“Satou-san. Can we continue our conversation from yesterday?”

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After returning home and having a bit of a tease with Mashiro.
I was enjoying her home-cooked food again today when she suddenly said those words to me.

Immediately afterward, the air in the room became tense for a moment.
What she was talking about, of course, was yesterday in bed. She was talking about how she had decided to see those two people again.

I knew I had to make a plan because I was the one who had brought up the subject.
I was honestly grateful that Mashiro had pushed me to do this, as I had been wondering when and how to initiate the conversation.

I quickly straightened my body and then looked at her and nodded my head in agreement.

“If I can actually meet those two, there’s one thing I’d like you to help me with, Satou-san.”
“Anything I can do to help.”

Mashiro stared straight at me with serious eyes.
Her eyes seem to have no more hesitation…but there seemed to be some cloudiness in them.

“As you probably know, of the two of them, Miku-san does not know this appearance of mine. So, when I meet them both, I would like to be as a cat.”
“So you want me to explain to t them that time…?”

The two people Mashiro referred to are Miku and the housekeeper of the house, Tsukiyama..
Mashiro’s true identity was known to Tsukiyama-san, but Miku only knew her as a cat.

Indeed, if that was to be taken into account, it would be appropriate to meet her in Mashiro’s cat form.

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And then, if I explain the situation to Miku and Tsukiyama, they meet them and let them know that she’s okay.
…But was it really significant for Mashiro to be in her cat form?

“Is that okay with you, Mashiro? Aren’t there things you want to talk about or convey in person in human form?”

Mashiro choked on her words in response to my words.
Yes. Of course, they would want more than anything for Mashiro to still be living peacefully like this.
So, just being able to tell them that was enough. I could understand that feeling. But I can’t agree with it.

“I don’t know what kind of people they are. But at least they would never do anything to hurt Mashiro. Right?”
“That’s…yes. Of course.”
“I am sure that even those two would have talked to each other since Mashiro disappeared. I’m sure they wish more than anything that Mashiro is safe.”
“I may be meddling. But I’m not sure it’s sincere to keep things from the people you care about any longer.”

Mashiro, in her own way, has thought about it all day today and wished to meet them in the form of a cat. I don’t want to despise that feeling.
But I was sure that she wanted more than just that.
I don’t want to keep secrets from the people I cared about. It was because of feelings similar to these that Mashiro revealed herself to me, or so I believe.

“I have a lot of things I want to tell them both, too. I understand that I’m not being sincere…”

Her voice had a sad tinge to it that reminded me of the morning of that day.

“But I still feel uneasy about it… I did something to ingratiate myself with the two of them, and left home without saying a word.”

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I understand again how big the regret that Mashiro had was in her mind.
I just thought I understood, and her struggles were far beyond what I could imagine.
But…just because of that, doesn’t mean there’s nothing I could do.

“If, hypothetically speaking. If those two people had negative feelings toward Mashiro, what would Mashiro want to do?”

Although this question may hurt Mashiro, I still asked her.
She choked on her words again. Her expression was darker than before.

“…I would apologize. Even if they didn’t forgive me…it wouldn’t change my mind.”
“Ok. …Then, on the contrary, what would you like to do if the two of them warmly welcomed Mashiro?”

The next question I threw at her in a row, she looked at me with a surprised expression on her face.
When I smiled at her to reassure her, she looked somewhat troubled and then softened her expression a little.

“…I want to talk about Satou-san. I met such a wonderful person. Yes, I want to tell them about you.”
“Ha, you’re going to introduce me like that? I’m afraid.”
“Don’t be. I am sure Satou-san would get along well with those two.”

I have a lot to talk about with those two.
The girl who picked up Mashiro, a stray cat, and the housekeeper who raised her to be such a fine housewife.
The reason why I was leading such a blessed life now was because of those two people. It was no exaggeration to say so.

No matter what form it takes, it was more than enough for Mashiro’s purpose if she could get rid of her rickety relationship with them.
…But if she want, I wanted her to live her life without cutting off the connection with those two.

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Mashiro’s dark memories could be overwritten by the memories with the two from now on.
I hope that they would continue to be friends. I wished that more than anything else.

“But, yes. Regardless of how the two feel, you have something you want to tell them, don’t you?
“…I do.”
“If that’s the case, isn’t there only one option?”

What she tells the two may change depending on their reactions.
But Mashiro’s feelings about what she wanted to tell them were the same.

“I can understand why you would be uneasy about suddenly meeting in human form. So I came up with a compromise.”
“A compromise?”
“Yeah. At first, as Mashiro said, you meet in the form of a cat. Then, after I explain the situation to them, I’ll tell them the truth and you’ll meet in human form. How about that?”

We could see their reactions ahead of time and not make Miku-chan more upset.
From what I have heard about Tsukiyama-san, she seemed to be a very understanding person. She should be able to adapt well to our needs.
This should be the best of the measures that can be taken at present. All that remains…was Mashiro’s friend.

“…Well then. Can I check…one more time, just one more time.”

Mashiro asked.

“What do you think of me, Satou-san?”

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And at the same time, she held my hand on the table.
Her eyes, staring at me as if seeking help, reminded me somewhat of Mashiro’s from that day.
Her other hand was also wrapped around my hand.

“I care for Mashiro more than anyone, more than anything, more than herself. As long as Mashiro doesn’t refuse, I will never let go. Never.”

I would never let go. I held Mashiro’s hand as if to express those words.
As long as she trusted me and as long as she wanted to be here.
I would take care of and protect her more than anyone else. That was what I’ve decided.

“…I am very happy to have met you, Satou-san.”
“That’s my line. I’m glad I met Mashiro that day.”
“If you think so, Satou-san, then…I’m prepared to do the same.”

She looked up and looked straight into my eyes.
If my trust in her has given her even the slightest bit of courage, I was sure nothing could make me happier.

“Okay, then it’s decided. First, you will meet in the form of a cat, and then I will tell the girl the truth. This is fine?”

Mashiro regained her breath and gave me a cheery reply.
It’s okay. If it’s someone that Mashiro cares about, I’m sure they will accept Mashiro with kindness.

And Mashiro herself will be able to live with more pride than ever.
…I don’t want her to look so sad and uneasy anymore.

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