Chapter 30: The Moon High Above

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In the entire Immortal Realm, there is no one who doesn't know about Qing Jiao's existence. With powerful immortal energy and an air of elegance and nobility, he is like a distant floating moon in the sky, seemingly unattainable.


As the outstanding young master of the Mountain Spirit Clan, Qing Jiao has been the pride of the entire clan since birth. Even the Dragon Clan, known for their high standards, arrived early in the Central Land to arrange a marriage for their young master, Ao Yu.


Rumors spread throughout the realm, proclaiming it as a heaven-sent match.


Qing Jiao is quite satisfied with this marriage arrangement. Having caught a glimpse of the Dragon Lord's graceful figure from afar, unparalleled in the world, he believes they are a perfect match.


He peacefully prepares his dowry within the clan, summoning the most skilled immortal seamstress to tailor his wedding attire. With great anticipation, he awaits the arrival of the auspicious occasion.


One day, while strolling through the clan by chance, Qing Jiao encounters Yun Zhao.


With his black hair casually tied back and sleeves of his robe folded up, Yun Zhao sets up a small stall on the street, selling sweet pastries with a cheerful smile to passing clan members.


Among the thousands of Mountain Spirit Clan members, he is the only one without parents or guardians. However, the previously unnoticed Yun Zhao suddenly seems like a changed person, happily busy at his small stall.


Qing Jiao calls upon his subordinate to buy a piece of sweet pastry, which turns out to be smooth and not overly sweet, melting in the mouth. It truly tastes delightful.


The subordinate is also eager in recommending it, their eyes showing sincere fondness for Yun Zhao.


They say he is a gentle and kind child, smiling like a little sun.


Qing Jiao crushes the white pastry between his fingers and realizes that he has never been a virtuous person, merely indulging in the respect garnered from a false persona.


The praises surrounding the seemingly ordinary young man awaken an inexplicable sense of jealousy within Qing Jiao's heart. Soon after, he covers his forehead and laughs. How absurd it is to feel jealous of an ordinary clan member.


Before he could do anything to Yun Zhao, bad news spreads within the clan – Ao Yu has been seriously injured! The illustrious Dragon Lord has exhausted his spiritual power and can now only maintain the form of a hatchling.


This news strikes Qing Jiao like a heavy blow. Terminating the engagement rashly would tarnish the reputation of the Mountain Spirit Clan, but he cannot bear to sacrifice his own future like this.


I am the proud moon hanging above everyone, how can I spend the rest of my life with a waste?


He suddenly thought of Yun Zhao, who had set up a stall in the market. If Ao Yu was considered a waste, then he should find a suitable companion.


In the following month, after discussing with the clan leader in the palace, Yun Zhao was forcibly taken away in a bridal sedan.


Qing Jiao stood at the highest point of the palace, watching the desolate procession, a smile appearing on his face once again.




"Young master, where are you going?"


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Seeing Qing Jiao descend from the high palace, the attendant's expression was not good, and couldn't help but ask, "If you're tired, shall I take you to your room to rest?"


Qing Jiao lightly smiled and politely declined, "No need, I'll go and have a look at the festive market."


On the other side, Yun Zhao strolled through the bustling market while holding Luo Xue's hand.


Wu Mu and Sun Yang walked ahead and occasionally stopped, waiting for Yun Zhao. There were vendors from various clans in the market, selling their goods at the stalls prepared by the Wolf Clan. There were food items as well as miscellaneous fabrics, and even many merfolk selling pearls shed from their tears.


Round and lustrous pearls were displayed in baskets, and a merperson held a book in one hand while wiping the corners of their eyes with a silk handkerchief. They looked up and asked Yun Zhao, "Guest, would you like to buy some? Freshly shed tears, still warm!"


Upon hearing this, Yun Zhao touched the pearls and indeed felt a slight warmth. He didn't understand, but he was greatly astonished. Kitten cubs loved playing with round objects like these on the carpet. 


At Wu Mu's strong request, Yun Zhao bought a few of the largest pearls for him. Wu Mu held the pearls and let out a satisfied meow, and Yun Zhao could already foresee the scene of this cub playing restlessly all night and then being scolded by Ao Yu.


Leaving the merperson's stall, they continued to stroll forward, and before long, Yun Zhao also bought a few dolls for Luo Xue.


Yun Zhao swallowed the freshly bought pancake and, seeing Sun Yang obediently staying by Wu Mu and Luo Xue's side, couldn't help but laugh and ask, "Sun Yang, do you have anything you like?"


Upon hearing this, Luo Xue turned around and touched the triangular ears of Sun Yang, saying, "Brother Sun Yang, whatever you want, Brother Yun Zhao will buy it for you. He has money now!"


System: [Haha, you see, Yun Zhao has encountered this issue.]


Yun Zhao: "..." How annoying.


