
Chapter 31

Chapter 31 : Preparation For The Interception

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Something bad had just happened.


It seems that the chivalric order of my country, led by Saint-sama, was heading toward the demon country.


And their reason was none other than to save me.


To be honest, I really couldn’t believe what I had just heard.


As far as I knew, Saint Marielle-sama was well known for making a great effort in eliminating the demons.


Even in backwater village like mine, the story about Saint-sama was the highlight of the conversation. And, whenever I heard her story became the topic, my heart fluttered in admiration. Especially once it became known about the matter of her saving the people who were kidnapped by the demons, that had left a deep impression in my heart.


Yes, it HAD left a deep impression in my heart.


Maybe it was because they basically let me be free or something, and that’s why I was careless and forgot the reason why I came to be in this place.


Was it really fine for me to be the one on the rescued side? Yup, as expected, it really wasn’t okay at all.


It just struck me as unnatural for them to go as far as marching their troops just for the sake of a village girl like me.


After all, my village had almost never been harmed by the demons so far, despite its location in a remote region. Therefore, we had almost never needed to be saved by the chivalric order or the saint.  I think that the safety that the village experienced all this while itself was a blessing.


I mean they’re reliable existence in this kind of occasion where the villagers power alone wasn’t enough to solve the problem, but that was something that I had never considered up till now. Especially not when it involved me as the object to be ‘rescued’.


I mean, it’s not like I really had to be saved by them.


Honestly, I thought that they should be putting more efforts to save the people who were in an even more dire situation than me. Because I’m sure that there’s someone else who really needed their help right now. Meanwhile, I didn’t need their help. Not really.


Besides, whether it was Saint-sama or Maou-sama didn’t change a thing for me. I didn’t want both of them to be hurt because of me.




Thus, ignoring all kinds troublesome reception process, I opened the door of Maou-sama office with a bang.






That shout came from the jar at the end of the desk.


「What are you talking about, you yourself still have so much time playing around like that. My apologies, but can you see properly from inside that jar? 」


「No, I’m not playing a——–. I understand. ……  …… Like this? 」


Maou-sama straightened himself.


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What the hell were you doing, talking to that cabinet?


You’re facing the wrong direction you know.


「…… Maou-sama. Over here.」


「Y-Yeah. That side huh. …… I really can’t see. Here you go.」


「Please be more serious! 」


「I, I know that already. Wait a minute」


Maou-sama was now looking up at the ceiling, with the jar still on his head.




Soon, two pillar of light pierced through the middle part of the pot, creating two holes in it. You knew, the so called eyes hole…


This Maou-sama really love to put something on to cover his head huh.


「Well then? It’s rare for you to ask for something, can you tell me about that wish of yours? 」


「I heard that the chivalric order and Saint-sama was moving toward the demon country. And it seems that their reason is to safe me.」




「Can we somehow end this in peace」


「I know how you feel but, please give it up on that.」


「Maou-sama! 」


「While it’s true that we’re in the wrong for bringing you here, it doesn’t mean that we’re imprudent toward human. If they come at us bringing along their sword, then our side will do the same.」


Although his appearance was a joke, he was serious when he said that sentence.


I could feel an unyielding will from behind those holes.


「But there’s no need to fight them. I mean some people will get hurt just for that silly reason.」


「Even if I get hurt, there’s some matter that I just won’t yield to them. Besides, even before this matter came up, we had never been able to compromise with the humans. I’ve told you about this before, remember? We also don’t want such useless and senseless bloodshed to happen. But now I can’t really do anything about it because this matter depends entirely on their attitude.」


「As long as I can go and talk to the saint-sama, this matter will be settled immediately. It might be possible for me to prevent the skirmish.」


「What in the world are you going to do? In the first place, YOU-ARE-THE-CAPTIVE. They would never expect you to be returned safe and sound.」


「I am the, captive? 」


「Yes, it’s what they call as the one who forcibly taken away, and won’t be returned forever.」


Now that he said it…that was indeed the truth.

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Even if I couldn’t completely agree with the last part of his statement just now, it doesn’t mean that I could go back just using whatever reason I wanted to use. Besides, I didn’t have such anxiety in my mind since I had reported my safety via the letter which I had sent to my family.


WHY IN THE WORLD DID I FAILED TO NOTICE THE FACT THAT I COULDN’T GO BACK WILLY NILLY! ? [ED: coz you’re stupid. And silly. And scatterbrain. Nuf said]


Well, it’s not like I could notice it myself.


「Well, isn’t it better if it’s known that I’m not brought forcibly against my will to this place right. In that case I have a good idea but……..」


「…….. Oh, let me to hear your good idea.」


「First, let me go back home. After that, I will go back to this Demon King castle again and this time with my own foot and by my own will, how’s that? Thus, There’s no need to come to save me since I’m not a captive. Yeah. Isn’t that a good idea?」


With this, ALL WAS WELL ALL WAS WELL, right?


