Chapter 37: Miniature Zhaozhao (3 in 1) - Part 1

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The air in the mountains was fresh, and the meandering stream sparkled. Dewdrops hung on the leaves, shimmering as people passed by.


Bai Ze was being lazy and reluctant to leave the rocking chair, while Ao Yu took Sun Yang to the bamboo forest early in the morning for cultivation.


Yun Zhao led the rest of the cubs and followed the rabbits deep into the mountains. Looking at the large group of cubs surrounding him, he couldn't help but sigh, feeling like a kindergarten teacher taking the kids on an outing.


The rabbits were obviously familiar with the mountains. As they led the way, they introduced various wild vegetables and mushrooms to Yun Zhao.


Observing that each rabbit carried a small bamboo basket, Yun Zhao couldn't help but remark, "Lately, it seems like you all frequently go mushroom picking in the mountains."


Little Black Rabbit embarrassedly rubbed its paws and wagged its long ears, replying, "Hehe... You wouldn't understand how fun mushroom picking is..."


Yun Zhao: "......."


Xuanming walked gracefully at a leisurely pace, with a small white tail trailing behind him.


Yun Zhao asked, "Luo Xue, do you want me to carry you, little brother?"


On ordinary days, the little white cat was very spoiled and would cling to Yun Zhao after taking just a few steps.


But today was different. Luo Xue looked up at Yun Zhao and earnestly said, "Yun Zhao, today I want to walk by myself!"


Yun Zhao was slightly surprised and said, "Alright then." Luo Xue continued to walk enthusiastically, trailing behind Xuanming.


The snowy white cat tail stood upright like a chicken feather duster, bouncing and stepping on the black panther's paw prints as it moved forward.


Wu Mu climbed onto Yun Zhao's shoulder and watched his silly younger brother being fascinated by the black panther. He couldn't help but grit his teeth and muttered softly in Yun Zhao's ear, "What's so great about him!"


The scent of jealousy emanating from the little black cat made Yun Zhao's teeth feel sour, and he shook his head helplessly.


The group played and walked along, listening to the sound of pearls colliding in the shade of the trees. They avoided leaning branches and finally arrived at the stream that the rabbits had mentioned.


Clear and cold spring water burst and flowed down the mountain rocks, while flowers and plants adorned the water's edge, extending all the way around the rocky stream.


Felines always loved to climb to higher places. With its agile figure, the black panther lightly leaped and claimed the highest rock on the water's edge in just a few bounds.


It watched vigilantly, its pupils contracting as it surveyed the surroundings. Only when it saw no signs of danger did it lazily lie down on a smooth surface of the rock.


Wu Mu seemed to be driven by a sense of competitiveness. He jumped down from Yun Zhao's shoulder and followed suit, leaping onto another rock. He held his own tail in his mouth, afraid of getting splashed by the bouncing water droplets.

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Yun Zhao was about to call Luo Xue to sit next to him when unexpectedly, the little white cat looked in Xuanming's direction as if it had made a decision. It raised its tail with full confidence and ran towards Xuanming.


The little cat also wanted to stand at the highest point with the big cat!


So Yun Zhao and the rabbits stood by the shore, silently watching the snow-white kitten scramble and jump on rocks three or four times taller than itself, only to end up squatting down on its rear end.


Yun Zhao: "......"


Perhaps unable to bear the sight of the kitten's foolishness any longer, Xuanming, out of sheer benevolence, walked over and used his thick, long tail to sweep up Luo Xue.


Luo Xue crouched down, excitedly pawing at the edge of the rock, looking down at Yun Zhao, and proudly exclaimed, "Meow! Brother, I climbed high too!"


Yun Zhao sighed and rubbed his forehead. If Xuanming doesn't help you down later, let's see how you manage.


Little Black Rabbit, carrying a basket, said to Yun Zhao, “My Lord, there are many mushrooms nearby. We'll go pick some."


Yun Zhao responded, "Go ahead, but remember to come back later and don't wander too far."


"Okay." Little Black Rabbit waved its hand obediently, signaling its companions to head into the forest.


Only then did Yun Zhao take out his fishing gear, baited the hook, and cast the line. He found a relatively clean stone to sit on, held the fishing rod, and silently gazed at the water's surface.


With a serene atmosphere and the reflection of clouds, shadows, and mountain flowers in the water, it felt like a vivid and picturesque landscape painting, refreshing Yun Zhao's mind.


He took a deep breath of the refreshing mountain air, fully indulging in this leisurely moment, when suddenly the fishing rod trembled.


