
Chapter 22.1

Chapter 22.1 : Melancholy of Maou[Maou Side 2]

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A full day has passed ever since the rampage of 『Suzumori』.

That magic tool used the skull of Adolphus and Reanschild’s mother displayed a surprisingly terrifying amount of power. Should I say that we’re lucky since that magic tool had crumbled to ashes and this case has ended I wonder?

And, should I really say that nothing bad happened here? After all that magic tool made from their mother skull had crumbled to ashes. The last memento from their mother gone…but perhaps the reason might be because their mother skull didn’t wish to stay in this world any longer after finding out what happened to her children.

Currently, I was racking my brain in my office in the Demon Lord castle before I decided to summon the people who were involved in this incident. I needed their testimony before I could make a judgement.

Reanschild and Adolphus aside, there’s Reda the head maid, her accomplice, Ponta, and then Barlunt.

Only after I heard their explanation, will I be able to decide their punishment. However, my head was filled with another person who was also related to this incident, though she was not in this place right now.


What the hell is wrong with her.

I mean, I knew all about her birthplace, and her parents, they were all NORMAL. The environment she was raised in should be normal village environment.

She should grow up as A NORMAL VILLAGE GIRL.

Despite her personality that was unlike those of normal girl, there shouldn’t be something special about her either.

But, this belief of mine was constantly challenged every single time I heard their testimonies, and my anxiety grew ever stronger every time they came to me.

However, from the start, I always knew her as an extremely lively girl with excellent motor nerves. And her courage to give her all to what she believed in had also never changed since she was a small child. Although the part of her that could be a pain in the ass was also no different from my memory. She still liked to poke her nose on other people’s business.

Even though her body had grown up compared to 5 years ago, she had yet to mature mentally and was still a reckless person. Well, at least she wasn’t a flat-chested kid anymore. Though it’s hard to judge it just from looking, but I think her size was just the right size to fit my hand, not overly big nor overly small. And I have to admit, I’m one of those men who prefer shape rather than size.

Oh crap. What foolish thought am I entertaining in my brain? Why in the hell’s name did my train of thought derailed to that way? I frantically tried to cast aside Lefiya’s image clad only in her underwear away from my mind, yet my effort was futile for that figure has been seared deep into my memories. For now, I could only bury it deep in my mind and push it aside to focus.

To summarize everyone’s story, she had an abnormally high resistance to the point she was almost impervious to any abnormal condition as shown by her perfectly fine condition when she drank that expired drug or that time when she inhaled magic grass incense to save Reanschild. On top of that abnormal resistance, her stamina were also unbelievable. To be able to run through the underground labyrinth while carrying another person on her back while also being chased…that consumed a lot of stamina. Not to mention those miasma that spewed out of that cursed katana during the previous riot, was not allowed to come close to her, and it was also somehow purified by her constitution…

She is definitely not a NORMAL human.

Though I didn’t see it first hand for other stuff, for miasma case, I was also one of the witnesses. While people might have seen that the miasma couldn’t come close to us as well, but in my and Reanschild’s case, we did that by putting a thin layer of magical power on our body. And THAT wasn’t as simple as saying it. After all, you need to have a considerable amount of magic power to do it our way. However, for her case, it’s not like that. It’s more like the miasma couldn’t come close to her AT ALL.

I do have an idea about an existence that wouldn’t be affected by miasma though.

It’s none other than one of humanity’s hopes, the Saint.

It was said that the natural born saint was resistant against all kind of abnormal status, and I heard that miasma couldn’t get close to her. But, I doubt that Lefiya is a saint since I heard the humanity had chosen their saint who’s around Lefiya’s age. Then again, it might just be a coincidence that Lefiya had that kind of constitution.

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Yes, just a coincidence since there’s already a saint.

Saint Marielle.


But, if Lefiya really turned out to be a saint, then Marielle’s position would become that of a fake saint. However, if Marielle was truly the Saint, then Lefiya’s own status should be something completely different.

Well, Lefiya being a saint sounded like a joke to those who knew her though.

Even I myself, the one who had fallen in love with her, felt extremely repulsed to call that girl a saint. The thought of it being the truth simply made me extremely terrified.

For now, classifying her as “Something Else” is the most appropriate way to describe her.

She might be a transformable weapon of the extremely ancient era.

「Your majesty. Lefiya-sama wished to meet you, shall I guide her here?」

Just when my imagination of Lefiya turning into an ultra ancient weapon with 5 stage transformation was running wild in my head, my attendant told me about Lefiya’s arrival.

What the hell were you doing?

And what the heck was I thinking about.

「I should have already told her to take a rest, right? I’m sure I’ve told her that, yet now she come here? Go and tell her to be a good girl and take a rest for now.」


BANG! The door of the room was thrown open vigorously.

「EXCUSE ME! MAOU-SAMA! ……… Are, you are, Maou, -Sama? 」

With a bang, Lefiya appeared, yet my train of thought was frozen still, unable to react at all.


The Yaksha Princess’s screams awakened me from my trance without delay, distracting everyone who came to my office.

