
Chapter 24.1

Chapter 24.1 : Saint Anxiety[Saint Side 1]

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Marielle Filiano El Lefiya.


This is the name given to me by the church.


Sounds like a name a noble would use, but in fact, I’m merely a daughter of an ordinary hunter.


I was brought to the church around 12 years ago due to a certain oracle. One thing lead to another, and suddenly I got this name.


Even though I was fine with the name I was given by my parents, now it had become a freaking long name.


Anyway, I’m the current saint. The 52nd generation to be precise.


The middle name Filiano came from the monastery where the first saint was born. To honor the first saint and the place she was born, the successive saints inherited that name to their name. The generations of saint after the first only inherit the name though, nothing else.


And I added Lefiya to my name because it was the name of my village where I lived and was raised until my fifth birthday. While I did not have a lot of memories of that village remaining, I still added the name. I felt relieved when I used the name as part of my lengthy name. Then again, I wonder why I feel that way?


It might be because that place is my roots, the place I was born in. Thus, having even just a part of it, even though it’s something as superficial as a name, was able to soothe my heart. Though that was merely what I thought.


I am one of those who were referred to as Saint of Revelation.


Normally, the saint would be chosen from amongst the priestesses who have undergone long training. However, in some extremely rare cases, the saint would be chosen by the oracle. The number of saints who have been chosen by Oracle is scarce though. Even if we were to include the 1st Saint, there’s only a handful of them.


During the long course of 1200 years, and the 52 people who were acknowledged as Saints, there were very few amongst them who were chosen by the Oracle. It seems like the chosen is limited to one person in each generation.


And it seems, I am one of those rare kinds. No, I mean seriously.


From what I’ve learned, the Saint of Revelation was born with a special power. I was told that they have the power to alter the stars and blow the mountain. Furthermore, from the history record I read, it was said that the first Saint single handedly killed her era’s Demon King.

Knowing these facts made me wonder, is it really okay for me to have that kind of power?


I mean, for normal saints who were inaugurated after long training, the expectation that was placed on them by the surrounding people was not as heavy as those they placed on Saint Revelation. For people knew that there were a limited amount of things they could do, saint or not. However, I, the current generation Saint of Revelation, bear a different expectation, one that is heavier than the sea and mountain combined.

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I mean, as long as I said something, they would suddenly scramble together to give praise to me in unison as if they couldn’t differentiate between right and left themselves. I heaved a dejected sigh as soon as I realized my train of thought.


Hello, people? Can you just wait a minute?


I mean, forcefully bringing me to this place and then placing your hope on me as you wish, that’s not normal by any means, right?


My childish side grumbled in indignation.


That childish part of me feels repulsed when I show a thing or two that I’ve learnt to those type of people.


However, should I really look down upon their egoism? I mean, their action forced me to wholeheartedly endure the training heap on me. Just so I could prove them wrong. I didn’t know how much tears I’ve secretly shed during those times. Nevertheless, despite my vexed feelings, whenever I encountered something that I wasn’t able to do in those trainings, I didn’t give up.


Thus, I steeled myself and made a resolution. I didn’t want to see the sight of the adults around me heaving a sigh directed at me.


Honestly, I might be a natural sore loser who has built up lots of merit.


That’s why, I, who had kept doing my best, was gradually being recognized by the surrounding masses for my achievement. My effort to become the ideal Saint for the people paid off.


It didn’t feel bad at all.


Because it’s the fruit of my hardwork.


Their praise and admiration became the source of my pride. Whenever they did so, I puffed out my chest with pride.


Fuhahahaha. SERVES YOU RIGHT!  !


………. Fu~h.


That being the case, let’s aim to become the saint through and through.


More than just a saint, I should set my sights high. I should aim to be acknowledged as the greatest saint of all saints that have been titled thus far!

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And just when I thought so,


I heard a piece of information that really concerned me.


Thus, I proceeded to the high priest’s office. On the way there, people could see the gorgeous sculpture decorating the marble wall, showing that the rapid advancement of society also had its mark on the monastery whilst managing to keep the naturally peaceful atmosphere the place exuded.


The sunlight that shone through the transparent windows, created an uneven shadow on the floor, illuminating the dust that is dancing in the air.


It’s just barely past the middle of spring, but you can already feel the warm air. Soon, the multi colored flowers that were in full bloom are going to wither, and be replaced by the green leaves that would grow in abundance. Aside from the green ones, there’s also the blue leaves that grow similarly. It’s a glorious blue flower, and when that flower fully blooms, it creates a different refreshing feeling for me


The season that I love is coming. I can feel it in the air.




Holy Alistair country. Holy capital, Alistair.