Yun Zhao became alert, stood up, and began to struggle with the fish biting the hook.


Just as he felt that he was about to succeed, he suddenly felt a shadow covering his head.


He had a sense of something above him and couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock, exclaiming, "Xuanming! Don't jump!"


However, how could Xuanming listen to the young man's words? Excitement gleamed in his golden-green eyes as he leaped down from the high rocks.




Like a giant stone plunging into the water, accompanied by a loud splash, countless water droplets splashed up, drenching Yun Zhao on the shore.


Yun Zhao tossed away the fishing rod and approached to take a look.

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A dark shadow swam beneath the water's surface, and with a swoosh, the black panther burst out of the water, carrying a fat carp in its mouth.


If it weren't for the fish hook still firmly caught in its mouth, Yun Zhao would have praised the black panther as a fishing expert.


With a shake of its head, the panther threw the fish onto the shore and continued to search and float in the water.


Seeing this, Wu Mu on the rock couldn't bear to be outdone and hesitantly stepped on the stone with its front paws before reluctantly jumping down as well.


What's catching fish? It's a piece of cake!


Yun Zhao's eyebrows twitched as he turned his head, anticipating what was about to happen, and looked at the little white cat still remaining high up.


He couldn't help but shout, "Luo Xue, don't..."


However, Luo Xue made up his mind, believing that this was the path he must take to grow into a big cat. He closed his eyes and, despite Yun Zhao's attempts to stop him, jumped into the water, creating a small splash.


Yun Zhao's heart instantly rose to his throat as he watched Luo Xue struggle for a couple of times and then sink. He quickly entered the water, using his outer robe to scoop up the kitten.


He carried the dripping wet kitten onto the shore, his entire body soaked and uncomfortable with the clinging wetness.


Luo Xue's fur was soaked, sticking to his skin, making him appear even smaller, with his drooping triangular ears and round, apologetic eyes. He said, "Brother, I'm sorry..."


How could Yun Zhao bear to blame him? He gently dried the kitten with his own outer robe and then awkwardly recited a spell to dispel the moisture from both himself and Luo Xue.


Standing up, he saw that there were already many lively and flopping fish piled up on the shore, while the two black figures continued their hunting in the water.


The imagined leisurely fishing experience was completely disrupted. He had no idea where these guys got their energy from.


Helplessly, Yun Zhao called out, "Xuanming, Wu Mu, come up quickly! We have enough fish!"


As soon as the words fell, the two dark shadows broke the surface of the water, resembling drowned rats as they quickly ran ashore.


Looking at these two exhausted little ones coming to his side, Yun Zhao preemptively said, "I'll go get some towels. Don't shake..."


However, it didn't make much of a difference.


Xuanming and Wu Mu instinctively started shaking and shedding water, causing droplets to rain down like a shower. Yun Zhao, with a face full of water, wiped his face with resignation.


Letting out a long sigh, Yun Zhao took out a colorful piece of fabric from his storage bag and resignedly began to wipe their fur.


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Wu Mu, afraid of upsetting Yun Zhao, propped up its front paws on Yun Zhao's chest and rubbed its chin against his face in a coquettish manner.


"Alright, alright, sit quietly," Yun Zhao chuckled, amused by its antics, and patted the kitten's bottom to signal it to sit properly.


After wiping Wu Mu, it was Xuanming's turn. The black panther's fur was short and dense, not completely soaked. Xuanming quietly lay elsewhere, licking itself clean.


When it saw Yun Zhao beckoning, it hesitated for a moment before walking over and lying down.


The sleek muscles of the panther made Luo Xue envious. Taking advantage of the panther being wiped by Yun Zhao in a whirlwind, Luo Xue boldly placed its small paws on the panther's muscles, marveling at the sensation beneath its paw pads.


The black panther narrowed its eyes and looked at the kitten for a while before curling its tail around the little white cat and placing it on its own back.


Yun Zhao chuckled at the amusing sight. Xuanming appeared aloof, but unexpectedly showed exceptional care towards Luo Xue.


Luo Xue, now a devoted fan of the black panther, meowed a couple of times, patted its mouth, and looked at Yun Zhao, clearly indicating hunger and asking for food.


Coincidentally, the Rabbit Team had also returned, and judging by their satisfied appearances, they must have had a fruitful harvest.


"You're back. How did it go with the gathering?" Yun Zhao curiously looked at the baskets behind them.


The little black rabbit proudly handed over the basket on its back to Yun Zhao and said, "There are plenty of large mushrooms here, so we collected more and brought them back to dry."