Sun Yang looked up and then shook his head. Ever since living on Yuming Mountain, he had been eating to his heart's content every day, and the feeling of hunger spreading from his stomach to his limbs was no longer there.


Not only did the Divine Lord teach him cultivation, but Yun Zhao also provided grooming services. Every time the young man finished grooming his fur, his whole body would feel warm and comfortable, sweeping away the fatigue brought by cultivation.


He always felt that Yun Zhao was saving money for something, but he couldn't help in the slightest. It would be better not to waste anything.


Yun Zhao could see the thoughts of the little dog at a glance and whispered, "Sun Yang, don't be polite. Every time you cultivate, you bring back quite a few mountain chickens. Brother also wants to give you a gift."


Upon hearing this, Sun Yang's front paws unconsciously lifted and then dropped. Finally, under everyone's gaze, he raised his paw and pointed to a nearby stall.


Yun Zhao followed his gaze and couldn't help but laugh. It was a candy stall.


He walked over with the cubs, and the stall owner was a charming immortal fairy who waved her fan when she saw a handsome young man approaching and greeted him, "Fellow immortal, what would you like to buy?"


The stall was filled with various types of hard candy. The sweetness and flavors varied depending on the ingredients used.


Yun Zhao chose a variety of candies and bought a lot of sugar to make desserts at home.


The fairy enthusiastically recommended, "Fellow immortal, would you like to try this kind of hard candy? It's a new product, and the raw material is the mountain herbs of the Mountain Spirit Clan!"

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"Huh?" Yun Zhao didn't understand and asked after paying, "Isn't it said that the herbs are not sold to outsiders?"


The fairy looked puzzled and said, "Why would that be? I just bought a batch of them a few days ago. Maybe you misunderstood, fellow immortal."


Yun Zhao took the package handed to him by the immortal fairy, still feeling confused, and led Luo Xue and the others away.


When they reached a deserted path, Yun Zhao remained silent.


Wu Mu saw his furrowed brows and asked, "Yun Zhao, what's wrong?"


Yun Zhao hesitated for a moment but decided to voice his doubts, "Bai Ze told me that the Mountain Spirit Clan doesn't sell herbs to outsiders, but the immortal fairy didn't say the same..."


Wu Mu thought something was going on and clicked his tongue while holding a stalk of horsetail grass, dismissively saying, "That Bai Ze guy must have been lazy and made up some excuse to fool you."


Luo Xue frowned and retorted, "Lord Bai Ze is not like that! Only my older brother would do something like that!"


Yun Zhao: "..."


Unconvinced, Wu Mu crossed his arms and hummed while lifting the horsetail grass a little higher.


Yun Zhao found it amusing and directly reached out to take the grass from his mouth, then admonished him, saying, "Since you're still in your human form and a child at that, don't try to be cool like those young boys, like Ah yan."


"You!" Wu Mu's face turned red. He stomped his feet in anger, turned his back, and puffed up his cheeks to show how angry he was.


He had expected Yun Zhao to come and coax him, but he hadn't heard a sound from the man for a long time.


Confused, Wu Mu turned back around and was surprised to see Yun Zhao laughing and running off with Luo Xue. Worried, Wu Mu quickly caught up.


"How could you do this! You didn't even come to comfort me! I'm your favorite kitty!" Wu Mu pounced on Yun Zhao's back, clinging to the young man's neck and whining.


Yun Zhao was nearly suffocated by the little cat and could only pat the child's arm and say, "Cough, cough... I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Please get off me quickly..."


"Hmph, scared, aren't you?" Wu Mu released his grip and jumped down, raising his eyebrows triumphantly. However, he saw Luo Xue and Sun Yang looking at him with speechless expressions, sighing.


Luo Xue had a look of "My brother is so childish," which made Wu Mu's face heat up.


Wu Mu: "..."


The young boy in black clothes cleared his throat and said, "How about we go to the Mountain Spirit Clan another day and try to buy some herbs? It would also be a good opportunity to visit your hometown."


Yun Zhao was about to decline the offer, but then he heard a familiar voice behind him.


"No need. Even if you go a few more times, they won't sell to you."

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Yun Zhao and the others were startled and turned to look behind them.


The person who approached had a commanding presence in their water-blue robes. The pearl chains in their ink-black hair gently swayed with their movements. Between their delicate eyebrows, their ink-black pupils were like deep pools of water, so dark that one couldn't see the bottom.


Even among the outstandingly beautiful immortals, this person stood out.


Wu Mu's body instantly transformed into his original form, his black fur bristling as he hunched his body and bared his sharp teeth, growling lightly.


Qing Jiao stopped in his tracks, a faint coldness still evident in his eyebrows. He glanced down at Wu Mu, who was showing his fangs and claws, and a mocking smile curled at the corner of his lips.


