Chapter 19: Home Delivery

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Since new clothes were made, the fabric in the dowry became useless. Ao Yu initially intended to throw away these rags, but Yun Zhao felt it would be a waste and decided to keep them.


Although the fabric was a bit ugly, it was still durable. So Yun Zhao used them to make two small fabric balls to give to the kids, which could save some money on toys.


System, feeling a loss in commission for the order, commented, [You're really stingy!]


Yun Zhao didn't care much and thought, well, the kids like them anyway!


At night, Ao Yu transformed back into his original form and lay on the bed while Yun Zhao continued to wipe his scales.


He remembered the system mentioning that his affinity contained enhanced spiritual power. So Yun Zhao increased the strength of his wiping, taking the opportunity to infuse all the spiritual power into Ao Yu.


Ao Yu, the entire dragon, was being rubbed to the utmost comfort. His slender beast-like pupils slightly narrowed, about to close when...




The small fabric ball was tossed over by Luo Xue and Wu Mu, hitting the corner of the table directly.


Sun Yang watched the small fabric ball roll to his feet, feeling an irresistible itch in his heart but restraining himself from playing with it.


"Tsk." Ao Yu opened his eyes dissatisfied.


Sun Yang quickly picked up the ball, tucked it into the cushion in the compartment, and then laid on top of it, pretending to sleep.


As for the two little cats, they hadn't realized that the noise they made disturbed Ao Yu's sleepiness. They continued to groom themselves in place.


Yun Zhao got up and picked up the two kitten cubs, one in each hand, and directly sent them back to their room.


When he returned to the room, Ao Yu had resumed his human form. He lay on the bed in a Luo Xue-white undershirt, supporting his head as he lit the incense from a distance.


Yun Zhao lifted the covers and said, "Aren't you going to sleep as a little dragon tonight?"


Ao Yu glanced at him and grunted, "Mind your own business."


Yun Zhao regretfully patted the soft bedding and climbed in. On normal nights, he could still touch the dragon's tail a bit, but it seemed like he wouldn't be able to tonight.


However, this also proves that there was no need to maintain the original form for a long time to cultivate oneself. It showed that the restoration of spiritual power was effective, which was a good thing.


The dim candlelight was blown out by the night breeze, dimming the brightness in the room.


Yun Zhao slept on a soft pillow, staring blankly at the silk canopy above the bed. There was an unfamiliar man's breath near his ears, which made him slightly uncomfortable.

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"You can't sleep?"


A deep voice resonated in the quiet room.


It seemed like he was very close, and Yun Zhao could almost feel his breath falling next to his ear.


Yun Zhao turned his head and saw those pale golden eyes gazing fixedly at him in the dim candlelight, as if his own reflection was mirrored in those pupils.


Yun Zhao clenched the soft fabric and smiled, "It's alright. If you're tired, go to sleep. I'll put out the candle."


As he spoke, he was about to lift the covers and get up.


Before he could make a move, his wrist was held and pulled back, crashing against a solid chest.


Warm body temperature seeped through the thin undershirt, and the silver-white long hair cascaded along the neck, cool yet slightly itchy.


Yun Zhao rubbed his reddened ear and asked, "What's the matter?"


Ao Yu's long eyelashes trembled slightly. He avoided Yun Zhao's innocent and clean eyes and muttered, "If you lack anything in the future, let me know."


So that's what it was about!


Ao Yu has always been particular about appearances and probably felt that Yun Zhao, who often looked disheveled, affected his own image.


Yun Zhao nodded understandingly, "Got it."


Upon hearing Yun Zhao's response, Ao Yu raised his hand in satisfaction. He imitated Yun Zhao's way of praising Luo Xue and Wu Mu, and gently ruffled the young man's hair.


His fingers glided through the glossy and smooth hair, and Ao Yu found it particularly comfortable to touch. He became interested and kept touching the strands multiple times.


Yun Zhao was overwhelmed by drowsiness, while Ao Yu curiously played with his own hair. Gradually, Yun Zhao tilted his head and dozed off.


