Manuke FPS

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

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For three days, I made my way through the Wolf Fang Labyrinth before I arrived on the 20th floor . I decided to rest and took the Continental out of the Garage . Sitting on the sofa inside it, I looked at my bento’s contents . Perhaps Billy-san, the branch manager for the Marida company’s Barga branch, knew that I preferred rice over bread, specifically packed onigiri along with fried chicken, stuffed intestines, and hot vegetables in my bentos . With all that, I prepared tea before I could finally relax .  

From here onward, it was uncharted territory . Only 5 floors remained – 21st to 25th floors – though I still had to transverse the endless magical rain on this floor . Speaking of which, once I defeated the guardian on the 25th floor along with its master, will it continue to rain? Perhaps I should buy another Oshkosh M978 Tank trailer and gather an extra 9,500 liters of the magical rain before I took the labyrinth’s core .  

Thinking so, I opened the TSS and went to the shop to purchase it from the Vehicle Vendor . I had CP to spare, and I could recoup the losses from the water sale itself . Thus, I bought a second M978 with a light feeling… Until I realized… 


I muttered when I checked the M978’s spot in the garage . The M978 Tank Trailer was a heavy-duty vehicle that transported fuel for tanks and helicopters on the go . Therefore, the new one I bought actually came with its tank filled with fuel… Thus… I couldn’t actually gather water immediately . I’d forgotten about that part . So, I decided to leave the new M978 in the garage for no . It would be a waste to just dump the fuel when it could possibly be useful later on .

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Treating the TSS UI like a tablet while I ate, I was reminded of how I used to do this same activity in my original world . Even if I missed those days, it’s not like I actually wanted to go back . I just got a bit nostalgic, that’s all…

After I finished my meal, I moved on to the bedroom while I looked at the UI display . It was supposed to be a twin room with two single beds . The room’s width is equal to the length of the bed, but one could make it wider with the press of a button to make them larger . Nothing less from the finest motorhome available in-game… To be able to sleep in a modern hotel-like room while inside the labyrinth, I may become addicted to it .  

However, this vehicle was a super-sized bus without any defensive plating . I couldn’t afford to summon this in a place where a monster attack was imminent . But if we were somewhere safe, say like the guardian room, perhaps I’ll use this vehicle again .  

I laid in bed, set an alarm, and took a nap .  

–  – – – – 

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I slept for about 5 hours before returning the continental back to the garage, then finally made my way down to the 21st floor . The floor was like the cavity inside a gigantic rock . Even from the outside, the neverending rain inside the dark passage could still be seen .

How should I proceed from here? Walking on foot – – is clearly unreasonable, so I pulled up the TSS and summoned a vehicle from the garage to go through the heavy rain . What I summoned was an LVTP-5, Landing Vehicle Personnel-model 5 . It was a rectangular-shaped vehicle with the dimensions of 9 meters in length, 4 meters wide, and 3 tall . It moved via its caterpillar tracks instead of tires, being an amphibious personnel carrier developed in the USA: it could transport up to 30 soldiers, and it was equipped with an M1919A4 Browning Machine Gun .  

I opened its front hatch and entered the vehicle . There wasn’t a lot of space inside, only rows of small chairs where people sat with just enough space to stand and walk . It was, after all, an APC meant to transport soldiers, or in VMB’s case, players . There was a dedicated space for the driver to the left, with the MG occupying the space beside the driver . In other words, you could not drive and shoot, it required 2 people .  

I pressed the key to start the engine while holding my TSS display like a tablet as the controller and moved the LVTP-5 forward . The roar of the engine was outshined by the racket the rain made . Currently, there was no information regarding the monsters that inhabited the 21st floor . A party had managed to make it to the 21st floor but that’d been 25 years ago . In any case, the map was displayed on my goggles .  

The forest road had become so muddy due to the rain that foot travel would be difficult . Even with the ACP’s tracks, it could only go 13-15 km/h, the same speed as if it were in the water . Still, it was faster and far more comfortable to travel in rather than on foot . Although I’m weary of my surroundings, I could only rely on the view provided via my goggles, as, between the engine and the rain, everything else was indistinguishable .  

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I kept an eye on the terrain, then I suddenly caught a suspicious noise . I immediately switched to the gun pod, which gave a 360-degree view . Several dots appeared on the map, quickly approaching my path . I controlled the machine gun and rotated it towards the approaching enemies . In my vision, several monsters appeared, each about 1 meter long with brown fur .  

What are those?

It was easier to notice their glowing red eyes, them being monsters and all . The creatures looked a lot like otters, or maybe beavers? More of the otter monsters started to gather . Given that my focus had been solely on the gun, the APC stopped moving and it was quickly surrounded… It had fairly thick armor, so I was particularly worried about the monsters breaking through .  

I could see the otter-like monsters clearly now . Their fur stood up, and their bodies began to radiate a pale light .  


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Looking at the display, I aligned the crosshair toward the otter to the front, then tapped the fire button; making the gunfire as the monsters let out a high pitched scream . The Browning MG spat out . 30 caliber rounds in a loud, continuous rattle . At the same time, each monster gathered a ball of water that quickly compressed into a needle shape before they shoot it into the LVTP .  

While rotating the gun pod, I tapped on the fire button whenever an otter fell into my crosshairs . The MG came with 250 bullets, and after the initial supply ran out, there’d be a 10 second cool down . Afterward, the fuel would be subtracted automatically to refill the MG .  

As I created a ring of blood around me, the sound of water needles slamming into the APC echoed within the vehicle . Its armor gauge gradually began to fall as well as they were certainly doing a fair number on it . I continued to spin the gun, spilling more blood as the gauge dropped down to 30% by the time I finished them off .  

After I confirmed they were all dealt with, I switched back to driving, urging the APC to proceed as fast as it could . Stopping would do me no good . Having more situations like that would only lead to the vehicle being destroyed . Against the siege of magic from all directions without solid protection, I would have little chance of survival .

Consulting my map, I continued to progress through the forested road… 

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