope we have a pleasant cooperation!]


After the sudden electronic sound, there was a buzzing sound in his mind, and Yun Zhao covered his forehead in a state of panic. Could it be a residual effect from the car accident?


However, that thought was immediately refuted by the electronic voice.


System: [You fool, you're already an immortal. Can't you concentrate your thoughts in your sea of consciousness?]


Yun Zhao was bewildered as he followed its instructions, feeling his thoughts entering an unfamiliar space.


System: [Thank you for your cooperation. Congratulations on activating the Yuming Mountain Restoration System.]


Yun Zhao was puzzled. "W-What does that mean?"


The system explained, [The young master of the Dragon Clan, Ao Yu, was heavily injured in a fierce battle with the Abyss. The spiritual power of Yuming Mountain resonates most strongly with Ao Yu. However, the spiritual energy in the mountain has weakened and is insufficient for the young master's recovery. As his spouse, please actively complete the mission to restore the former glory of Yuming Mountain.]


Yun Zhao understood. Even though he had transmigrated from a corporate slave, he still had work to do.


Perhaps sensing Yun Zhao's discontent, the system cleared its throat twice. [Host, there will be significant rewards if you complete the mission!]


Excitedly rubbing his hands together, Yun Zhao asked, "System, can I have any rewards?"


The system's tone immediately became proud. [Of course! As long as we’re satisfied, the last host who successfully completed the mission is currently hosting a boy band audition on a private planet!]


Yun Zhao, satisfied with the enticing reward promised by the system, eagerly inquired, "So, what do I need to do?"

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The system was also pleased with Yun Zhao's attitude, and its voice became more enthusiastic. [I have conducted a comprehensive analysis of the host. Your affinity level is classified as S-rank. To divine beasts, you are a rare delicacy. I suggest you open a divine beast nursery as soon as possible. The more divine beasts you have, the more beneficial it will be for the restoration of spiritual veins…]


Yun Zhao interrupted, "Wait, what is affinity?"


The system explained, [It is a unique attribute of the host, which made your spiritual power purer than that of the Mountain Spirit Clan. You also possess stronger healing and soothing abilities.]


Yun Zhao was shocked. "But the people of the Mountain Spirit Clan called me..."


[Useless], the system finished his sentence, its tone arrogant and disdainful. [They don't know anything.]


Yun Zhao sighed, "You're quite overbearing."


The system replied, [Thank you.]


Then, the considerate system continued, [Considering the host's lack of funds, I am now releasing some simple tasks for you to actively complete.]


System: [Please complete the task of feeding the young master of the Dragon Clan (0/1) and receive a reward of 50 immortal stones. You currently have 0 immortal stones.]




How should I feed him? Should I take the route of a doting wife and prepare a lunchbox for the young master?


He called out to the system for help in his mind, but unfortunately, the system seemed to ignore him after assigning the task.


At that moment, the door creaked open.


Ah, had the young master of the Dragon Clan arrived?


Yun Zhao couldn't help but feel nervous again, his fingers playing with the tassels on his clothes. Hesitating, he let the large red veil that covered his head fall down.


Yun Zhao lifted his head, only to find no one in front of him.


No one?


Yun Zhao couldn't help but feel puzzled.


"Fool, look down."


A melodious voice, as clear as a spring, reached Yun Zhao's ears. He followed the sound with his gaze and was surprised.


What an imposing and magnificent... little dragon.


Yun Zhao was taken aback. A little dragon?


The entire dragon seemed to be in its infant form, with jade-like scales reflecting a warm luster, and the belly between its sharp claws rising and falling with each breath.


Yun Zhao couldn't help but be stunned, unable to resist exclaiming, "So adorable..."

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What kind of description is that? How foolish!


Ao Yu narrowed his pale golden eyes and lifted his chin, exuding the inherent arrogance of the Dragon Clan.


With a faint scent of grass,Yun Zhao patted the little dragon’s head.




Ao Yu was taken aback by Yun Zhao's sudden action, standing dumbfounded in place, his eyes filled with disbelief.


"I'm Yun Zhao, the one sent from our clan to fulfill the marriage contract with the young master." Yun Zhao had seen legendary creatures for the first time, although in a... shrunken version, but he couldn't hide his excitement.


Ao Yu glanced up, his eyes filled with disdain. He knew exactly what the elder from the Mountain Spirit Clan had in mind, but he didn't care who had been sent. After all, they would eventually leave.


He was about to mock and sneer when, unexpectedly, Yun Zhao carefully cradled the entire dragon in his hands and placed it on his knee.


