Manuke FPS

Chapter 214

Sorry for the lateness. Been sick as a dog every other day and so has my child ; _ ; At this point I think its my new apartment that’s getting us sick bc my partner hasn’t been as sick as us and they’re out of the apartment most of the time.

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The incapacitated Frontier Knights and Sazanka members had been evacuated by Frau under the cover of magic. Meanwhile, I was annihilating the water dolls with the GE M134 minigun.

I left the throne room and moved to the transfer circle in the gatekeeper room while staying alert, but there was no ambush in particular. I incapacitated a lot of people back there. Frau-san must’ve prioritized their safety and retreated aboveground first. Did she expect that the water dolls would be enough to subdue me and take over the labyrinth core? But I don’t think she could maintain control of them from a great distance.

No, it doesn’t matter whether she can――she certainly said something along the lines of ‘before I consume the core’. But why did she think that I, who was not even masquerading as an orc, would want to consume the labyrinth core? Consuming magic stone――is there anything else I can do with it other than dumping it to TSS to be converted into CP?

Thinking about that while walking to the middle of the transfer circle, I spilled a few drops of blood and activated the circle with the help of the magic nametag, then transferred out. 

It took about four days to return to the Royal Capital. I could go faster than that, but between the Frontier Knights patrolling the devil mountain or the monsters and beastmen gathering up due to the subjugated labyrinth, none of them made it easier for me to go around while avoiding unnecessary fights.

When I arrived at the front door of Daikokuya, I saw a sign saying “closed for resupplying” hanging there. I’ve been away for almost three weeks. That was enough time to deplete the inventory I prepared―― I guess?

The supply running low reminded me of something else. Malta-san ordered more Shaft wine from me, but I left for Devil mountain before I could make a delivery. Barely any time left until the dinner party to celebrate the third prince’s birthday. I also need to report the result of the labyrinth subjugation to Chancellor Bergman too. But before that, let’s stop by the Marida company to deliver the order. How do I procure a large amount in a short time? Of course by summoning the Continental motorhouse in the basement.

The labyrinth subjugation this time cost me a whole lot of CP. I’m gonna need to buy a sizable amount of non-elemental magic stones with the fund I would obtain from my partnership with Malta-san. I also need to replenish my food supply.

Once I finished my task in the basement, I headed up to the office on the upper floor, and read the business report left by Amy and the others.

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Reading the report while preparing tea for myself, I found out that the fame of Daikokuya’s shampoo and conditioner had spread wider with each passing day. Apparently orders from the nobles had been increasing as well. In addition to that, a large number of hair tonics had been sold to several people from the order of the knights. In particular, it was written that there were many orders from the heavy infantry corps wearing full-face head equipment, and the person in charge begged for flexibility to the extent of shedding tears.

The reaction so far is good… although resupplying is a bit of a hassle since I have to summon and return the Continental repeatedly.

Fulfilling the number of orders written in the report, and the large trading in the future— it’s too much! My goal with Daikokuya is to make profit. But more importantly, it’s to install and manage the transfer circle secretly――it’s to create a main headquarters for my effort to conquer labyrinths around the land. That said, I need to spare some time to make a profit.

After reading the report, I sunk myself in the sofa, thinking of taking a break. But then I heard someone knocking on the front door on the ground floor. It seemed that I had a guest, but this time it’s just one person.

I went down and opened the door. Waiting outside was the person I’ve been expecting.

“I see that you’ve returned safely, Schwartz-kun.”

“Yeah, just now. Remi-san.”

Remi-san, who was standing in front of my shop, belonged to the Lily of the Valley, an intelligence clan that reports directly to the Prime Minister. She stood there in her usual clerk-style– black pants and white shirt that was left wide open on the chest area. Just like when I met her before I went to conquer the labyrinth.

It’ll be troublesome if people were to see her standing here for too long. So I let her into the shop. She started talking while still wary of the surroundings.

“Sir Bird and the little girl would like to have dinner with you, as soon as possible.”

“Little girl? Ah, are they going to meet me there? Very well, I’ll go.”

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“Sorry――you were supposed to turn in the report at Sir Bird’s office, but Prince Ark’s dinner party is just around the corner… will you come? Your name will be listed on the guest list.” 

“I will be providing wine for the party through the Marida company. But why do I have to report during the party instead of at Sir Bird’s office?”

“The little girl is specifically invited for the banquet, so the higher ups are scrambling to organize an escort plan. Also, something fishy is brewing up north, and the guild is currently investigating it, mainly under Sir Bird’s order.”

“Can you really tell me all that?”

