Chapter 23: The Return of Bai Ze

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Bai Ze opened the umbrella and walked up the mountain. The lush green forest exuded a comforting atmosphere, causing him to naturally slow down his pace.


His fingers traced along the veins of the leaves, and he focused on the floating spiritual energy between the leaf blades, a hint of surprise crossing his face.


Just a month after his departure, the spiritual veins of Yuming Mountain had actually recovered to such an extent.


Bai Ze looked towards the distant pavilion and immediately quickened his steps towards the mountain gate.


When he arrived in front of the house, he found it empty. Not only were there no human figures, but there were no traces of even a rabbit.


Where is everyone?


Bai Ze wandered around the pavilion in confusion when suddenly a delightful fragrance captured his attention.


It seemed to be the smell of chicken soup!


Bai Ze's nose twitched like that of a little dog, and he followed the scent into the kitchen.


The further he went in, the hungrier he became, as if all his cravings had been unleashed.


He called out loudly for Yun Zhao, just as he was about to push open the door, the kitchen door opened by itself.


Before he could even rejoice, a noodle staff flew towards Bai Ze's head.


"What the hell are you shouting for?" Ao Yu crossed his arms, his expression as disdainful as ever.


As soon as Bai Ze entered, he noticed the empty porcelain bowl in Ao Yu's hand. He thought to himself that if someone hadn't eaten their fill and drunk enough, who knows who would be making even louder complaints.


Unfortunately, Bai Ze was too timid to argue with him. He held his noodle staff in a resigned manner and approached Yun Zhao.


Yun Zhao served him a large bowl of soup, and Bai Ze's eyes lit up with joy as he held the bowl and began eating heartily.


After taking a sip of the soup, Bai Ze's face was filled with happiness. "Yun Zhao is truly the best. Ao Yu, you should learn what it means to be a good host from him."


Ao Yu couldn't be bothered to deal with him. He leisurely walked out the door, and from his appearance, it was clear that he intended to go back to his room and sleep.


Eat and then sleep, be careful not to turn into a pig worm.


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Bai Ze hummed a tune and finished the remaining soup and meat, then leaned back in his chair to rest.


Little Black Rabbit, emboldened, used its furry paws to touch Bai Ze's belly and whispered to Wu Mu, "It's getting round!"


Luo Xue leaned against Wu Mu and whispered in his ear, "Looks like a ball."


Bai Ze sat up and flicked the little white cat on the head, dissatisfied. "Sorry, I can hear you."


Yun Zhao chuckled and gently separated Luo Xue and the others, asking about the matter of Bai Ze buying materials.


"Oh, look at my memory. I had forgotten if you hadn't mentioned it."


Upon hearing this, Bai Ze patted his forehead, stood up, and took out a pouch from his waist, handing it to Yun Zhao.


Yun Zhao took it and opened it, finding various spices like chili and cumin, but he couldn't find the herbs he wanted.


Puzzled, he looked at Bai Ze. "Where are the herbs? Did you forget to buy them?"


Bai Ze's face revealed a hint of helplessness. "It's not that I forgot, but your Mountain Spirit tribe simply doesn't sell them."


"How is that possible?" Yun Zhao exclaimed.


He remembered that when he first arrived at the Mountain Spirit tribe, they used to buy and sell herbs in the market, and he had earned some spirit stones by selling pastries made with herbs.


Bai Ze shrugged and recalled the scene at that time, shaking his head. "They said they don't sell to outsiders. I didn't want to argue with those peddlers, so I had to give up."


While speaking, Bai Ze noticed Yun Zhao's gradually disappointed expression and the rabbits around him, who looked like they were on the verge of tears. He couldn't help but feel a bit at a loss.


"What's wrong? Has something happened?" Bai Ze looked to Yun Zhao for help.


Yun Zhao sighed, stroked the fur of the little black rabbit, and told him about the flooded spirit field and the wolf tribe celebration.