「「EH? 」」

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That scream was immediately followed with a gale that swept in the office, shifting our attention away as we got distracted with the idiotic exchange between the siblings.

With a speed that wouldn’t even left an after image to everyone, the girl briefly transformed to her demonic form, and then covered my head with something before returning to her position whilst cancelling her transformation as if it had never happened.

「My apologize, your majesty. This is an emergency situation for you.」

「You saved me there. Reanschild.」

Briefly, she secretly sent me a transmitted voice. From it, I inferred that my identity would still be safe for the moment.

Honestly, I’m saved there. Although it looked like she caught a glimpse of my appearance, it was merely a moment, so I think it’s okay, but…

What the hell did you do?! Were you trying to stop my heart from beating here?

「Reanschild. Is there something wrong with my appearance?」

I transmitted my question to Reanschild when I noticed the atmosphere seemed a little off. However, she did not answer me.

「My apologies for screaming before, it seems that everything is just my imagination」


I noticed that Lefiya was looking at me with a subtle expression on her face. And it was not only her, but other people who came behind her was also looking at me with similar expression.

Their face was stiff. No, to be exact, it’s stiffening. Reanschild. What the hell were you using to cover my head?!

「Maou-sama. Why are you wearing a stocking on your head?」






But, this slightly sour smell.


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Well, at least it’s Reanschild’s property. She’s a beauty after all, even if she normally wouldn’t acknowledge that fact. I see, so this smell was her natural fragrance huh.

This might be the so called gap moe with her appearance, it’s refreshing.

「Maou-sama. Your hobby aside, I heard that I am the only one who exempted from being called to this place」

Lefiya straight forward inquiry cleared away the awkward atmosphere in the office.

「You collapsed yesterday, yet now you’re asking me why you’re not called to this place? You should know that you have lost too much blood, thus you should have rested in your room properly. After all, even though you have been healed with healing magic, that type of magic couldn’t return what you’ve lost.」

「Why am I, the person who is directly related to the incident, weren’t called?」[ E/N: …woman, are you stupid or being deliberately obtruse? HE LITERALLY JUST EXPLAINED WHY!!! No, never mind, this woman is super stupid.][TN: calm down, she’ll meet a girl similar to her in This regard, in two chapter]

「Even if you’re related to yesterday’s incident, nevertheless you’re heavily injured and can’t be questioned, what you should do right now is to be a good child and sleep in your room.」

While I’m trying to pacify Lefiya, I noticed her bright eyes and was momentarily distracted.

What were you being awkward for. Me.

「So Maou-sama won’t blame me for those destructions since I suffered from such wound.」

「If I say that I’ll put the blame on you, what are you going to do? That was my biggest question, but it seems that you’re doing just fine. The collateral damage is huge indeed, but that is not your concern」

「Thank you very much」

She’s being awfully obedient right now…what in the hell was this girl scheming now?

Putting that aside, what was with her appearance? Even if her room in the white palace has collapsed, we should have had prepared many other dresses for her. But, just why were you wearing that training tunic?!

「Well then, please give me a reward.」

「A, reward? 」

Unknowing of the turmoil that raged in my heart, Lefiya was approaching me. WAIT, WAIIIIIIIT.

Your figure clad only in underwear that was seared in my memory was starting to overlap with the real person right now.

Eh, I should be happy, but please don’t come right now. My heart is throbbing wildly and I wouldn’t know where to look if you came closer.

「Yes. At least I wanted a reward for my perseverance. You won’t blame me for asking this much right? 」

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「I don’t know what you want, but well tell me your wish right now.」

「Oh my, this is for your sake you know, Maou-sama? 」

「For my…sake? 」

What in the hell was this girl talking about?

「 Though I don’t know the reason, but you surely wanted to marry me right, Maou-sama?」

「I did say that. No doubt about it.」

「Hmm, butI don’t think I can believe that.」

「What did you say?」

「I mean, Maou-sama. After your marriage proposal, you didn’t even come to chat with me even once for two weeks after that right?」

「EH. That’s because……..」

That was… because I’m in a slump after knowing that the promise I made with you was a one-sided promise, and you said it right in front of my face.

Who wanted to blame who now?

「Why, you didn’t come to meet me even though I’m right there…who will believe in your words if you don’t show it with action. Besides, without anyone to chat with I felt anxious by myself. Don’t you think that you should at least compensate my anxiety during those two weeks?」


What a blatant lie…I never expected that this girl could do that with such a calm face…

Like hell you were anxious. I wouldn’t believe that even for a moment…but well, a fact is a fact, I did leave her alone without even attempting to talk to her, so let’s just leave it as it is.

「But, you’re unexpectedly lively for someone that was haunted by anxiety for two weeks. Weren’t you lively enough to even ran around in the castle? Never mind the underground labyrinth part, you even ran around in your underwear in some part of the castle!」

Even while thinking I should just leave it be, I unconsciously retorted to her lies, but…EH?

Why did the atmosphere suddenly changed? Did I just stepped on a landmine?

「In my underwear huh. Well, it’s nothing compared to my childhood friend Maori who flashed his lower half right in front of me..」

「GEFU! ? 」

「Now I ask you, how much worse I am compared to that person.」

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