In the midst of their synchronized breathing, Ao Yu inexplicably curled a strand of his black hair and brought it close to his nose, mingling the scent of incense, which carried a hint of sweet milk fragrance, just like himself.


And then, a few cold fingers gently caressed the young man's fair face.


Yun Zhao, in a dazed state, felt Ao Yu's face getting closer and closer, and then...




The sudden sound of impact abruptly shattered the strange atmosphere between the two.

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Yun Zhao sat up with a bewildered expression, "What's going on?"


Sounds of the fabric ball rolling came from the next room. At first, it was slow, but when there was no response, it immediately became more reckless. The fabric ball rolled faster and faster, and even the excited friction of paws could be heard.


Unable to bear it any longer, Ao Yu got out of bed and walked directly to the next room, where he locked eyes with Sun Yang, who had been playing with the ball to the point of oblivion.


Sun Yang held the ball in his mouth, looking terrified. He thought to himself, "Oh no, I'm done for tonight!"


Yun Zhao sat on the bed, covering his face in sympathy, pretending not to hear the puppy's wailing.




Early in the morning, it was overcast outside once again.


Ao Yu had already gotten up and taken Sun Yang to the bamboo forest for cultivation, but the bed was so comfortable that Yun Zhao didn't want to get up.


Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned. The door was pushed open with a bang by Little Black Rabbit.


Little Black Rabbit came over holding a jade scroll and hopped a few steps to the edge of Yun Zhao's bed. "Sir, sir! This is a letter from the Wolf Clan!"


"Is that so?" Yun Zhao took the jade scroll and glanced at it, sighing deeply.


Little Black Rabbit anxiously asked, "Is something wrong?"


"It's nothing major." Yun Zhao patted the rabbit's head to comfort it. "It's a letter from Chang Xiao. They're preparing for a celebration in their territory and can't spare anyone to come and pick up the bread."




Little Black Rabbit's long ears instantly drooped. "So our bread for today will go to waste."


"Why would it?" Yun Zhao chuckled and lifted the covers, getting dressed. "Go and prepare the spirit steed and the wooden cart. We'll deliver the goods to them this time."


"Okay!" Little Black Rabbit's ears perked up instantly as it walked and rubbed its hands together. It muttered to itself, "Since we're delivering, we should charge a delivery fee... How much would be appropriate?"


Yun Zhao sighed helplessly. It seemed like all the rabbits in the mountains had a talent for being shrewd merchants.


After Yun Zhao finished getting ready to leave, Ao Yu and Sun Yang still hadn't returned.


Wu Mu and Luo Xue leaped onto the cart, meowing and demanding to come along too.


"Alright, but you have to behave and stay with us. No running around," Yun Zhao warned the mischievous Wu Mu, poking its forehead with his finger and narrowing his eyes. "And no causing trouble either."


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Wu Mu held Yun Zhao's slender finger with its front paws and lightly nibbled on it, acting sweet and affectionate.


With innocent big eyes blinking, it constantly emphasized that it was just a pure little kitty and had no idea about causing trouble!


At that moment, Little Black Rabbit ran over and asked, "Sir, should we bring an umbrella?"


Yun Zhao looked up at the sky and rubbed his chin in thought. "I don't think it will rain."


He didn't want the burden of carrying an umbrella, so he shook his head and said, "No need. It won't take long to deliver the goods. Just let Ao Yu know that we'll be back after we're done."


Little Black Rabbit obediently nodded and hopped away toward the bamboo forest.


Thinking that going early and returning early would be ideal, Yun Zhao drove the cart toward the territory of the Wolf Clan. The spirit steed hadn't pulled a cart in a while, so it eagerly charged forward and quickly arrived at their destination.


The Wolf Clan's territory resembled a small city, with tall and burly men leading patrols back and forth.


Yun Zhao drove the cart to the city gate. Although the two young Wolf Clan guards at the gate recognized Yun Zhao, they still asked him some questions before allowing him to enter.


Yun Zhao was puzzled, "Why is it so strict?"


Wu Mu licked its paws and said knowingly, "It's normal. This is the first time the Wolf Clan is hosting a celebration, so they naturally have to be cautious."


