Chapter 13: Return to the Market

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"What's wrong?"


Yun Zhao poured a cup of tea for the little black rabbit and placed it in front of him.


The little black rabbit drank it up and caught his breath before saying, "The Wolf Clan ordered a lot of grilled squid from Xu Liu, but after eating it, they all got sick with vomiting and diarrhea. Not a single wolf in the clan could stand up!"


Yun Zhao looked surprised, "Really? It can't be that serious, can it?"


"It's true!" The little black rabbit patted his chest, assuring that his source of information was reliable. "The Wolf Clan's chief was furious and gave Xu Liu and the others a beating. Now all the squid stalls in the market have been shut down. No one dares to sell them anymore!"


"Ha!" Wu Mu burst into laughter, his cat-like eyes forming crescents. "These stupid wolves have quite a temper."


Yun Zhao glanced at him, took the little black rabbit to have his meal, and then led the cats back to their room, closing the door. He pondered for a moment and asked, "Did you do this?"


Wu Mu nodded, a hint of glee in his voice. "They provoked you first, so I just sprinkled some croton powder on the squid."


"Just some?" Yun Zhao covered the mouth of this mischievous cat cub, realizing that it had caused an entire wolf clan to suffer from exhaustion. He wondered how much croton powder Wu Mu had used.


But thinking that it wouldn't be traced back to him, he patted Wu Mu's head and said, "Thank you for venting my anger, but you shouldn't do this again in the future."


Wu Mu obediently meowed in agreement, rubbing his head against Yun Zhao's hand. In his mind, he thought that if there was another person like Xu Liu, he would have to be more discreet and not let Yun Zhao find out.




Early the next day, the pavilions of Yuming Mountain were filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread.


Thanks to the rabbits' help, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to make so much.


He loaded all the bread onto a cart, which he had modified. He carved wooden boards into various animal shapes and nailed them in a row. He also attached silk bows, making it look playful and adorable.


Luo Xue and Wu Mu curiously circled the cart, lightly leaping up and sitting down, meowing incessantly to urge Yun Zhao to set off.


Ao Yu watched the modified cart for a while but refused to get on. Yun Zhao had no choice but to leave him in the mountains to rest.


As the Spirit Horse pulled the cart into the market, it undoubtedly attracted curious glances from the crowd.

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They thought the Lord wouldn't come again, but unexpectedly, after two days of rest, he reappeared, apparently bringing something new to play with.


Yun Zhao found a spot to park the wooden cart and then displayed his freshly baked bread by lifting the cover.


The delicate aroma of milk became even richer after baking, standing out amidst the various grilled meat scents on the street.


On another street, a few young members of the Wolf Clan strolled around.


Ever since they had eaten Xu Liu's squid and suffered from two days of intense digestive discomfort, they were forced by their elders to drink porridge and eat plain noodles every day. Their taste buds had become so bland. But whenever they thought of eating meat, the pain in their behinds reminded them of their recent ordeal.


Thus, they wandered around the market with a gloomy expression, lacking enthusiasm for anything to eat.


Suddenly, a peculiar fragrance wafted over.


"Wow, it smells so good! What is that?"


"I don't know, it's coming from over there!"


Several young members of the Wolf Clan, with their sensitive noses, sniffed the air and followed the scent from the other end of the street.


They discovered that the aroma was coming from the uniquely shaped wooden cart, with a handsome young man standing in front of it.


So, the young members looked at each other and approached, asking, "Brother, what are you selling?"


Seeing the arrival of customers, Yun Zhao smiled and uncovered the cart, revealing rows of neatly shaped little bunny bread in front of the young members.


"Wow!" The young members exclaimed in unison, their eyes gleaming as they stared at the trays inside the cart.


No wolf would refuse a rabbit, especially when they were lined up in a row!


Yun Zhao wrapped one of the little bunny breads in parchment paper and introduced, "This is made with flour, eggs, and the herb essence of the Mountain Spirit Clan. It has a sweet and refreshing taste. Would you like to try it?"


The bunny bread, baked to a beautiful golden color, had sesame seeds for eyes and nose, making it extremely cute.


"Give me one!"


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Yun Zhao handed the wrapped bread over and said, "10 spirit stones, thank you for your patronage!"


The young member readily paid the money and held the bread, about to take a bite, when a hand reached out and snatched it away, leaving the young member with nothing.


"Who's that?" The young member turned around in anger, but his arrogant demeanor was instantly extinguished by a splash of cold water.


The person who intervened had ink-black hair neatly tied up and a sharp and assertive gaze. Just a slight furrow of their brow was enough to stun the group of young members.


The young member murmured, "Brother Chang Xiao... What are you doing?"


The young man named Chang Xiao coldly snorted and glanced disdainfully at Yun Zhao, saying, "You dare to eat this kind of street food? Haven't you had enough stomach trouble?"


A few days ago, Chang Xiao went out for some errands and returned to find that the entire clan had been tormented by indulging in street snacks. As a result, he became very strict with these gluttonous brothers.


"I'm fine now! And I've been drinking porridge and taking herbal medicine every meal. I just want to eat something different!" The young members persisted, trying to snatch the little bunny bread from Yun Zhao's hand.


Chang Xiao clicked his tongue disapprovingly and had no intention of giving it to them.