“It’s fine. The little girl’s participation will be announced tomorrow. There is really no point in hiding it.”

While talking about that, Remi-san buried her body in one of the unsold luxury interior furniture personal chairs, and enjoyed the comfort of the sofa. Needless to say, she grimaced when I informed her of the sofa’s price.

As the sun set over the walls, I went to the royal castle and headed for the little girl ――Chancellor Zephanel’s samurai-esque residence. Its structure was similar to that of the Western architecture of the previous world; that one-story wooden tile-roofed building really stands out. Walking across the stepping stones laid on the courtyard, I arrived in the front entrance and lightly knocked on the sliding door.

“Yes, coming.”

I could hear the sound of someone running on the boarded floor. Also Sharle-san’s cheerful voice.

“Oh, you’re finally here, Schwartz!”

“It’s been a while, Sharle-san.”

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It’s Ashley’s sister, Sharle, who opened the door for me. Perhaps she’s in the middle of cooking dinner, as she’s wearing white kapoggi (japanese cooking wear) and white hood. I wonder how they found out about that attire…

“Granny is already waiting. You remember the guest room where we ate before, yes? Please wait over there.”

Having said so, Sharle-san rushed back through the boarded floor corridor to where she came. I believe Sharle-san herself told me that she wasn’t really good at cooking. Did staying here for an extended amount of time awaken her interest in cooking? On the map, I could see two dots on the kitchen area, and another two in the guest room. I headed to the guest room, enjoying the feeling of walking down the wooden floored corridor.

“Excuse me. Daikokuya’s Schwartz is coming to visit.”

“Oh, you are here. Please, come on in.”

Although the voice that could be heard from behind the shoji sounded like it belonged to a child, it was dignified. It belonged to the Kurtmerga Kingdom’s Honorary Chancellor――an ageless individual who is seemingly locked in her childlike appearance.

Chancellor Roberto Bergman, a central figure in the Kurtmerga Kingdom’s political scene, was also there.These two giants were waiting for me in the guest room. I sat on the tatami after lightly bowing to both Chancellor Zephanell and Chancellor Bergman, who sat across the glossy wooden table.

“You have been out of contact for two weeks, but it’s been reported that the labyrinth in the Devil’s Mountains has been subdued by a Class I Dangerous Beast. Let’s hear about it first.”

“As you wish. First of all, regarding that class I dangerous beast Jonah――”

Chancellor Zephanel silently listened to my report. Chancellor Bergman tried to grasp the details up to the subjugation of the labyrinth, with nods and questions

I hid the actual fact that Jonah was me all along. I only reported that he was a magic beast with connection to both Daikokuya and Spark clan. 

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It’s been revealed to them both that Schwartz and Shaft are me all along. However, there is a huge difference between disguising myself by wearing black kevlar outfit and completely changing one’s appearance to that of an undead. 

I don’t think they’ll completely trust my report, but at least I’m not lying about what actually happened. Jonah had left Kurtmerga after conquering the labyrinth, saying that he’ll move on to another country for the time being. My proof of our connection was the labyrinth core, which I presented on the table to help convince the two chancellors.

Since the labyrinth core is now in my possession, Chancellor Bergman suggested selling it again, but I refused because there’s something I want to try with it.Chancellor Bergman secretly backed Ophelia and Sazanka clan’s group to investigate the possible labyrinth. At the same time, he hired me to do the same. Along the way, I encountered the phantom thief Nekoyanagi――which led to the creation of the hidden village Yorum.

But it’s over now. While I technically didn’t conquer the labyrinth directly, there’s no detail in our deal on how the subjugation should be done. I should still be eligible for the reward of two transfer circles.

Based on my report, chancellor Bergman will will send a messenger to the Margrave of Dragrange, ordering the stability of the Devil’s Mountains and the recovery of resources from the Mine Labyrinth

In the future, the fact that there are actually not enough monsters to collapse the Drum Fortress will be kept a secret, and in the name of stability of the devil mountain range and search for Jonah, the mountain will become an effective buffer zone with Drak Kingdom. It will become a dominant form and will be a great restraint to the northern part of the continent, which is currently on the move.

“You have worked really hard, Schwartz. However, I feel like the reward of two transfer circles is a bit measly compared to that.”

Around the time when the report to Chancellor Bergman and the confirmation of the reward were roughly finished, Chancellor Zephanel, who had been silent until then, spoke up.

“No, the transfer circles are already more than enough already”

“No need to be so humble. As an additional reward from this one, you are allowed to attend Ark’s birthday party with A-chan.”

Ark’s birthday party? Isn’t that the banquet to celebrate Prince Ark’s birthday?

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