Manuke FPS

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

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As expected, the attack came on the third day of our trip . However, what I didn’t expect was the assassins to use a chemical attack, a gas called ‘Mage Masher’, which was extremely lethal to mages . Let alone Laptiricia-sama and Ashley, the entire convoy was in grave danger .  



Leaving Laptiricia-sama and Ashley’s side temporarily to the escort commander, I first went to the servant tent nearby . Raising the curtain that served as its entrance, I found the servants huddled together towards the back .


“Does anyone here suddenly feel sick?”


An elderly woman in a maid’s uniform shook her head .


“If that’s so, please stay inside . Don’t come out until it calms down . ”


“E,excuse me… What happened to Laptiricia-sama?”


“She’s alright, but she’s out because of the fog . The escort commander is watching her and I’ll repel the attack . I’ll leave the aftermath to all of you . ”

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I left the tent after I said that .


I needed to take action before the enemy completely took over the campsite – to clean them all in one fell swoop!


There were 11 bandits and it hadn’t seemed to decrease . The convoy guards were almost wiped out as well . In such a short time the sound of battle began to die along with the guards .


I tossed a tomahawk with my right hand into a bandit who had his back to me, too occupied with a dying guard . Maybe because he heard something, but he turned around as the weapon lodged itself center forehead – instantly splitting his skull . It passed through with enough momentum to hit another bandit who’d been behind my target .

I got a two-in-one throw, however, now the other assassins seemed to have noticed me . I went to aim for another, I found that they’d begun to surround me whilst keeping their distance from each other . I took out another tomahawk as I began moving to avoid being surrounded . First, I slid-jumped left where their encirclement hadn’t been completed, followed by a strafe jump forward . From there, I engaged a third target .


I took another tomahawk from within my overcoat as I started moving in order to avoid being surrounded . Firstly, I did a slide jump to the left where there’s some space left followed by a strafe jump forward . From there, I engaged my third assassin .  


“What the–?!”

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My sudden burst of speed startled the bandit I engaged . Tossing my tomahawk halfway through my jump, and of course, he tried to deflect it with his slender longsword . He was still decapitated . His head twirled through the air for a moment – blood splashing about – before it hit the ground . I realized the bandit was wearing something akin to a gasmask . Attached to the mask’s sides were two cylinders . Glowing green stones were fitted to the cylinders’ centers .  



A magic tool, most likely using wind attribute stones to purify the inhaled air . It’s a shame that my attack just now broke it . I’d like to secure a few, if possible, for Laptiricia-sama and Ashley .  


With my eyes still locked on the dead man’s head as it rolled on the ground, the remaining bandits took that moment to strike . They simultaneously came at me from both sides in a pincer attack . The tomahawk left my hand with the sap of my wrist . Thanks to the power suit, even that small movement produced sufficient strength . It flew sideways, passing through the bandits sword and into his now undefended torso . His chest was ripped apart as a result .


The bandit on my left hesitated at his comrade’s sudden and swift death . I took advantage of that opening and activated my CQC — ending a left and right punch combination to his chest . Following up with a palm strike to his head, he bent from the impact before I launched a knee strike to his head that neutralized him . Unfortunately, because of the suit’s strength, I ended up breaking the man’s neck and his gasmask .  


There were a few more left as I pulled out the Welrod from my waist and entered a shooting stance . I checked the remaining bandits – two to the side and four to the front . Although there was still 10m between us, I decided to take the initiative away to avoid a melee . I spun the weapon, turning the muzzle forward . I aimed at the two at my right and pulled the trigger in two quick shots . Thanks to the silencer, it only made a small bit of noise before the 9mm rounds dug into the mens’ chests .


I fired another two shots at the two bewildered men on my left, probably dumbfounded at the sudden development . Each round found their target and left them eah with a bloody hole . With that, I’d dealt with four .


“Bastard, how come you can still use magic…”


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Of the remaining two, I heard one of the men mutter/ Like the bandit who’d attacked us before, he wore a black outfit with a hood . Only with a gasmask this time .



“ ‘Black Mask Shaft’ huh… That mask must be a magic tool . Did that help you survive the mage masher?”


“I don’t have time to lose, so let’s get to the point . Do you have the antidote?”


“Fuhn, I’d be a fool if I carried one . It’s your fault that Enjuu got obliterated . Anyway, if I kill you, my rank will surely go up”


“Rank…? Come to think of it, Yagoche also mentioned before . Those three who snuck into the LAvian rose were also with you, weren’t they?”


“Yagoche? Ah, that well-off merchant from the capital . As for those three, I don’t know anything about them . Do you think this is me, the master of the darkclan ‘Enjuu’, Leif-sama is the kind of man who’d speak so easily?”


Already introducing yourself, huh — While listening to this Leif-sama’s rambling, I reloaded the welrod as I tried to digest the bulk of the information . First of all, none of them brought the antidote . No, infact, I don’t even think they even had it to begin with . And the trio who’d snuck into the banquet had no relation with these people . It might’ve been too early to assume, but as it turned out, Yagoche and Enjuu belonged to the Cactus as well . Cactus itself may also be a part of a different organization . Yagoche and Enjuu weren’t the only two striving to up their ranking and Cactus may not be any different .


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Like playing a magic trick, Lief pulled a broadsword from the pouch attached to his hip . Meanwhile, I was focused on something else . Who was the man in all black behind him? A member of Cactus, perhaps? The moment that thought crossed my mind, Lief approached me with a sudden burst of speed .  


“ ‘Dash’ !”


I heard him mutter in a muffled but strong voice .


Using the momentum from his dash, Lief swung at me, but I simply blocked it with the welrod and launched a palm strike at his head . Unfortunately, he managed to evade using a headslip technique . He even managed to slash at my abdomen . I once again deflected the sword’s attack . I switched hands, aiming for Lief’s throat with the pistol’s handle .



A muffled voice escaped the gas mask as I hit him . I quickly followed up by hitting his hit repeatedly on both sides with the welrod’s front . Afterward, the bandit swayed as if he was about to faith, and I ended it with a kick .




He let out a scream that sounded like he’d puked in his mask before he crumbled to the ground . He barely moved as I placed a well aimed strike with the welrod to the nape of his neck . Thus, he was out cold . That left one more person .

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