
Chapter 19

Chapter 19 : A Ferocious And Berserk Yaksha

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There’s only one word to speak of my current situation, “CRAP!”.

Just now, while Adolphus was crossing the distance between us and brandished his sinister katana towards Reanschild, I interjected, my body just moved on its own, trying to stop Adolphus from swinging down the sword that was raised overhead from under his arms.

Thus, it failed to reach its intended target.

I made it in time, yet I really had no idea what I have to do after this. I couldn’t win against him in terms of strength, and right now, the moment my focus was lost, I’d be cut down in an instant.


OH CRAP. Something, I have to do something.

「Carlile-san! NOW! BEAT HIM! 」

I shouted, looking behind Adolphus as if Carlile-san was really there.

Fooled by my sentence, or perhaps by my line of sight. Adolphus turned around.

「Eh? 」

Meanwhile, Carlile-san who stood beside me looked surprised when he was used as diversion.

I didn’t have time to pay attention to his expression though, since I immediately use flying kicked to his back which was basically left defenseless. All in order to lengthen the distance between us.

「Heavy! Shoulder! 」

However, compared to Adolphus who received my flying kick, I was bounced back quite far, unlike him who only staggered.
He then glared at me with a scary face.
I reacted as fast as possible since I wouldn’t be able to keep up with his moves with my crumbling balance.

The slash is coming.


I could hear a thunderous roar nearby, followed closely with a big shadow coming from the side.

That big shadow then stood in front of me.

「EH? 」

「What the hell are you doing. You don’t even try to escape from this place huh」

A tiger.

There’s a tiger in front of me.

It could even talk.

Rather than tiger, it’s a bipedal tiger-person wearing clothes and he talked to me. I think I’ve heard this sullen tone before though.

「First time seeing a tiger person huh? Fuh. Well, it’s not like you’re that knowledgeable in the first place」

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「Lord Barlunt! What the hell is this! ? 」

Reanschild shouted when she came back to her senses

「It seems you experienced various things huh. Anyway, though it hasn’t been that long since your disappearance, I’m glad that you’re safe and sound. The story will have to come later」

Adolphus and the tiger clashed.

Both of them are equally powerful……….

However, are you telling me that this tiger was that old man? That old man called Barlunt? I barely remembered his face, but from what I remembered, he looked similar to a human at that time. So, was this his true face?

While the tiger old man is keeping Adolphus busy, the other royal knights surrounded their vicinities.

「Tiger ol’ man Barurun. HAAAAAAAAA」

「I can hear! YOUUUUUUUUUU! 」

Go for it Barurun.


「Don’t look away, it’s dangerous, you know? 」


Looking closely, it’s one-sided fight.

However, because the wound from the slash seems to be regenerating right from the beginning, this fight is equal footings.

What the heck was that regeneration ability? That regeneration ability is clearly a cheat!!!.

「Do not destroy the encirclement! Stop his movement! ! 」

The royal knights are narrowing their encirclement as ordered.
They’re going to pin him down using their overwhelming numbers at an appropriate timing huh.

As if they heard some sort of command, the royal knights encirclement thrust their weapon towards Adolphus when some distance opened between Barurun and Adolphus.

It looked like black waves were coming towards Adolphus.


With that shout, those black waves were blown away.


The scene before me has already became too unrealistic.

What the heck is this. This must be a dream right?

The tables have turned in span of one second.

That big bro is coming towards the retreating Barurun.

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「Brother! ! 」

Reanschild pushed herself into Adolphus’s way.

It’s Reanschild………. Right? EH?

She looked different for some reason.

First, there’s this haze-like thing that was wrapped around her body, and her black hair that was fluttering around due to her sudden movement became pure white with red tint around it’s tips.

There’s also horn-like things.

Or rather, it really is a horn. EH?

Yaksha princess.

I recalled that name the moment I saw her appearance along with the story she had divulged to me before.

So that must be her true form.

Since I had already witnessed the moment that old man turned into tiger, the scenery of a black haired beauty’s hair turning white and growing horns from her forehead was no longer a surprise ……..or so I’d like to say, but that was the furthest thing from the truth.

My brain just couldn’t keep up with these rapid developments.

As expected of the Maou castle. It’s filled with strange people.

Then, Reanschild who had transformed jumped into the fray, fighting Adolphus whilst also protecting that tiger old man.

However, she was not only protecting that tiger old man, she was also protecting others in the castle.

