Chapter 35: Sugar Painting Pups

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When Sun Yang woke up, there was no one else in the room. He was wrapped in a cozy blanket that kept him warm all over.


Laughter and noise from the courtyard seeped in through the window. Sun Yang's eyes flickered, and he hopped off the stool and approached the window, raising his front paws to paw at the windowsill.


Outside, the sun was shining brightly, and there were some strange pieces of furniture in the courtyard. A swing hung from the branches of a banyan tree, with two kitten pups sitting on it, grooming each other.


Under the warm sunlight, Sun Yang's eyes squinted slightly. He could already imagine the pleasant scene of a sunny afternoon, with Yun Zhao's handmade blanket spread beneath the banyan tree, its corners secured by a honey jar, and himself rolling around on it in contentment.


"Sun Yang, you're awake!"


Yun Zhao's delighted voice came from the courtyard as he put down the clay pot in his hand and walked towards Sun Yang.


From afar, he spotted a golden and dazzling dog head by the window. Yun Zhao reached out and gave the little dog's head a rub through the window.


Yun Zhao asked him, "How do you feel? Any discomfort?"


With Yun Zhao petting his head, Sun Yang's tail wagged vigorously, and he replied, "I'm fine, no need to worry."


He left the windowsill, circled around to the door, and looked at Yun Zhao for a moment before lowering his tail.


Yun Zhao asked in confusion, "Why are you not happy?"


The little dog lowered his head and hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'm sorry, I have caused you trouble. Now that I have broken through to become a Sky Swallowing  Wolf, I'm afraid the Immortal Wolf Clan won't let it go so easily. What if..."


"It's all right, it's all right." Yun Zhao crouched down, lifted the little dog's head, which was almost pressing against his chest, and met his gaze. He slowed down his voice and said, "There's Ao Yu and Bai ze in the mountain, they won't dare to act recklessly. Just stay at Yuming Mountain and cultivate with peace of mind."


Tears welled up in Sun Yang's doggy eyes, and after a few sobs, he couldn't help burying his head in Yun Zhao's shoulder.


"Oh my, why is the little dog still sniffling?" While Yun Zhao was comforting Sun Yang, he saw Bai ze leaning against the door frame, teasing.


Sun Yang quickly quieted down and, noticing that his tears had dampened Yun Zhao's shoulder, he awkwardly turned his head away.


Yun Zhao smiled and asked Bai ze, "How is Sun Yang doing now?"


Baize leisurely replied, "He gained some enlightenment. With his foundation rebuilt and breakthrough achieved, I haven't seen anyone with such opportunities in thousands of years. All he needs now is to concentrate on cultivation, and one day he will become a divine being guarding a territory."


"Well, I just hope for his good health and longevity..." Yun Zhao stroked Sun Yang's back fur and asked, "Can he still transform into the Sky Swallowing Wolf?"


Upon hearing that, Sun Yang also looked at Bai ze, his gaze fixed on his face.


Baize chuckled and said, "Of course he can. However, the Sky Swallowing Wolf is an ancient primordial beast. Sun Yang has obtained a chance to revert to his ancestral form. If he wants to reveal his true form, he can."

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"But..." Bai ze dragged his words, looking at the exquisitely arranged courtyard, "at that time, we can't guarantee that he won't trample on the flowers brought back by Ao Yu."


Yun Zhao: "..." That's true.


Only now did Sun Yang notice the blooming Drooping Magnolias on the mountaintop, secretly astonished that it was planted by Lord Ao Yu.


If he accidentally stepped on it...


Sun Yang swallowed nervously and decided to maintain his current appearance, even though his complete form was majestic. It would be more convenient to help Yun Zhao with his tasks once he achieved a human form later. 


Yun Zhao chuckled as he watched the little dog pondering, and called out to him, "There are new toys in the courtyard. Come and play with Wu Mu and Luo Xue."


Sun Yang happily followed along, his steps light and carefree.


This was truly his true home.


Sunlight filtered through the green canopy, casting scattered specks of golden light. Wu Mu and Luo Xue sat in a row on the swing, while Master Kongming sat at the stone table, sipping tea. He summoned a gentle breeze with his power to help the kitten pups swing.


