The address Tsukiyama-san gave us over the phone was only a few minutes walk away from where we were now.

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Following the GPS direction on my phone, we were able to find the house without getting lost.

In front of the house, Mashiro was staring at the house while readjusting her breathing, while I was simply blown away by the size of the house.
It was not one of those outrageous mansions you see in anime and manga, but it was about one size bigger than the other houses in the area.

“…Hey, Mashiro. Are you content with your current life?”
“Eh? Of course I am…What’s with this all of the sudden?”
“No, it’s just, you know. Financially speaking…”

I’m not the type of person to value something solely with money, however, standing in front of this house made me reconsider.
While still choosing to find the right word, Mashiro seemed to have came to a conclusion.

“For the record, I am much happier now then I was back at this house.”
“No joke?”
“I mean what I say, living with you has been the happiest time of my life.”
“When you put it this way, I’m feeling more pressure then ever.”

It goes without saying, I have tried my best in my own way to provide the best for Mashiro, but when it comes to the financials, there is little I could do.
As of now, it was only thanks to Mashiro’s presence that I began eat out less at convenience stores, and now budget are less tight than before.

Despite this life we have, albeit not the best, we don’t complain nor try to up our spendings for luxury.

“I don’t know how to put it, but…Thank you, Mashiro.”

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“Fufu, we should just be normal, no need to try to please each other in weird ways.”
“Then, keep up the good work?”
“Yes, and the same to you.”

It was a very awkward conversation at a time when the what-to-be climax was about to begin, but I felt that the tension had dissipated a little.

Although I would like to talk to them right now, we still need to head to the park first.
Mashiro was still in her human form. She need to change back to a cat somewhere beforehand.

We then went to a nearby park where Mashiro changed into a cat in a public restroom.
Just to be safe, considering the fact that we would draw attention to us if Mashiro was without a leash, we’ve decided it would be best if Mashiro stayed in my arms.


Once again, we arrived at the big house and its gate. When I sent Mashiro, now in the form of a cat, another glance, she nyaned back.
I took a deep breath and rang the intercom.

The voice connected immediately and I heard the same voice I had just heard on the phone.
Suppressing a bit of nervousness, I spoke over the intercom.

“This is Satou, we just talked over the phone…”
“I’ve been waiting for you, Satou-sama. I’m coming right now.”

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However, she was just as nervous and anticipating, and soon the intercom call went dead and the front door opened.
Mashiro and I turned to see a beautiful woman standing there, just as Mashiro had told me she would be.
As if she had waited forever, she walked up to the gate where we were standing and unlocked it, leaving the front door still open.

“Goodness…It really is Lumi-san.”

Tsukiyama-san spilled those words when she saw Mashiro in my arms.
Mashiro, on the other hand, seemed to have no idea what to say back, but she nyaned once in response.
As I was wondering what to do from here, Tsukiyama-san spoke up first.

“Welcome. Once again, my name is Tsukiyama.”
“N-Nice to meet you. I am Satou.”
“I have many questions, but for now, please come in. Miku-sama is also waiting for you both.”

Tsukiyama led us through the entrance.
The entranceway and the hallway that can be seen from the door were so different from what I was used to seeing that I am overwhelmed by the difference. Just from this alone, it may be bigger than my apartment.

While I couldn’t help but glance around, Mashiro looked calmly at Tsukiyama-san, who was moving ahead of me.

“I should show you to the guest room, but I haven’t told Miku-sama about Lumi-san yet.”
“Ah, no need to worry about it. Mashiro…no, I think she’d like that, too.”

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I politely said those words, and then I realized that I had slipped up
Sure enough, Tsukiyama-san reacted and stopped in her tracks.

“Mashiro…Is that your name now?”

I had accidentally let it slip, and Tsukiyama-san asked Mashiro, to which she responded with another nyan.
It may not be a big deal, but as long as the common name between the three of us except me is Lumi, I wasn’t going to say it out loud as long as they didn’t ask me…

“Mashiro…That’s a very good name.”
“No, haha. It’s not really.”

I didn’t know what to respond with, and Mashiro’s enthusiastic reply made me feel embarrassed.
But just from the conversation we had just had, I could tell that the two of them had spent a lot of time together, and the their relationship carried on even now after they haven’t seen each for so long.

After going through the house for a while, we arrive in front of a room. This must be Miku-chan’s room where Mashiro lived in the past.
Tsukiyama-san knocked and the door immediately opened, and a young girl emerged from inside.

“Tsukiyama, I heard the doorbell rang earlier…eh? Who is this person─”

The girl’s gaze moved to Ms. Tsukiyama, then me, and finally to my arm, where Mashiro was resting…That was when her eyes showed signs of disbelief and gone silent
The surprised Miku-chan looked between Mashiro and Tsukuyama-san’s faces, shocked. However, Tsukiyama-san remained silent without changing her expression.

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Seeing this, I pated Mashiro gently on the back and gave her a look. She did a small nod and jumped down from my arms.
Then she slowly approach Miku-chan and looked up to meet her eyes.

“L-Lumi…is that you?”

She crouched down to make eye contact with Mashiro and reached out her hand, her voice trembled.
Seeing this, Mashiro moved even closer to Miku and responded with a “nyan” as she leaned closer to her hand.


With those words, Miku hugged Mashiro’s body tightly.
Miku-chan’s pained voice calling Mashiro’s name conveyed how much she had been missing her.

Tsukiyama-san is an adult and in a position to have known the various circumstances concerning Mashiro. Of course, she was probably not without shock, but she had contained her emotions very well.
However, Miku-chan is still a young child who knows nothing about what had happened. I can’t even imagine how much sadness and anxiety she must have been carrying all this time.

In the meantime, Miku-chan is still calling “Lumi!” tearfully.
Influenced by Miku-chan’s emotions, Tsukiyama-san gently sat down beside Miku-chan and hugged her. Tears were welling up in Tsukiyama-san’s eyes as well.

All I could do was look over at the three of them, and I felt the anxiety that still lingered a little in my heart fade away.
I was able to help Mashiro reunite with these two people, and I was also able to make their wishes come true.
And furthermore, I am content that I was able to help Mashiro face her past in this way, even if only a little.

I felt like all of that had paid off, and the thought and the sight before me was more than enough to bring tears to my eyes with them.

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