Manuke FPS

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

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I now sat inside a carriage provided by Duke Barga as we returned to Fort Barga from the capital . The carriage was escorted by the Knights of West Barga, who’d specifically came to pick us up . Two men on horseback approached the carriage, one of them was the Knight Brigade Vice Leader Viscount Butler Canyon, while the other was the Barga family escort commander .


“Shaft, I heard from the Commander . You’ve done quite well in the Capital and Veneer . ”


“Pardon me, but we still took a lot of casualties on the return trip . ”


“It’s impossible to have a job go perfectly all the time . The most important thing is that Lapitirica-sama is safe, and that’s a fact . Otherwise, there’d be no point for escorts to exist . ”

“As His Highness Viscount said, we’ve pledged our lives to His Excellency . Thanks to Shaft-dono, we were able to fulfill our mission . ”


“Sorry that I can stay to serve Duke Barga . After this, I guess you guys can rely on him . ”


All three of us turned to the person riding at the front of the carriage, the young knight who’d acted as my body double .


“That young man isn’t half bad . Even among the knights, he’s an exceptional swordsman . If Lapitirica-sama marriage to the Royal Family goes smoothly, I think I’ll write a recommendation letter for him . ”


“Why, doesn’t Shaft-dono apply to become a knight? Given your achievement, His Excellency Duke Barga should’ve given you an ample reward . ”


“I’m not interested in becoming a knight . But if you ask me, if there is something I want for completing the mission, then I do have one thing . ”

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“Hoo, here I thought you were the type that hid your gree well . If there is indeed something  you’d like, then please convey it to His Excellency Duke Later . ”


Viscount Caymon seemed to take special note to my response . Then, I guess all I needed to do was ask . If it’s impossible, then so be it .






Three days after leaving the capital, the Fort Barga finally came into sight . Through the days, there’d been no sign of the Dark Guild anywhere, and nothing occurred as well . I’d been idle the entire time, enjoying the scenery during the journey . To be honest, it was a bit boring .  


Now that I thought about it, there was something .


At one point during the journey, I’d been too idle for my own tastes . So I decided to look around with the FLIR mode on . When we’d set up camp in the rest area, I’d gotten off the carriage and went to help Lapticia-sama and Ashley off . When I looked to the rear of the carriage, I saw something . Coming from the carriage I was in was the Duke and Duchess . I’d seen something like a lump of heat . But why was there a lump there?


I opened the door and helped the girls off, but I kept my eye on it the entire time . Afterward, I approached the Duke and Duchess carriage . I signaled the driver to stop, walked closer, then– opened the cabin door vigorously .





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Whoops, it seemed that something just fell on the ground .  


“Oh? Thank you, Shaft-kun . ”


“We arrived at the rest area, Your Excellency . ”


I waited for Duke Barga to exit, then helped the Duchess climb down . After seeing them off, I looked behind me .  


“Hi, Vi . ”


“What in the world was that for, ‘Black Mask Shaft’?”


“I should be the one asking . Have you been stalking the Duke wherever he goes like that?”


“What are you saying? I’m not doing anything wrong . As Frank-sama’s escort, I have to be by his side day and night . Whether he’s going out, eating, or heading to the bathroom, I need to stay by his side until he goes to bed . ”


This woman, kuuuuuuueeeeeeeeehhhhhh!



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“I’m going, ‘Annoying Bug Shaft’, Frank-sama is waiting for me . ”


As I watched Vi leave to chase after the Duke, I noticed a man following slowly behind her . He must’ve been the Duke’s exclusive male escort . Whether he noticed my gaze, or not, I could see that he had an exhausted look on his face . I see… He must’ve struggled hard…


“… Yeah, of course . . ”


That was pretty much the only notable event during the journey .  


When we arrived at the Duke’s home in Barga, Bardiche Castle, I was guided to the Duke’s office .  


“Shaft-kun, I hereby declare the escort request has come to an end . It was for a short time, but thank you for your assistance . ”


“I’m glad to be of help . ”


As for the reward we’ve decided in advance, in order to prepare that something for you, I have written this letter . You can bring it to the Mercenary Guild in town . ”


I received the letter and lightly scanned it . It seemed that everything I requested was listed .


“Thank you for your kindness . ”

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“Rather, I’m wondering whether it’s enough . Would you accept becoming a knight if I increased the reward?”


“No, the current reward is more than enough . Very well then, I’ll excuse myself now . ”


I decided to leave as soon as possible . If we talked too long, I was afraid he’d ask for another favor . So, let’s just receive the reward and get out of here . Being favored by the Duke was one thing, working for him was an entirely different matter . I’d only do it if it’s in the form of a request . I excused myself and headed to Lapitirica-sama’s room .  


It wasn’t set in stone yet, whether Lapitirica-sama would marry the prince or not . However, I was sure she was the best candidate . If there’s no one else with superior ability and achievement comes the third prince’s next birthday, then she’d become his bride . Until that day, Lapitirica-sama would still need to continue training hard .  


In her room, Lapitirica-sama thanked me for my service and bade me goodbye for now . Although we actually worked in the same team to conquer the Green Ogre Labyrinth, the me who escorted her these past days was different from me then . Our social statuses were different, and so were our roles . The next time we’d meet, It’ll be under different circumstances as well .  

While I thought so, I left the castle .


Ashley waited for me outside the gate . For now, we’d head to the General Guild together . Ashley would resign from her position, while I’d claim my reward .


As we walked down the street, we reviewed our future plans . Ashley would head back to the Zephanel family’s head home in the southern parts of Kurtmerga Kingdom . She’d received her order to lead a subjugation force against pirates . Apparently, it’ll take two months to travel to the southern port by carriage .  


Therefore, after reorganizing her stuff in the city, Ashley would head back to the capital . From there she’d join a transfer magic team that is heading there in order to shorten the time . In the meantime, I’d conquer the Wolf Labyrinth . Defeat that guy, and show those who dropped me into this world what I’m made of . Then I’ll head south by land . I’d most likely arrive there much later than Ashley, but it couldn’t be helped . I intended to use VMB’s vehicles to cut down the travel time as much as possible .


We confirmed our plans before Ashley entered the General Guild’s main office . I then headed to the Mercenary Guild .

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