Manuke FPS

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

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After I laid Ashley on the bed, I decided to head back to the lobby to hand over the dead guards and assassins . As I walked through the corridor, a thought crossed my mind… How would I actually hand them over? Do I have to disclose my secret in regard to the Gift Boxes? I needed to find a better method… Before I could solve this problem, I’d arrived back in the lobby . Volker was waiting for me .  


“Did you wait long?”


“Not at all . Let’s head to the warehouse now . ”


Following the sight of Volker’s long silver hair, we headed to the warehouse just outside the mansion . The Duke had several warehouses on the premises . We entered a particularly large warehouse that could probably hold several carriages .

“Please put the bodies, and everything else, here . We will mourn for the guards here then investigate the assassins . ”


“Understood . If possible, could I be left alone here for a while? I stored the bodies and luggage inside a peculiar magic tool with certain special circumstances . I wish to keep it a secret . ”


“As you wish . Please alert me when you’re done . ”


Now alone, I activated the TSS and brought out the Continental from the Garage . How nice that the warehouse was large enough… I walked to the back of the continental and opened the rear hatch . This vehicle actually had the ability to carry another vehicle in a rear compartment . As long as the vehicle wasn’t too big; like a coupe . At least, that was what was written in the catalog .  


I opened the door and looked inside… There were a washing machine and a dryer . No, no . It’s not the time to question why those items were inside . Anyways, the compartment was big enough to fit 3 Gift Boxes . So, I took out the gift boxes, and with that, preparations were completed . When asked, I’ll just say that the boxes were part of the Continental’s features .


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When I exited the warehouse to call Colker, readily appeared along with other servants, mostly male, a wagon, and caskets .  


“Preparations are complete . Inside the warehouse is a particularly large magical tool . It’s a very valuable item that’s been entrusted to me – so refrain from touching it carelessly . Also, what everyone sees inside must be kept a secret until the tool is officially released . ”


“As you wish, but I will need to inform these people first . ”


“Alright then, let’s begin . ”

When the servants entered the warehouse, their eyes naturally went wide at the sight of the Continental . I first took out the luggage from the gift box so the female servants could take it back to the residence . And next, I took out the bodies of the dead guards . Since these bodies had already been wrapped with cloth, the male servants just carefully placed them inside the caskets .


Finally, I dumped the bodies of the assassins and lined them on the floor . I wondered whether it was alright to dirty the floor . However, Volker immediately chanted a spell that caused the blood to be deposited inside some jars… It reminded me of how convenient magic was in this world . Lastly, the weapons were the last to be taken out- – 


“Shaft-sama, did this short sword belong to one of the assassins?”


In Volker’s hand was a short sword one of the assassins used . He looked over the weapon quietly, just like how appraiser Resmond-san did when he appraised my weapon back in Barga .


“That did belong to one of them . What of it?”



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“This short sword is a magical weapon called “Shadow Edge” . I could see its performance because of my <Analyze> skill . The owner should be a member of the dark guild ‘Cactus’ . Which person is it?”


“Oh, the one that looks the worst . ”


I pointed at the corpse that was in the worst condition . His head had been severed horizontally, and his face was beyond recognition . Volker took some strands of hair, then frowned . He looked back and forth to the corpse . Afterward, he showed me the strand of hair . It was a lustrous brown – a shine unbefitting someone who worked as an assassin .


After Volker finished his inspection, he left to report the results to the duke . I was left alone inside the warehouse . The corpses had been moved to another place . With no one around, I returned the Continental back to the garage .


Leaving the warehouse, I spied a spring pond in the Duke’s courtyard . I once heard the servants talking about delicious spring water .


“Pardon me—”




When I returned to the waiting room, I found Ashley sitting on the bed while looking out the window . It was almost evening, so the sky was dyed red outside .


“So, you are awake . ”


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“Welcome back . I slept the whole time, so I can’t help but be awake . ”


“That’s fine . I borrowed a tea set from the kitchen . I’ll prepare some . ”


“Thank you . I’ll be waiting for it . ”


When I saw the spring water pond in the courtyard, the first thing that crossed my mind was I wanted to try brewing tea with it . Freshwater was the best for brewing black tea . I boiled it, then transferred it to a prewarmed teapot . The duke had a wide collection of tea leaves . All of them had a mellow scent and were known as the finest leaves on the continent; nothing less for a rich family .  


After I checked the size of the leaves, I decided to choose one that resembled a broken orange pekoe . I also didn’t forget to consult the chef and servants to find what I wanted exactly . Thus, I borrowed a tea set with some milk before returning to the waiting room . I put the milk in a dish that appeared similar to a milk pitcher . I left it there to bring it up to room temperature . Then I put the tea leaves into the warm teapot before preparing two cups for me and Ashley .


I poured the boiling water into the pot then put on the lid to keep the steam in . After three minutes, the leaves should experience a movement caused by convection called Jumping . The leaves are probably dancing around inside the pot at the moment… It was about time and I brought the set into the bedroom, I placed the cups on the table in between the beds .


“Smells good . ”


“I picked a leaf with a particularly strong aroma . ”


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I also made sure that the teacups were pre-warmed before I poured the freshly brewed tea . Its color was a dark reddish-brown, and a mellow scent wafted out as I poured . The smell filled the room with its aroma .  


“Here you go . ”


“Thank you — Schwartz . ”


“Right now, it’s Shaft . ”


“Un, I know that . But I wanted to thank you properly . You know… For helping me out . ”


“No need to feel bothered with that… I, I just helped because I wanted to – just like back in the goblin nest . Nothing’s changed since then, I guess . ”

I removed the mask, laying it on the bed next to me . The face of Schwartz was now out in the open .  

“Drink while it’s still warm, otherwise, the flavor will be lost . But be careful not to burn your tongue . ”


“Thanks… It’s delicious…”


Yeah… It certainly was delicious This taste… I might never forget it .

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