Saint《Alistair》Faith, it’s the faith that is spread in this continent. It believes in the teaching of the goddess. And, there’s no king in this country. In place of the king, the saint and the high priest are the ones who lead the country; each holding an equal amount of authority between them.


The high priest would be in charge over the governmental affairs, while the authority lay with the saint.


Well, to be frank, the saint, aka me, is just a public figure to collect the mass. Truthfully, I have no political power AT ALL.


In reality, it is the high priest who has all of it. The high priest is basically the King of this country.


And right now, I’m visiting the office of the high priest, which is located further in the temple.


The room I entered has no unneeded decoration, it’s a room that gives off a practical impression for the visitors. I sighed inwardly, he is the same as ever.


I am talking about my biological uncle, Milliard, the current high priest. He raised his face from the report in his hands and spotted me in front of the open door. And despite the frown he is sporting on his face, due to my sudden- unannounced visit no doubt, he still urged me to enter.


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His face looks paler than usual.


I think that’s because he is overworking himself, and has done an excellent job in his post. But, I think he stayed in his office too much, just for the sake of doing that excellent job. He did it so often, to the point I think he’s a workaholic. However, the person himself said that he had no choice since it’s something that he has to do. Even so, I still think that he’s a workaholic, especially since I know a lot of people who have done nothing, and are just idling around. It’s limited to some people in this temple.


I think the cause of those idle people is my diligent uncle though.


Discarding my musings, I walked until I arrived right in front of the high priest’s office desk.


「Please send a notice before you come for a visit. I wonder how many times I have to say that before you understand. And here you are, coming without your attendant again. Please be more mindful of your current position.」


Ahh, here we go, he started our meeting with small lecture. Tehe xp.


This side of my uncle is what I love the most about him. This gentle side who’ll treat me like I’m a normal person. There are only a few people who treat me normally after all. Furthermore, he and Yuma, my attendant, are the only two people who scold the current me whenever I am in the wrong, showing me their care and love for me as a person, not as a saint.


「I’m sorry.   But, there’s something that I want to confirm immediately, my dear uncle. That’s why I came for a visit.」


「Hou.   Something that you want to confirm. With me? 」


「Yes. It seems that a girl in the frontier village was kidnapped by the demons. Because they have no way to save her, they’ve requested for aid. And their request notice was sent around until it finally arrived in this Holy city; are you aware of this matter?」


Actually, there’re a lot of cases someone being kidnapped by the demons.


But, no matter how vigilant we are, there’re some cases that have managed to succeed. It’s one of the problems that has always made us rack our brains for a sure fire solution.


In most cases, the damage is limited to a young girl. The demons who attacked the people would kidnap a young girl when they’re done. Unfortunately, in those cases, we couldn’t save the young girl even if we’d dispatched the rescue party as soon as possible.


But, it’s something I can’t just overlook, being a young girl myself.


At the very least, even if we failed to save those young girls, we had to exterminate those demons who had kidnapped the girls. All for the sake of not letting the same tragedies to repeat on another girl.


That’s why right now I’m going to go and save that young girl who was kidnapped by the demon. After all, for this request to arrive to this Holy city after being passed from the big cities was proof that this matter is simply beyond the capabilities of those city. Not to mention the villagers. After all, even low-ranked demon flocks were beyond the villagers’ capabilities. Something that not even the big cities could handle is absolutely beyond the villagers’ means.


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However, the high priest was silent when he heard my question. It’s only when he looked into my eyes that he slowly hung his head down, and took a deep breath.


You really are tired, huh.


「I know about this matter. And I have received an additional report after the investigation is done about this matter just now.」


「In that case, let’s go immediately. I will go at once. Who’s the culprit of this kidnapping incident? 」


「The Demon King.」


「…….. Pardon? 」


「It seems that the one who has kidnapped the girl is the Demon King.」




Were my ears playing tricks on me? The Demon King?


「Your joke has gone too far old man.」


「Careful there, unless you want to show your true nature to people out there, and not your facade. In any case, you should calm down. While I did say that the girl has been kidnapped by the Demon King, she’s just a village girl from the frontier. Besides, the one who has actually kidnapped her is the Demon King’s subordinate, and not the Demon King himself. It seems like he’s bringing her along to meet the Demon King.」


While the high priest is explaining that, I have been in a shocked state. It’s great enough of a shock that I abandon my lady-like speech that I have cultivated since I was young.


I mean…he said it’s Demon King. THAT Demon King?


The one who killed the previous saint and hero?


Is he referring to the one who wasn’t showing any movements in this last 13 years—Who protected us with this eerie silence– The Demon King Sunra?




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