
Chapter 27

Chapter 27 : Struggle of Tigerman 2

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The tyrant Demon King Sunra was an extremely powerful demon king.


He’s a merciless person, someone who could commit extreme cruelty without batting the eyelids.


Every person who’d ever opposed him was  completely destroyed.


Naturally, despite having a host of enemies, they’re completely crushed by Sunra’s overwhelming power.


No one knew his birthplace.


Moreover, no one knew where he grew up, and how he gained such overwhelming power. No one KNEW anything regarding him. Everything surrounding Sunra’s past was shrouded with mysteries. [TL : Not for me though]


He had simply appeared out of nowhere, and begun his killing spree.


After he killed the Demon King of that time, he snatched the symbolic bracelet, and proclaimed himself The Demon King.


The title of Demon King went to those with power. That didn’t mean the bracelet had no functions at all. That bracelet was the proof, the testimonies that the bearer had the right to the Demon King title.


There were two ways to get that bracelet.


First was through inheritance. The second was through plundering it from the previous owner.


Though it wasn’t a law, those two ways were part of the Demon King’s selection process. From the start, having those two as part of the selection process were never a problem. After all, power was one of the qualifications needed to be the Demon King. The most important qualification even.



And no one could rival Sunra’s power. Even though he’s just an immature youth with nothing but power. In the end he’s still the Demon King because of his power. Furthermore, some people were also attracted to that power, like a moth to flame. Though majority of them kept their vigilance, fearing that power.


As soon as he became the Demon King, the Tyrant decided to invade the human world. He smashed the allied force of humanity and killed the Saint and Hero of previous generation.


At that time, the one who followed after him were all dancing joyfully. Because they thought that this time, without a doubt, he would realize the longing of the Demon race to gain human’s world.


However, Sunra suddenly stopped his invasion to the human world.


It’s as if the Demon King had never had a shred of interest in the human world. It’s as if his sole goal at that time was to kill that generation’s Saint and Hero.


The strongest Demon King of all time was also the most timid and cowardly person. There’s nothing to be afraid of such Demon King. After all this Demon King was one who was approachable. One who was not a threat. There’s such possibilities in him, and thus, the idea took root in many demon’s mind, that Sunra was not much, that he’s only a tool to be used.


As a result, the Tyrant Demon King bared his fangs to his own country.


He first started to eliminate the high ranking Demon race clan, tribe with special powers, and then the 4 Archdemon.


Every single day were filled with nothing but slaughter and plunder.


And for the people, the Tyrant Demon King was literally the realization of fear and despair. That’s the image that was embedded within the minds of friends and foes alike.


After all the slaughter and plunder, Sunra finally touch the taboo.


My gait stopped in the corridor as I looked at the carving on the wall. There was a relief that told us about a myth, carved on the corridor wall of the Demon King castle.


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The myth depicted the battle of a pair of sister, who are respectively the goddess of light and the goddess of darkness, against the ancient gods of the world.


The first scene carved on the wall was that of the triumph of goddess of light and goddess of darkness over the ancient gods, who then started to bring prosperity and blessing to this world.


Then I looked at the heteromorphy figures carved besides the pair of sister. The bizarre war god with three faces and six arms.


God of battle and slaughter. Asura.


In the myth it was depicted that despite being one of the ancient god’s pillars, he was entranced with the goddess of light, and became their ally. Thus, he appeared in many myths following after the war.


And there was a clan that was said to inherit his powerful bloodline in Demon country. Well, to say clan was not exactly right since there’s only one survivor from that clan right now.


Asura Divine Clan. And His Majesty is the last survivor of that clan.


The reason for that was because the Tyrant Demon King had started a fight with the Asura Divine Clan.


Despite living in the Demon country, Asura Divine Clan isn’t part of the Demon race. Thus, the successive generation of Demon King also avoided trying to involve that clan into demon race’s matters, and the same went for that clan. As such, over time, it had turned into a mutual non-aggression pact between both parties. A pact that had begun since ancient times. And yet……….. Sunra massacred them.