Wu Mu, slapping his front paw angrily, said, "Chang Xiao, you stinky dog! The bread made by our lord Yun Zhao is clean. What's your problem?"


Chang Xiao lowered his head and noticed that Wu Mu was sitting on the cart. He had dealt with Wu Mu before, and their auras had never matched. Chang Xiao couldn't be bothered to spare him a glance.


Yun Zhao sighed helplessly and, seeing the unhappy expressions on the young members' faces, he wrapped one for each of them. "Please have these. Don't worry, we ate these yesterday, so they're clean."


The young members glanced disdainfully at Chang Xiao and daringly took a bite.


Just one bite, and everyone froze. They thought it was just cute-shaped dough, but they didn't expect it to taste so good.


The small bread was very light, and they couldn't feel much weight in their hands. A delicate milky aroma permeated their fingertips. When they tore a piece open, the soft white interior was revealed. The milky fragrance danced between their teeth, becoming even softer and moist as it mixed with their saliva.


The leading young member took a bite and looked at his companions. With the second bite, he intentionally took smaller bites.


Delicious things should be savored slowly. If everyone finished eating and he still had a good portion left in his hand, it would make them envious!


Little did he know that everyone had the same idea. Thus, Yun Zhao watched as the eating habits of several young members of the Wolf Clan turned refined and genteel.


Yun Zhao: "..."

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Wu Mu proudly wagged his tail and looked at Chang Xiao. "How about that? This bread is soft and fragrant. If you don't want to eat it yourself, don't obstruct others from enjoying the delicacy. Being so domineering won't win you any friends, bro."


Luo Xue, with a disdainful look, moved his little butt away.


Yun Zhao looked at Chang Xiao, who hadn't made a move, and patiently said, "The ingredients I use are fine. If you're still concerned, you can always come to Yuming Mountain and find me if any problems arise."


Chang Xiao looked at Yun Zhao, then at the golden little bunny bread in his hand. After sniffing it tentatively a few times, he finally put it in his mouth.


As he chewed, the abundant aroma filled his entire mouth. Surprisingly, Chang Xiao found himself wanting more after swallowing.


Passersby had been watching for a while, and seeing these young members of the Wolf Clan eating with such satisfaction, they all crowded over.


The children were the most excited, tugging at their parents' sleeves and clamoring for the little bunny bread.


Yun Zhao immediately switched to business mode, addressing the uncles and aunties with extra warmth and even patting the fluffy heads of the children while praising how cute they looked today. This made the customers in front of the stall smile with delight.


Luo Xue and Wu Mu transformed into children and started collecting money in a jar.


After finishing their own bread, the wolf tribe boys realized that Yun Zhao's stall was rapidly selling out the little bunny bread. They immediately rushed forward to buy more, but were pushed back by the other customers.


"Go, go, go, you little rascals, get in line at the back! Don't you know the rules?"


The boys looked back and were dumbfounded to see a long queue skillfully forming in front of Yun Zhao's stall.


Yun Zhao had baked over five hundred pieces of bread this time, and with all the commotion, they were sold out in less than half an hour.


"Not bad, it seems like everyone loves them." Yun Zhao tidied up the leftover baking trays, planning to add some fruit jam filling in the future to make them less monotonous.


"Brother Yun Zhao, can you make cat-shaped ones next time?" Luo Xue asked while leaning against the cart.


Yun Zhao patted his head and replied, "Sure, I can."


Except for dragons, other animal shapes shouldn't be a problem...



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As Yun Zhao was about to pack up the cart and head back home, someone called out to him.


He turned around and saw the wolf tribe youth, Chang Xiao, who had been there earlier.


Yun Zhao was puzzled. "Is there something else?"


Chang Xiao looked a bit embarrassed, averted his gaze, and his long lashes trembled before he spoke. "I'm sorry for my earlier behavior."


Yun Zhao thought there was something else going on, so he waved it off. "It's okay." After all, if they were to be completely honest, it was Wu Mu's doing that caused the wolves to have diarrhea.


Chang Xiao continued, "Your bread is really good. I would like to place a larger order. We will send someone to pick it up, so you don't have to worry."


Upon hearing this, Yun Zhao's eyes lit up with excitement. A big order!


They discussed the quantity and delivery time, and Chang Xiao readily paid a deposit of five thousand spirit stones.


Yun Zhao never expected to gain such a big client on his first day of selling. He couldn't help but chuckle on the way back.


Wu Mu counted the spirit stones in the jar and said nonchalantly, "Those wolves have plenty of money. Even if we double the price, as long as they like it, they will pay."


Yun Zhao clicked his tongue a few times, looking at the Yuming Mountain and then at the wolf tribe. The wealth disparity was exceptionally large.


As the spirit horses pulled them back to the mountain, it was still early in the day.


When Yun Zhao jumped off the cart and was about to go to the spirit field to take a look, he collided with a rushing little black rabbit.




"What's wrong? What's the rush?"


The little black rabbit rubbed its head, stood up, and urgently pulled Yun Zhao's robe, heading towards the spirit field. It anxiously said, “My Lord, come and see quickly!"


Surrounded by the rabbits, Yun Zhao was led to the spirit field. As soon as he brushed aside the leaves, a strong smell of blood reached his nose.


Author's Note:


Thank you all for your support. I will continue to update steadily. Feel free to join the story!

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