Yun Zhao picked up Wu Mu, soothingly smoothing down his ruffled fur, while Sun Yang walked forward and crouched beside Yun Zhao, his eyes vigilantly fixed on Qing Jiao.


Qing Jiao spoke, saying, "It's been a few months, and you've forgotten to greet your own young master first?"


Before Yun Zhao could respond, Qing Jiao lowered his head and chuckled softly. "Ah, look at me, I forgot. Now that you're the Dao companion of the Dragon Lord's young master, you don't need to observe these formalities with me."


His words showed no trace of hiding his arrogance, as if a gust of wind blew loose rocks in the mountains, making a loud crashing sound.


Luo Xue timidly hid behind Yun Zhao and simply covered his entire head with the young man's oversized sleeve.


"Is it you who forbade your people from selling herbs to me?" Yun Zhao met his dark and profound eyes, ignoring his sarcastic tone as he asked.


Qing Jiao readily admitted, "Yes."


"Why?" Yun Zhao was puzzled.


He had never dealt with nobles in the clan before, so he had no idea how he had offended this young master. Their only interaction had been when Qing Jiao tied him up with the Immortal Binding Rope and sent him off in a bridal sedan.


Qing Jiao rubbed his chin and pondered for a moment before saying, "I suppose I just didn't want to grant your wish."


Yun Zhao suppressed his frown and heard Wu Mu mutter under his breath in his arms, "What a lunatic."


He couldn't understand why Qing Jiao disliked him so much, so he simply replied, "I'm not insisting on it. You can take your time and enjoy your stroll. Goodbye."


After speaking, he turned around, and the dragon-shaped jade pendant at his waist traced a low arc with his movement, catching Qing Jiao's attention.


Qing Jiao called out to Yun Zhao, "Wait."


"Do you have something else to say?" Yun Zhao turned around, looking puzzled, but saw disbelief in Qing Jiao's eyes.


The jade pendant was a token given by the Dragon clan to someone they cherished. He had also hoped that Ao Yu would send him such an item during their engagement period, but all he received were gifts sent by the Dragon clan according to their customs.


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Qing Jiao consoled himself, thinking that Ao Yu was the favorite of the heavens, so it was natural for him to be somewhat arrogant. But now, that jade pendant hung on the young man he had once called a waste.


Jealousy grew in Qing Jiao's heart, lurking in the darkness, as he struggled to restrain his expression and maintain a facade of dignity.


However, jealousy was like a wild weed in a wasteland. With just a gust of wind, sparks ignite, crackling and lashing through the entire sea of his heart.


His words, intended to disguise his malice, couldn't hide the underlying ill will: "No wonder you came to the celebration. Are you flaunting the Dragon Jade? Too bad you're just two useless people seeking comfort in each other. You can't even arouse envy from the world."


Wu Mu angrily retorted, "You..."


Yun Zhao rubbed the black cat's head, interrupting him, and directly pierced through Qing Jiao's thoughts, saying, "Are you jealous?"


Qing Jiao was taken aback, then angrily replied, "What nonsense are you spouting! You're nothing but a pitiful creature with no abilities or parents."


Sun Yang stood up and pounded the ground with his front paw in a warning gesture, growling discontentedly.


Qing Jiao found it amusing. "So you've raised some insignificant trash that can't even shapeshift to keep you company?"


Yun Zhao's fingers involuntarily clenched into a fist as his blood surged with anger. He suppressed his rage and spoke in a deep voice, "Because Ao Yu was severely injured, it was you who voluntarily broke off the engagement. And it was you who forced me onto the bridal sedan. Do you not find it laughable to act like this now?"


"Not everyone will revolve around you, and not everyone will cast their gaze upon you." Yun Zhao looked directly at him, as if he were observing an unreasonable madman.


Calmly, he said, "You live such a tiresome life."


Having said that, Yun Zhao no longer paid any attention to him, withdrawing his gaze and intending to leave.


Qing Jiao stood still, watching the young man's figure, feeling a surge of humiliation.


I was born to be the lofty moon, destined to be observed by everyone!


A surge of spiritual power gathered in his palm, and without hesitation, he made a move to strike Yun Zhao.


Sensing something, Yun Zhao turned back, and a tremendous surge of spiritual power came rushing towards him.


Yun Zhao never expected this person to resort to violence when words failed. Just as he frantically called out to the system within his sea of consciousness, a golden figure suddenly leaped up beside him, standing in front of him.


Yun Zhao was greatly alarmed and shouted, "Sun Yang!"





Translator’s note: Qing Jiao might be the moon, but Yun Zhao is the sun. He’s destined to cover the moon in its brightness. He’s the sun in Ao Yu’s world. Ayieee~~~~ 


Sun Yang’s situation breaks my heart. He’s willing to give his life for Yun Zhao because he cared for him and gave him love… I love this novel so much. Thanks, Author! Let’s support the author! 

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