Bai Ze suddenly realized, "So that's what happened."


He rubbed his forehead with regret. "If I had known, I would have tried harder to get the herbs for you."


"Forget it, it's fine without them," Yun Zhao rallied and rubbed his face. "It's not like we must have herbs. I'll try to make other dishes instead."


The little black rabbit raised its head, uncertain, and asked, "Sir, really? How about we make a trip to the Mountain Spirit tribe?"


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Yun Zhao waved his hand, a reassuring smile returning to his face. "It's not necessary. If they don't sell, then let it be."


He was afraid these audacious rabbits would run down the mountain. It took some persuasion before they let go of their obsession with herbs.


In jest, Yuming Mountain was not exactly close to the Mountain Spirit tribe. If a group of chubby rabbits ran there, they might end up in the belly of a monster before reaching the central mainland.


"The spirit field needs a new rain shelter, right? Since you're back, could you help them?" Yun Zhao found a reason for Bai Ze to take the rabbits out.




Considering the feast he had just enjoyed, Bai Ze led the group of rabbits as they departed from the kitchen and headed towards the back mountain. Wu Mu and the other little ones curiously followed behind.


等到厨房重新恢复宁静,Yun Zhao slumped down in his chair, staring blankly at the ceiling.


He was feeling uncertain now. He wasn't a professional chef, and if he couldn't satisfy the wolf tribe, there might be a penalty that deducted his spiritual power.


Yun Zhao couldn't help but feel disheartened, thinking about the little dragon, who had been in such good spirits lately. He wondered if his spiritual power being deducted would also affect Ao Yu...


【Of course it will.】


The sudden remark from the system startled Yun Zhao.


After he recovered from the shock, he immediately pouted and grumbled, "It's all because of your difficult tasks... The difficulty level is too high..."


The system disdainfully prompted, 【If there are levels, there are naturally items to help you pass them.】


These words immediately brightened Yun Zhao's eyes. His ultimate task was to restore the spiritual veins and bring back Ao Yu's power. Naturally, the system wouldn't want him to accept punishment and regress in progress.


After all, the system had introduced itself as his partner!


The system hummed twice, 【Remembering my benefits now, huh?】


Yun Zhao nodded, rubbing his hands with sincerity on his face. "System, please enlighten me!"


The system opened the store, and golden lights surrounded a row of newly arrived scrolls, circling around. 【These are recipes that meet the requirements of the celebration. If you buy them and follow the instructions, you won't lose out.】


Yun Zhao scrolled down to the bottom of the scrolls, and when he saw the price, he gasped in disbelief.


Five thousand fairy stones!


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Yun Zhao couldn't believe it. "You guys are so ruthless. Is this a fishing task?"


The system raised its voice upon hearing Yun Zhao's questioning. 【Why are you so stingy? It's not like you can't afford it! How many spirit stones did you earn from the wolf tribe?】


Yun Zhao hesitated and daringly speculated, "I have reason to suspect that you want to fatten me up and then slaughter me."


Upon hearing this, the system suspiciously remained silent for a while and then gave up, sounding dejected. 【Well, it's just that price. Whether you buy it or not?】


Yun Zhao leaned forward, propping his face on his hand as he pondered for a long time before finally replying, "I won't buy it."


If the system had a physical form, it would probably grab this person's collar and shake it wildly, but unfortunately, it could only use its high-pitched electronic voice to question the host, 【Is your XP fairy stones? Why save so many if you're not going to use them?】


Yun Zhao remained firm. "I won't buy it."


The system was so furious that it gritted its teeth and left with a grumbling remark. It fell silent, which made Yun Zhao, unaccustomed to the sudden quietness, shake his head and then start searching for suitable ingredients in the kitchen.


Since he had the description from Wu Mu, he decided to try making a few dishes according to that first. If that didn't work, then he would consider the system's suggestion.


For the next two days, Yun Zhao spent most of his time in the kitchen. Since Wu Mu mentioned that the pastries made from the vanilla were popular at the celebration, he decided to focus on that direction.