「Like hell we can do…………. ……  EH? There’s………. That way too But then……….. Eh? 」


「Look. You also agree with that idea right?」


「Nevertheless, the problem is no human willingly goes to the Demon King castle, most believe that they’re going to be killed if they come.」


「Even though this place is like this now? 」


「The main point is, you have no reason to come back.」


「You’re sending a marriage proposal to me, right. I still can’t give my answer for it right now, but I will still need to give you a proper answer for your marriage proposal, right? 」


「Well, that is…………… Right. EH? Though something feels off from your explanation, I really can’t dismiss your idea either.」


Maou-sama-in-the-jar seems to be troubled right now. Shall I add another push here? He didn’t seem to mind the matter regarding me postponing my answer.


I think he’s someone who was easily swayed by something. But. He’s nice.


He’s Maou-sama and yet he’s a good person.


「…….. It’s just a possibility but, if you go back now, I get this feeling that you won’t return to my side ever again. I don’t know why but, my guts keep telling me so.」


「Isn’t that just your imagination, Maou-sama? 」


「No, I don’t think that it’s just my…….. Imagination. Yeah. Even if you go back, I get this feeling that you won’t live the same old life you used to have. Maybe they’ll attach someone on your side to monitor you. Don’t misunderstand me, such things had happened before, and such things will happen even faster if you go to the temple. The thing that I’m sure of is the fact that you’ll surely lose your former freedom.」


He explained what the situation was and what he thought would happen to me one by one.


Yeah. Well, I did get this feeling that it would happen exactly like what he had described.


I see, returning to my old life as if nothing happened was………… Difficult indeed.




「Then I just need to beat them up and return.」

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「Beat them up. And here you said that you don’t want to see anyone hurt because of you! 」


「The story is different if the other party is annoying person.」


「Really now. Well, rejected. Don’t go back now. Just consider this as one of my selfish wishes. You’re my most beloved person after all.」




「That sounds like a marriage proposal, isn’t it?」


「I did propose to you, didn’t I tell you about this after that event? 」


「………. AH」


「Just now you thought it’s like another person matter.」


「Aa–  Ahahaha.」


「Fine. I know from the start that you’re extremely lacking in the information about these kinds of things. I’m not expecting anything since you’re quite a blockhead.」


I averted my line of sight since I couldn’t refute his statement.


Somehow it’s exposed that I thought this matter like it was another person’s matter. As expected of Maou-sama. He could see through me just by our short interaction.


…….. I mean I didn’t even realize it myself man.


My chest was throbbing non-stop. Just like what people described the awakening of love was.


As if that would happen.


「Now listen to me and be a good girl for a while. I’ll do my best to respect your wish in regard to how to deal with the saint and the others. But I can’t give you my promise since everything is depending on their attitude.」


「…….. Okay. My apologies for asking the impossible.」


「You should try to understand whether your request is reasonable or not before asking it of me. There are some things that we can give you when you request it, but there are some things that we really can’t give no matter what. In the end, I’m merely mortal being, not some sort of omnipotent existence.」




「A, and one more thing. I’ve something I wanted to ask from you, but………」


「Eh? 」


「And that is. Your……….. Hair. Can you give me a strand of your hair? 」




「Here you go.」


「No hesitation huh….. But, well………..」

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Come to think of it, he seemed to be hesitating when he asked for it.


「Since I often got such request even back in the village. I mean you sew in the hair of the woman in a clothes for amulet, right? I mean it’s hard to ask if it’s another person right.」


「Amulet? What the hell is that. I never heard about such things.」


「EH? Well it should be a custom exclusive to my village. I mean I’m often asked for it. And there’s no way Maou-sama is aware of such custom in my village. Sorry.  ……… Eh? Then, what was that hair for, Maou-sama? 」


「For amulet. I just recalled it now. Yes, it’s for amulet.」


His action right now seemed to be extremely suspicious.


Was it because he’s always that kind of suspicious person?


His perverted behaviour aside, inside he’s a strong, kind and friendly person. He’s not a bad person but………..


When Maou-sama received the strand of my hair, he wrapped it with fine quality paper and carried it with him.


I didn’t know whether he loves me or not, but I know that he really treasured my strand of hair. I would never told him I noticed this though.


I couldn’t give him my promise, but I could feel his true feelings.


When it came to that feeling, I couldn’t see anything nor able to predict the future.


I didn’t want to hurt anyone if possible.


Whether it’s Saint-sama’s side or Maou-sama’s side.


It’s better to stay in the gray area between them.


I didn’t mind what everyone would say as long as no one was hurt in this incident. And for that reason, I would push myself forward to do what I wanted to do.


After saying my farewell to Maou-sama, I leave his office.


Strand of hair.

If it’s not for amulet, I wonder what he would use that hair for.


Though I was quite worried about that matter as well, considering the current situation, I would put that matter behind for later.


Wasn’t there something I could do in this kind of situation?


I’d do everything that I could.


Not for others, it’s for my own sake.


Maou-sama departed right after that.


He brought along 150 of his Royal Knight.


I, who couldn’t find anything that I could do to help out in this situation, could only watched his back as he departed.

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