I’m sure of that. She wouldn’t let Adolphus hurt the royal knights and that tiger old man more than this. Not only for others, but also for Adolphus’s sake.

After all, that tiger old man aside, those royal knights are his comrades in arms and also his cherished subordinates. So she has to stop Adolphus from hurting them further.

「…….. But」

I couldn’t just let her do that alone. Therefore, I picked up the sword of one of the royal knights that had fallen nearby. Grasping the hilt of the sword with more strength, I broke into a run.

Still in my underwear-clad figure. …….. I was still clad in just my underwear.

Well it didn’t matter much I think since it properly hide the places that should be hidden.

Throwing unnecessary thought away, I kicked the ground even harder.

「Stop this already! ! 」

I forced my way in between Reanschild and her brother.

Just parrying that evil looking katana numbed my hand already.

「Reanschild! Back down! 」

「I’m joining this fight! 」

「You shouldn’t force yourself to fight! 」

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3rd match is coming after 2nd match.

Yet I knew, I couldn’t keep parrying his attacks only. I need to do something else. Something more.

Furthermore, my hand wouldn’t be able to handle such a burden for long.

While I was thinking what I could do, I received his slash in order to parry the blade.

During that one breath, the girl who was originally retreating, came forward once more.

「It’s a promise right. We’re going to go back to Maou-sama’s place with your brother, and I’m going to scold you and make you apologize」

I stopped the girl from engaging him further.

「Just wait here like a good girl since I’m going to fulfill my promise. I’ll bring you back to your brothers place」

「……….. Why? Why are you going that far for me? TELL ME WHY! ? 」

In that moment, Reanschild’s form returned to normal.

So her transformation wasn’t permanent.

That surprised me.

「Aren’t you already tattered yourself! ? Your body is full of scratches, moreover you had even threw away your clothes! 」

「As if someone who is basically stark naked can say that to me」

「My current appearance. Is basically the same as you! 」

Well, in my case, the places that should be hidden were hidden properly.

「Aren’t you just a human! Aren’t you different from us! Why are you going that far to save us! What is your reason! 」

Whilst listening to her, I opened some distance with Adolphus, still putting Reanscild behind me in order to protect her.

「Please, don’t do this! Please, just ignore us! That’s why, please back down already! 」

「I refuse」

「WHY!!!!! ? 」

Hmm? Reason? My reason is……….. Come to think of it, I have no reason nor obligation to look for Reanschild in the first place.

I never even thought about that.

I mean. That’s just a trivial matter.

「I just do what I want to do! 」

Exclaiming that, I put every bit of my power into this slash.

「Even if I’m going to regret this! Or fail to do this! I have no reason to not give my all to do what I want to do! 」

「That’s just you being selfish right! This! 」

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Carlile screamed loudly, unable to hold back from retorting to my sentence. Even though he was supposed to be busy running back and forth to carry the unconscious royal knights on his back to safety. Focus on your task and leave me alone, will ya?

「Your brother is important to you right! You love him right! You’re relying on each other right! In that case, you shouldn’t let him get hurt! Back down, NOW! 」

「Really. That’s quite selfish of you, right」

「Just leave it to me! 」

I noticed that Reanschild was not that stubborn anymore. It was becoming more evident during our conversation. She’s backing down. Thanks god~ It seemed that she understood my intention.

Now I could focus on Adolphus alone.

Since, as expected, I wanted to finish this fight and took a rest in the Maou castle as soon as possible.


Suddenly, a resounding voice filled with anger rang out.


How could I forget about this guy?

I mean this is the Maou castle, naturally the Maou also lived here.

His existence completely slipped from my mind.

Honestly Maou-sama, if you didn’t appeared right now, I might completely forgot your existence.

「Na! W-What’s with that shameful appearance! 」

「Please don’t mind about such things right now since no one cares about that for now! 」

「Like hell I can do that! Not when you’re in front of so many people! 」

This is starting to become bothersome.

Should I just ignore him and leave him be?

「Aguah! ? 」

Distracted with Maou’s appearance, I failed to parry the side slash that was filled with Adolphus’ killing intent and was injured.

Damn it. That hurts. This wasn’t the time to be getting distracted.

It’s because of that Maou-sama. Maou-sama was the bad one here.


Oh crap.

The overwhelming pressure, that I had never felt until now, is surging like a mad wave.

The anger that I felt from Maou-sama was completely different from the killing intent I received from Adolphus just now.

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