On the agreed-upon day, Yun Zhao left the house with dark circles under his eyes. Ao Yu frowned as he watched Yun Zhao's floating steps.


"You don't have to take on this job," Ao Yu reached out and held his hand, walking with him all the way to the mountain gate.


"It's fine," Yun Zhao casually waved his hand, and he got on the small carriage pulled by the spirit steed.


Without thinking, he turned his head and looked at Ao Yu, who had no trace of a smile on his face, and suddenly joked, "Are you worried about me?"


Ao Yu abruptly looked up, wiped his fingers with a handkerchief, and casually threw the cloth to cover Little Black Rabbit's head.


His gaze unabashedly swept over Yun Zhao before he turned and walked away.


Yun Zhao awkwardly rubbed his nose, obediently sat back in the carriage, and let the spirit steed set off.


When he arrived at the wolf tribe, there were people at the entrance to receive him, which saved him the trouble of going through layers of checkpoints and interrogations.


After getting off the carriage, Chang Xiao waved at him and led him into a black and gold palace. Dense jacaranda trees adorned the spaces between the palace buildings, adding a touch of elegance to the solemn palace.


Yun Zhao looked around, observing the surroundings. Even the railings of the corridors were inlaid with gold and jade. The wealth of the wolf tribe was extraordinary.

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Chang Xiao had no idea that the little boss by his side was already contemplating raising the prices for his snacks. He straightforwardly led Yun Zhao into the dining room.


Ever since Elder Qi was punished, he no longer had these annoying old fellows nagging around him, and his mood was particularly pleasant.


There were several people standing in the dining room. They must have been informed in advance and stepped aside when Yun Zhao entered, making way for him at the stove.


Yun Zhao felt a little nervous under the gaze of the group of people. If they were not satisfied, it would be a big embarrassment.


Chang Xiao instructed someone to go and invite Lady Xian Yue, then turned back to Yun Zhao, who was still standing in place, and couldn't help but laugh. "Why are you standing there? Come and give it a try. Let me know if you need anything."


"Okay." Yun Zhao nodded, rolled up his sleeves, and said to him, "Then, help me prepare some jacaranda petals."


"Why does he need petals?"


"Eh... as a salad? Stir-fried? Stewed soup?" The kitchen immediately erupted in discussions, and the looks they gave Yun Zhao were filled with disdain.


Though Chang Xiao was puzzled, he didn't say anything and sent someone to do as requested.


Yun Zhao then had the others bring over some meat and various vegetables.


The crowd placed the ingredients on the stove and stepped back, gathering together and murmuring, speculating about what kind of dish this mountain spirit was going to make.


The ingredients prepared by the wolf tribe were of good quality. Yun Zhao washed his hands, picked out some carrots and mushrooms, and chopped them along with a few chunks of meat into small pieces with a lack of technique.


He cracked a few eggs into it with one hand and mixed it like making dumpling filling. The sticky mixture in the bowl made Chang Xiao's eyebrows twitch.


It was probably going to be meat patties?


Chang Xiao made such a guess, but he couldn't help but worry about the appearance of the meat patties.


When the filling was ready, a large bowl of clean jacaranda petals was also brought to Yun Zhao.


At this moment, Ah Yan also pushed the door open and stretched his neck to take a look. He whispered in Chang Xiao's ear, "Brother, what does Yun Zhao want to do with the petals? Decorate the meat patties with them?"


Chang Xiao touched his chin and imagined the hot and steaming meat patties with scattered jacaranda flowers, giving them a unique aesthetic.


Just as he was about to answer Ah Yan, he suddenly saw Yun Zhao take out a gauze bag from his pocket, stuff all the petals inside, and twist it like making a pretzel, showing no mercy for the delicate flowers.


"...," Chang Xiao's eyes widened instantly, and the words he was about to say were forcibly swallowed back.

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