Yun Zhao wanted to ask more, but he heard someone calling him from nearby, "Yun Zhao ge! Over here!"


It was Chang Xiao and Ah Yan.


In front of a dark and solemn building, Chang Xiao held several documents. When he saw Yun Zhao approaching, he threw the documents to someone else and walked forward with Ah Yan to greet him.


On the roadside, rows of Cercis trees hung their branches, with light purple petals scattered on the ground, emitting a faint fragrance. Yun Zhao couldn't help but raise his head and take a few more glances.


Ah Yan brushed away the flower petals from his shoulder and ran over with a cheerful smile. "How about it? Our Wolf Clan's flowers are beautiful too, right?"


Yun Zhao nodded in admiration. "They're beautiful."


Ah Yan looked pleased and introduced the unique Cercis flowers of the Wolf Clan, mentioning that they had a sweet fragrance and were loved by women.


As he spoke, he reached out and held Luo Xue in his arms, gently rubbing the kitten's paws against the flower buds on the branches. This infuriated Wu Mu, and it almost revealed its claws.


"Ah Yan, no rudeness! Go find someone to take the bread inside," Chang Xiao scolded with a frown.


"Yes..." Ah Yan put down Luo Xue, patted its little head, and reluctantly went into the building to call someone.


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Chang Xiao glanced over and immediately bowed to Yun Zhao, apologizing, "I'm sorry for our slip of the tongue. Thank you for going through the trouble."


Yun Zhao waved his hand. "Don't mention it. I didn't come here for nothing anyway."


Chang Xiao chuckled and handed the prepared spirit stones to Yun Zhao.


Just as Yun Zhao was about to speak, he suddenly heard a flurry of footsteps.


He turned around and saw a group of people rushing towards his little cart as if they hadn't eaten for three days. Wu Mu and Luo Xue were so startled that they jumped into Yun Zhao's arms.


Dozens of Wolf Clan men surrounded Ah Yan, urging him to open the boxes. Their eager and excited demeanor made Yun Zhao seriously suspect that they were experiencing a famine.


Chang Xiao covered his forehead in embarrassment and explained, "They've been busy with the preparations for the celebration and patrols these days. They're exhausted. The kitchen is preparing the menu for the celebration, so all we could do was hastily grill some meat to satisfy them."


Ah Yan grabbed a few small bread rolls and meat-filled rice balls and complained with a frown, "Exactly! They dare to send us the meat that's burnt. After the celebration, I'll make sure to cause a ruckus!"


Chang Xiao sighed helplessly, not trying to stop him either, as he seemed quite annoyed as well.


Yun Zhao chuckled. "That's easily solved. I can make more. Since you'll pay me the delivery fee, I'll gladly help you by delivering more."


As soon as he finished speaking, Chang Xiao didn't immediately agree, and even Ah Yan found an excuse to run away.


Yun Zhao was puzzled. "What's wrong?"


Facing Yun Zhao's questioning gaze, Chang Xiao struggled to find his words.


Finally, he cleared his throat and said solemnly, "Actually, starting from tomorrow, you don't need to deliver these things temporarily."


Yun Zhao was astonished. "What? Why?"


After a moment of contemplation with lowered eyes, he asked, "Are you tired of eating them? If you want something else, I can make it for you!"


Chang Xiao hurriedly explained, "No, it's not that. We just don't need them for a while. We'll continue to go to Yuming Mountain to pick up the goods after the celebration ends."


Yun Zhao was completely puzzled, and Wu Mu asked in confusion, "How does this relate to the celebration?"


As soon as these words were spoken, Chang Xiao became even more conflicted. Just as he was trying to organize his words, a voice came from behind.


"How important the celebration is! Such inappropriate things should never appear in the clan's territory! Throw them all away!"


Chang Xiao cursed inwardly, and when Yun Zhao turned around, he saw several elderly men with white beards commanding people to carry away all the bread that had been brought.


Perhaps sensing Yun Zhao's gaze, the leading old man swept his eagle-like eyes up and down the young man and spoke coldly, "Are these things you brought?"

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