Thus, war broke between Sunra and ADC, a war so great to the point of overturned mountain and river.


Their battle spread to the entire country. The ground was uplifted, river and forest vanished, and the people were living their daily life in fear. It was as if the war between the gods that was depicted in the relief became a reality.


And then, something that no one would ever forget happened 13 years ago.


The Tyrant Demon King Sunra is dead.


While the Asura Divine Clan was on its last leg(completely destroyed).


The sudden death of Demon King had stopped the permeating fear he brought to the populace. However, even though he was dead, he had already wreak havoc within the Demon country and made the internal situation of the country a huge mess.


Thus, due to the suddenness of Sunra’s death, there was chaos everywhere, whether it’s in the oppressed party, or in the follower party. The people around me and I were also in doubt. We’re unsure whether this was a fake news being spread to kill us after we let our guard down or not. As such, the situation only worsened with the civil war that followed, engulfing all walks of life with fear and suspicion.


What was the reason for Sunra’s death?

No one knew the reason for his sudden death. No one saw it.

But I knew.

Sunra is assasinated.

Someone killed that Demon King.


And the culprit was most likely, none other than His Majesty’s parents.


Though it’s nothing but my own personal speculation, I thought that it’s His Majesty’s parents, the King and Queen of the Asura Divine clan, who were the one who had assassinated the Tyrant Demon King Sunra. Unfortunately, it’s done in exchange for their own life.


Originally, Asura Divine Clan weren’t involved with Demon country.


However, His Majesty, the last survivor of Asura Divine clan, felt sorrowful for this country chaotic situation. Thus he decided to take over the seat of the Demon King. While this was a never seen before situation in the 1200 years of the history of this country, I wonder for what reason did His Majesty decided to help this country out. Why?


And although His Majesty had never told me the reason, I thought that it had something to do with His Majesty’s parents reason for assassinating Sunra.


Regardless of the reason behind their actions, I am still very grateful to them. After all, the Tigerman clan was also one of the targets of Sunra’s eradication spree.


That time was still fresh in my memories. The scene of my wife and daughter passing away in my embrace would forever be engraved in my mind.

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I wanted to protect them, yet I couldn’t. I couldn’t beat him no matter how hard I tried. My power was too little, they didn’t even reached the soles of Sunra’s feet. And that’s why, to my everlasting regret, I lost my most important family to a place where my words and reasoning would never reach.


I resented Sunra. I hated him. I cursed him.


But I couldn’t win against him, and no matter how much I cursed him, I couldn’t bring myself to stand up and avenge my family. Fear had encroached my self confidence.


I lived in fear of Sunra’s shadow.


All I wished for was Sunra’s death. Beyond that, I didn’t have any goal. An obscure existence that was wishing for his own death. That’s me in a nutshell at that time.


At the time of Sunra’s death, chaos descended, and anyone knew that the Demon country was heading toward its destruction.


But, I’m mistaken.


It didn’t happen.


Yes, Sunra is dead.


But, no. It didn’t mean that we’re heading for destruction.


Instead, it was us who were left behind, who should do something for the sake of those who were dead before us, and for the sake of the innocents in our future.


How did we realized this? It’s because there’s someone who helped us realized this fact. A very noble existence.


It’s His Majesty. His Majesty who took up the bracelet of Demon King, and became the living proof that there’s hope for us.He represented OUR hope.


With that.


My heart that should have long been dead stirred.


And my tears that should have been dried up overflowed.


Because there’s His Majesty now. Our ray of hope.




Yes, for Maori-sama.






I was taken aback by the sudden call of His Majesty’s name. It seemed that while I’m strolling around, I ended up reminiscing about the old days.


I saw the figure of His Majesty at the end of the corridor that led to the White Palace that was still under construction. Well, it’s only natural to spot him there, since this is the place he set for him to be able to meet Miss Lefiya.