Saying that, it let four or five rabbits come over. Together, they carried a pot, and behind them, other rabbits had brought bowls and chopsticks, eagerly staring at Yun Zhao. "Sir, please make fish soup for us!"


Seeing their complete preparations, Yun Zhao quickly took the pot and began to fetch water for cooking.


He found a few rocks and arranged them into a makeshift stove, added dried twigs and grass, and was about to start a fire when Xuanming walked over and breathed out a spark, glancing up at the young man.


The blatant display of pride made Yun Zhao chuckle lightly as he reached out and rubbed the black panther's head in praise. "Thank you, Xuanming."


Wu Mu pouted, jumped aside, and turned its back, panting. Unfortunately, not a single flame appeared.


The black cat frustratedly tossed away a small stone. Damn it, why doesn't the Spirit Cat have such a cool skill!


Yun Zhao selected the largest carp and scaled and gutted them. Then, he roughly chopped the fish into small pieces on a stone slab.


The spring water was rich in fish oil, so he put the fish bones in the pot to fry the oil. Then he poured in the mountain spring water, and instantly, the soup turned milky white.


Amidst Luo Xue's urging meows, Yun Zhao added the fish pieces and mushrooms into the pot. However, he set aside some mushrooms separately, planning to make a plain soup and add chili later to turn it into a spicy red soup when they got tired of the clear broth.


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The fish meat and mushrooms simmered and gurgled in the pot, creating a sound that blended with the tranquility of the mountain spring. It was difficult to distinguish whether it was the bubbling sound of the broth or the growling of the young ones' stomachs.


Finally, when the fish was cooked, Yun Zhao filled everyone's bowls to the brim.


Xuanming bent down and took a lick, then paused. The taste... It looked up at Yun Zhao and suddenly realized that the young man before it was the one who had made the delicious food at the celebration.


The black panther, now realizing the situation, ate without even lifting its head. Si Wuchen was truly a kind person! To think he had sent him here to enjoy such a feast!


The fatty fish meat, along with the savory mushrooms, made Yun Zhao squint his eyes as he took a few sips of the soup. The coldness from falling into the water was dispelled at that moment, and he let out a satisfied sigh.


After everyone finished the clear soup, Yun Zhao took out a handful of chili peppers from his storage bag, tossed them into the pot, and stirred a few times, turning the soup into a vibrant red color. Then he added two more fish to the fiery broth.


He picked up the basket of the little black rabbit and found a few mushrooms emitting a faint glow. Curious, he asked, "What kind of mushrooms are these? Are they edible?"


The little black rabbit came closer to take a look and puffed up its chest, assuring him, "They are edible! These are bamboo mushrooms, rare but incredibly delicious!"


"I see..." Yun Zhao saw the rabbits' confident expressions and mixed the bamboo mushrooms with the other mushrooms in the soup.


After a short while, the boiling soup in the pot surged, and Wu Mu eagerly asked, "Is it ready? Is it ready?"


"It's ready, it's ready..." Yun Zhao picked up a piece of bamboo mushroom, highly recommended by the rabbits, and tasted it. Indeed, it was exceptionally delicious.


He declared, "Let's dig in!"


"Meow!" Wu Mu cheered and transformed into a childlike form, taking Yun Zhao's ladle and starting to serve the soup.


Just as they were about to enjoy their meal, they heard a loud "bang" from behind, followed by a small voice of restraint, "Hold on before eating!"


The young ones turned around and found Yun Zhao gone.


"I'm here!" came the shout from beneath a leaf.


Xuanming approached with suspicion, using its claws to carefully lift the leaf, only to be shocked by what it saw. The young man who was there before had shrunk to the size of a palm and sat dumbfounded on the gravel. He looked up at the enormous young ones and weakly rubbed his forehead, saying, "What on earth is happening..."


Xuanming and the kitten turned their astonished gazes towards the bewildered little black rabbit, and its heart tightened.


Help! How will it explain this to Lord Ao Yu?!



Translator's note: I'm very sorry for the late upload for this. Something terrible happened earlier. When I woke up, I received the news that the apartment beside mine was robbed. I was shocked and scared. Fortunately, no one was hurt but valuables were taken. My neighbor was asleep throughout the ordeal. I can't help but ask myself: what if it was my place they robbed? I regret staying here. First was the leaking roof, and now, this. I shared half of the roof repair, too. Unfortunately, I can't just move because I paid advance and deposit. It will be a waste of money that I don't have anymore. What do you guys think I should I do? 

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