These two cats had too much energy. Although Master Kongming enjoyed their company, he couldn't keep up with their playful antics.


The swing lifted slightly higher, and the weightlessness caused Luo Xue's fur to stand on end.


Wu Mu licked his brother's ear, and his glossy black tail curled around Luo Xue's drooping tail, playfully teasing the tip of it. This diverted Luo Xue's attention, and he let out a breath in an instant.


Master Kongming observed this and couldn't help but turn his head to praise Ao Yu, saying, "Ever since Wu Mu came here, he has become much more sensible."


Ao Yu blew a sip of tea foam and glanced at the young man playing on the slide with Sun Yang. He replied, "It's usually him taking care of things."


Kongming followed his gaze and stroked his beard, laughing, "It's not just Wu Mu who has changed for the better."


Ao Yu remained silent, sipping his tea.


When Sun Yang came down the slide, his fur was in disarray, but his eyes shone brightly. He eagerly went up again for another slide.


Wu Mu and the others saw this and abandoned the swing to join him.


With their tails held high, the two kitten pups rubbed against Yun Zhao's feet. Wu Mu directly said, "Yun Zhao, carry me up too! I want to play too!"


Yun Zhao felt both exasperated and amused. This little brat had already played many times before Sun Yang woke up.


He bent his fingers and lightly flicked the black cat's head, saying, "If Sun Yang isn't playing, then you don't play either. Whenever someone starts playing, you come running. You're so domineering."

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Wu Mu retorted, "I suddenly feel like playing!"


Yun Zhao helplessly said, "Then climb up and slide by yourselves. There's a small ladder nearby."


Unexpectedly, Wu Mu whined and even rolled over, exposing his belly in an attempt to coax Yun Zhao, saying, "No, no... I want you to carry me! I want you to do it!"


Ao Yu, witnessing the black cat's tantrum and antics, set down his teacup, and the bottom of the cup made a crisp sound on the stone table.


The black cat, who had been misbehaving on the ground just moments ago, reflexively jumped up and politely sat down, saying to Yun Zhao, "Thank you, Brother Yun Zhao, for the gift. We'll play by ourselves."


After speaking, he obediently climbed up the ladder with Luo Xue and slid down the slide.


Yun Zhao: "..."


Kongming: "..."


They both looked deeply at Ao Yu, who remained calm and drank his tea, and their hearts were filled with admiration.


Yun Zhao saw that the little ones were enjoying themselves, so he turned around and went back to the kitchen.


When he returned to the courtyard, he saw the golden little dog crouching in front of the stone table, lifting its front paws to sniff the ceramic jar he had previously placed on the table.


Yun Zhao stopped in his tracks and observed. For some reason, he felt like it resembled a little bear sniffing honey, but it was incredibly cute.


He placed the item in his hand on the stone table, and everyone gathered around to take a look. It was a smooth and flat stone slab.


Baize asked, "What are you doing? Cutting fruits?"


"No," Yun Zhao replied. He had the rabbits bring the small stove and then poured the sugar from the ceramic jar into a small pot.


He added some tea brewed by Ao Yu into it and gently stirred with a small spoon.


The sugar gradually melted, bubbling in the pot, and the sweet and fragrant aroma attracted the attention of the little ones who were playing on the slide.


The two kittens climbed onto Sun Yang's back, meowing a few times before sliding down the slide and happily gathering around the stone table.


By now, the sugar had been boiled into a dark brown syrup. When it turned slightly caramelized, Yun Zhao held the pot handle and lifted it, scooping a spoonful onto the stone slab.


The sparkling syrup immediately caught the attention of the little ones, who watched as Yun Zhao casually outlined on the stone slab as if holding a brush.


Before long, a lifelike little dragon appeared before everyone's eyes.

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Baize looked at the sugar drawing, then at Ao Yu, and praised, "It's quite similar!"


Yun Zhao proudly cleared his throat, considering himself the chosen one with enhanced cooking skills from the system!


System: [......]


Using a small knife, he carefully removed the sugar drawing from the stone slab and stuck it onto a bamboo skewer.


The bamboo skewer was actually a piece of bamboo he had whittled, looking rather rough, but no one said anything. Everyone's gaze was fixed on the sugar dragon, filled with envy.