But, ha~~~h. His Majesty still kept the fact that he is Miss Lefiya’s childhood friend from the person herself, huh. Had he finally got the guts to tell her?


While I walked towards His Majesty, I saw the figure of a woman closing in to His Majesty’s side. Seeing that, I expected it to be Miss Lefiya, but that woman’s silhouette seemed to be wrong to be her. I got a really bad feeling about this situation when I saw that.


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Was that…………… Miss Belladone?


But, she should have returned to her birthplace. Why was she in this place?


On a closer look, His Majesty’s line of sight were not on miss Belladone. In fact, he is solidified right now as he looked passed Miss Belladone to someone behind her.


And on the direction he was looking at, there was Miss Reanschild and…Miss LefiYAAAAA! ?


「Mao-……..-Ri? 」






Alarmed, my body moved on its own to assist His Majesty.


「Ah, Lefiya. T-This is, you see….」


His Majesty look stupefied. Surely, some kind of turmoil is happening within him right now. Something. I had to do something about this accident to help His Majesty out.


「Maou-sama is………… Maori? 」




















「No.  It’s Maou Rii-sama.」


「EH?  」


「That’s right. It’s Rii-sama. It’s Maou Rii-sama.」


Miss Reanschild began to spout such nonsensical lie on the spot. However, since I didn’t know any other lie, let’s just go with what she’d said. Even though I didn’t know whether it’s going to work or not. Anyway, let’s just get going with it!


「Maou, Rii? Is that the name of Maou? 」


「Yes.   It’s Maou Rii-sama. No doubt about it. Even so, no one said his name recklessly due to how sacred his name is.」

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「Y-Y-Yes. Our name is Rii. Maou Rii. Come to think of it, I have yet to tell you about my name. My apologies. Ahahahaha(T^T)…………」


「Maori-sama? What in the world are you talking about? Do tell me.」


「It’s Maou Rii. Remember that, Belladone.」


「I mean, Maori-sama is maBUGYOOOOOOOOOA!!  ! ? 」


「Maou Rii-sama. I apologize for the wait. It seems that I slipped and kicked something just now.」


「Barlunt………… As expected of you………」


The damage is going to spread if I didn’t take care of her blabbering mouth first. Anyway, sacrificing one of Hisaka’s daughter for this matter was a cheap price. Thus I kicked her. And my kick landed right on her lower jaw. Phew. Now she wouldn’t be able to start babbling nonsense for a while.


「It’s a small sacrifice for the greater cause. Something of that level isn’t worth Maou Rii-sama’s worry.」


「…… What’s happen to you, Barlunt. 」


「Ha.  What happened to me?」


「You look a little different.」


「It’s still me though.」


Looking over my shoulder, I spot Miss Belladone’s retainers, and decided to hand the unconscious her over to them. Whilst doing that I wonder over what they were saying about me. A little different? What did the mean? Did something changed in me?


「Right now, you seem to be very lively as if you got possessed by evil spirits. Though you also looks like you’re burdened by an extremely heavy responsibilities. Did you have something that troubles you? Or did you get caught in another trouble due to Lefiya?」


「No.  For an old man like me who is indebted to His Majesty, I’ll gladly work on any post. Please don’t worry about that.」


「Thank you very much. Barlunt.」


I turned around to face the one I’ve devoted my loyalty to.


Tyrant Demon King, Sunra is dead. The era that was dominated by fear and despair had ended.


And now, I’m going to give my all for the future of this country under the amazing master before me.


「No.  I’m undeserving of your praise. Maou Rii-sama.」


「Maou Rii-sama. ………. Is it?」


「Yes, it’s Maou Rii-sama.」


「Yeah.  It’s Maou Rii.」


And although Miss Lefiya didn’t seem to be convinced by that lie…… least for now, we had managed to avoid a disaster.




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