“Do you have a favorite sweet, Satou-san?”

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One day, as we were relaxing after dinner, Mashiro suddenly asked me that question.

“Favorite sweet?”
“Yes, I wanted to hear it from you.”

When I thought about it again, the word “sweet” didn’t really come to my mind.
I have faint memories where I used to eat sweets while lounging around the house when I was little, but I don’t know when I started eating them less.

“I don’t know. I don’t usually eat that much.”
“You’re right, I don’t see many.”
“It’s not that I don’t like them.”

I don’t know what kind of sweets she’s referring to. It’s not that I don’t like sweets myself. At my company, sweets are often given as gifts, so I eat them then.
However, when I thought about it, I hadn’t been buying sweets for myself and eating them at home recently.

“But what’s the matter? Why my favorite sweets?
“No, it’s nothing serious, but I’ve recently become interested in making sweets.”
“Oh, was there a special on TV?”
“Satou-san could see right through me.”

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Mashiro smiled a little shyly.
The only thing she can get information from was television at the moment, so that much was to be expected.
Besides, she was such a good cook. No wonder she was interested in making sweets out of all the programs.

“I happened to see a show like that the other day, and I was a little curious about it.
“I see.”

Regardless of the reason or subject, the fact that Mashiro was interested in something makes me very happy.
I haven’t known much of her past, but at least it’s not all pleasant memories.
That’s why I’m willing to let her do whatever she wants, as long as I can do it.

Suddenly, however, Mashiro said, “But,” and lowered her voice.

“I was thinking of making something if Satou-san likes sweets, but it looks like you do.”

She didn’t know how I felt and suddenly said something like that.
I had failed. She was still that kind of person: putting other people’s feelings before her own.

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“No, that’s not true. I like sweets. I’ve been craving something sweet lately.”
“…That’s not what you said earlier.”

I hurriedly arranged my words and tried to correct my course, but Mashiro gave me a suspicious look.
It seems that such a double-edged sword was too much for her. I can’t help but laugh and say, “Ha ha ha…” to cover up my mistake.

“W-Well, joking aside, it doesn’t matter whether I like it or not, if Mashiro wants to do it, you’re free to do so.”
“…It’s nice of you to say so, but I’m afraid that’s not how it works.”

I wondered if there was anything else that would be such an obstacle.
When I asked her back, she looked away with a troubled look on her face, as if she was having trouble saying it.

“You see, when it comes to making sweets, you need a certain amount of ingredients and utensils…”
“What’s the matter with that? Don’t worry about it. I’ll get you as many as you want if you ask me.”
“I tried to stop you because I knew you would say that…”

Mashiro sighed heavily.
Maybe she’s gradually becoming able to read my thoughts, just as I’m able to read Mashiro’s.
But if that’s the case, why didn’t she just tell me without hesitation? It’s not like I don’t listen to what Mashiro asks of me.

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Well, I know that Mashiro is not that type of person, but…
I’ve told her many times that I want her to be more selfish and free in her life.
I want her to learn to rely on others more.

“Just so you know, you don’t have to worry about money. Don’t underestimate an office worker who lives alone and has no hobbies.”
“I’m worried about that in many different ways…”

In that sense, that job title was the most powerful.
Putting aside the standard of living that Mashiro mentions for a moment, if you eliminate waste, money will continue to accumulate.
I think I understand that money was not everything, but it was certainly not something that you need to have for now.

“What do you need right now? I’ll go buy it on my next day off.”
“So you’ve already decided…”
“Of course.”

Despite my enthusiasm, she put her hand on her forehead with a tired look on her face.
I was wondering what was going to happen at first, but it seems that my forcible filling in of the outer moat went well.
Mashiro seemed unconvinced, but then, realizing that there was no way out, she settled down.

“I can’t start until I know what I’m going to make, so please tell me what you want to eat, Satou-san.”

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“I’ll eat anything Mashiro makes…Oh, come on. Don’t make that look.”

In order to keep me from saying more, Mashiro made a more prickly face.
It seems that she really doesn’t want to break her stance of cooking for me.
I wonder who she got this stubbornness from…

“I’m asking you what you like, Satou-san. Please hurry up.”
“Sorry sorry. Yeah, it’s probably a safe bet, but I want to try some cookies or something.”
“…Because you think that is suitable for beginners?”
“Ug…N-No way. Of course not?”

It’s obvious.
No, I really don’t know if cookies are for beginners, but anyway, I’m not wrong in saying that cookies count as sweets.
As I whistled to myself, Mashiro sighed loudly once more.

“…Well, that’s fine. Then what I need is…”


After that, Mashiro gave me a list of what she needed, and I immediately went shopping on my day off that week.

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