Ao Yu reached out and took it, staring intently at the sugar drawing in his hand, not saying a word, his thoughts unknown.


Bai ze pushed him aside and said to Yun Zhao, "Make one for me too! I want my own prototype!"


As he spoke, white mist began to rise, and a divine beast resembling a sheep but not quite appeared in the courtyard.


Bai ze shook off his long fur and gestured to Yun Zhao, "Just make it look like this, but make it more beautiful!"


Yun Zhao sighed, but out of gratitude for all the hard work Bai ze had done for him these days, he also made one according to his instructions. Although it wasn't very detailed, Bai ze was still quite satisfied as he took it.


Yun Zhao also made a sugar drawing of a mythical dog-like creature for Sun Yang and a cat-like one based on Wu Mu's appearance.


Both little ones were extremely pleased, their eyes shining brightly as they received their sugar drawings.


The system suddenly broadcasted: [Congratulations, host. The satisfaction level of the Sky Swallowing Wolf, Sun Yang, has reached 100%.]


Yun Zhao was taken aback and glanced at Sun Yang, who was lovingly licking a candy, and couldn't help but chuckle.


When it was Luo Xue's turn, the little white cat jumped onto the stone table, arched its back, and made its fur stand on end, pretending to be fierce as it let out a growl.


In reality, the meow sounded more like a coquettish whimper, tickling Yun Zhao's heart like feathers scratching over it.


He smiled and asked, "Luo Xue, what are you doing?"


Luo Xue replied, "Brother, I want my true form to look more ferocious! Like Sun Yang!"


Yun Zhao thought to himself, "This... might be a bit difficult for me..."


Wu Mu came over and licked the little white cat, bursting its bubble: "If it gets too big, we'll need more candy. Just draw two steamed bun-shaped candies for him. They'll look similar to him anyway."


Kongming nodded in agreement, "That's right, so he doesn't end up with a toothache from eating too much."

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Hearing this, Luo Xue immediately deflated like a cat skin.


Yun Zhao chuckled and made a two-headed kitten-shaped candy drawing for him.


Luo Xue perked up, clutching the bamboo piece, and licked the fragrant and rich candy drawing, determined that one day he would be bigger than two steamed buns!


Yun Zhao used the remaining candy to draw a rabbit for the bunnies and even drew a little old man to give to Kongming, delighting Kongming so much that he wanted to put it in his storage bag and show it off to his old friends.


As he started cleaning up the stone tablet, Yun Zhao caught a glimpse of Ao Yu still holding his little dragon candy drawing next to him.


Curiously, Yun Zhao approached and asked, "What's wrong? It'll melt if you don't eat it, you know."


Ao Yu paused for a moment, quickly said, "I know," and turned away.


Bai ze, happily munching on the candy drawing, saw Ao Yu approaching and asked with unclear pronunciation, "What's up?"


Ao Yu held up the candy drawing in front of him, his tone as indifferent as ever, "Go find me a piece of profound ice."


Baize was utterly confused, "Huh?"


Ao Yu couldn't be bothered to explain, staring at the little dragon candy drawing in his hand and said to himself, "I have to freeze it... to preserve it."


Baize thought, "...I advise you not to go too far!"




Beilu, Chihua Peak.


In the snowy immortal mountain, bridges and stepping stones were built around the lake, red plum blossoms emerged between the mountains, and falling petals resembled ripples on the lake.


Amidst the howling wind and snow, a warm pavilion exuded a sense of spring.


Smooth and slender legs were adorned with red silk, and the curtains gently fluttered, casting indistinct shadows in the candlelight.


A barely audible sob could be heard, momentarily obscured by the sound of dampened water droplets. Just as everything was reaching its climax, the door was abruptly pushed open by a sharp beast claw, making a loud bang.


The black panther entered with a fat fish in its mouth, proudly wanting to show off its spoils to its master. The warm tent was pushed aside by a large palm, revealing Si Wuchen with disheveled long hair. Beads of sweat glistened on his well-defined abdominal muscles, and his face was as gloomy as a hellish demon.


His eyes met Xuanming's slightly narrowed gaze, and the fish in his mouth plopped onto the carpet.


Oh no, I'm done for today, thought the black panther!

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