Nervously, Yun Zhao reassured himself in his mind. The system had said his affinity level was S-rank, so there was nothing to fear. The dragon would definitely let him touch it...


With these thoughts in mind, Yun Zhao hesitantly transferred his spiritual energy to his fingertips and gently touched the cold scales.


Ao Yu tensed up, his claws accidentally puncturing a few small holes in Yun Zhao's attire.


The warm touch on his fingertips gradually made Ao Yu relax. Yun Zhao's spiritual energy penetrated through the scales, and the throbbing pain in his meridians miraculously disappeared.


Ao Yu squinted his animal-like pupils. The youth's spiritual energy was incredibly pure. He couldn't fathom why the elder from the Mountain Spirit Clan would willingly send this person over.


Before Ao Yu could think further, he heard the youth speak in a gentle voice, "Don't worry, as your stepmother, I will treat you well."


The second marriage of the biological father was always a sensitive issue for a youngling.


Yun Zhao's eyes became tender, almost brimming with tears. He understood, he understood everything.




The silver-white little dragon abruptly raised its head, a hint of confusion appearing in its eyes. Was it really playing the role of a child in a second marriage?


Yun Zhao's smile became even more gentle. If he had known that the young master of the Dragon Clan had such an adorable little dragon, he would have eagerly delivered himself without needing any coercion!


While the little dragon was lost in thought, Yun Zhao's fair and soft palm lightly patted its head, unintentionally brushing against its dragon horn.


The sudden touch brought Ao Yu back to his senses, causing him to shiver involuntarily.


The tingling sensation from the dragon horn made Ao Yu immediately bounce away, retreating a good distance. His embarrassment caused his ears to slightly tilt backward.


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Ao Yu was greatly shocked. This little Mountain Spirit was too audacious. How could he casually touch his dragon horn like that?


Yun Zhao was unaware of what had happened to the little dragon who was just fine a moment ago, now kept circling around the pillow before finally curling up into a small bundle with his head buried deep in the middle.


Yun Zhao nervously wrung his fingers. It seemed that the dragon horn was sensitive and he had inadvertently hurt it while touching it.


Feeling remorseful, he suddenly recalled something and got up from the bed.


Ao Yu lay on a soft pillow, hearing the gradually receding footsteps of the person leaving. He understood clearly that nobody would be pleased to see him in such a state.


He tightly pursed his lips and cradled his tail in his arms, pretending not to care, although his two small ears slightly tilted backward.


A faint, sweet fragrance filled the air, causing Ao Yu to pause. He lifted his little head and noticed a piece of soft sweet cake placed beside him.


Yun Zhao squatted by the bedside, his eyes filled with apology. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. This is a sweet cake I made myself. Give it a try!"


When Yun Zhao joined the Mountain Spirit Clan, he discovered that the area was abundant with fragrant flowers and sweet grass. With his skillful hands, he made several sweet cakes to carry with him, satisfying his cravings.


He broke off a small piece of the sweet cake and placed it beside the little dragon. He had apologized for quite some time, but the little dragon merely glanced at it before burying its head again.


Did it not like it?


Yun Zhao saved the remaining sweet cake and pondered over what else he could use to apologize.


While searching around, his gaze fell upon the bed, where he noticed the little dragon already fast asleep. Its belly, covered in white scales, rose and fell gently, while its small claws fidgeted and then curled up.


There was no more sound outside; it seemed that the young master of the Dragon Clan would not be coming.


Yun Zhao observed the bedside for a while, then covered the dragon cub with his own red veil, removed his outer robe and headgear, and blew out the candle before carefully lying down on the bed.


After a day of jostling in the sedan chair, Yun Zhao fell into a deep sleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. In the room, the rhythmic sound of his breathing gradually filled the air.


At that moment, the small piece of sweet cake on the pillow was swiftly rolled up by a slender tail and quickly stuffed into the mouth.


Ao Yu's mouth bulged as he chewed vigorously. He glanced at the sleeping Yun Zhao and swallowed with disdain.


So sweet, yet so terribly unappetizing!


In the late night, moonlight streamed through the window curtains, casting a soft glow on the bed.


In Yun Zhao's mind, the system's teasing electronic voice sounded: [Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task of feeding the young master of the Dragon Clan (1/1). You have been rewarded with 50 immortal stones. You now have a total of 50 immortal stones.]


Yun Zhao reflexively widened his eyes and looked at the sleeping little dragon.


Oh no!


What should he do now that he had mistaken his new spouse for his illegitimate child?

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