
Chapter 6

Chapter 6 : Drill Field of The Knight

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「Yeah, it’s something like that. With the pretext that I’m not suited to be the bride of the Maou, you bring me to the training field to take me down right. That was your plan from the very beginning right?」

「What are you talking about」

「Feigning ignorance huh. I obediently followed after you to this place because I trusted you. Being unable to see through such a scheme, it seems I’m also too used to this peace huh

「……… Oi」

Adolphus is at a loss in hearing me pointing that out.
Currently I’m holding a jet-black sword and facing against Adolphus from the front.

「As long as this jet black white fang which was polished from a dragon scale doesn’t lose its light, there’s nothing that’s impossible for us」

「May I ask about this situation」

「It seems that the heat of the training field and the skit with you made my brother excited. Oh, dear brother」

That was a calm explanation.

The training field of the Maou’s castle is in the middle courtyard.
I’m looking at the plaza from one floor above it.
It seems that the royal knights of the Maou have been training using that field but, honestly I’m shocked in seeing their skill.

What is this. ?
Amazing!  Strong! Cool!

A group of fifty is moving according to the commands.
The battle formation turned from vertical column to horizontal. The front row dispersed, and the gap is filled by the back row immediately. I’m captivated by the never-ending change of the formation.
The royal knights who donned black armor and kept changing the formation with one order of the commander was the main charm of this scene.

「Yes, with such passion, whether it’s the Maou or a Dragon, no one can beat us! 」

「Are you a royal knight trying to pointing your sword at his majesty! This idiot! 」

「……. Dear brother」

「I know that! …….. I said nothing about that. I’m just too immersed in those guys training」

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「Ah, can I train too? I want to move my body too! 」

「Fool, are you going to go while wearing that dress! ? Reanschild! Take care of her! ! 」

After frankly saying so, he jumped immediately to the training field from atop the wall.


Eh, weren’t we in the middle of touring the Maou’s castle?
Did that Pigorilla just neglect his duty?.
Don’t dump your job on others like that.

「So your brother said but, what should I do now, Reanschild?」

「…….. Even if you ask that question」

It seemed that the royal knights of the Maou is composed of 300 people who were divided into 6 groups.
The smallest unit is a 3-man team which is added to another unit to form a 7 man squad with one person as their leader.
When 7 of such squads were added together along with one commander to form a group.
Half of those 6 squads acted as the bodyguard of the Maou while the other half are on standby, it seems they’re doing 8 hours rotation which composed of training and resting.

As you might expect from royal knights, they’re the Maou’s trusted subordinates, they’re chosen elites whose morale is always high even in regular training.
Maybe being a royal guard itself is a kind of pride. I could agree to that as I looked at their individual movements. The way they’re shifting their weight from the movement of their legs and the way they parry a thrust by drawing their sword. With such waste less movement, I could tell that they’re the elite of the elites.

But, Adolphus is on another level when compared to them. Or should I say that skill was just as expected of the leader of the royal knights.


「Yes!.  Please! 」

Though he just crossed swords with a knight in front of him a while ago, he’s going against 50 people without even getting out of breath.
The height of his skill is waay too obvious, even though he’s against 50 elites, none of them could land a hit on him.

Adolphus is just too strong.
Even though he’s Pigorilla.
I saw him in new light just now.

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And now, in front of me, the last person had been defeated.
With this, it’s a 50 win streak. Splendid, just plain splendid.
My line of sight then met with that leader who hadn’t even lost his breath.

「What are you doing here……..」

「Yes!. Please!  Leader! 」

「…….. OI」

He seemed really tired right now.
EH? What had happened to him.

Even though he was the one who told me not to wear such a dress on the training field and even going as far as asking Lean Shade, and here I am, wearing training clothes.

Trousers for horse riding and a white tunic.
Despite it’s stiff appearance, it’s surprisingly easy to move in these clothes.
The other people are wearing armor but, it can’t be helped since it shouldn’t be for personal use in the first place.

「Please!  Leader! 」

Tra~ining Tra~ining~.

Since no one could defeat me back in my village, it’s been a long time since I had a training partner.
It’d been around 5 years since I had an appropriate training partner.
Adolphus is face palming while heaving a sigh in seeing me in high spirits.

He might be wondering about my attitude.
My mother often does that after all.

「Don’t take training as child play. Get out of this place before you get injured……… Please」

What’s with that last “Please”.
He glared at Reanschild after saying so.
Of course, I’m not playing around.

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I’m not playing around, let me in too.

「May I come and watch this」

Just when I’m pondering about how to deal with this guy, Celazam enters the field from one of the passages.

Maybe due to his age, his back is straight, and his movement is extremely graceful.
For some reason I feel relieved whenever I hear his calm voice and see his gentle expression, he’s the most out of place old man in the Maou’s castle in a certain meaning.

「Since the place has been prepared, shall we do this in a one match format」

Celazam bowed lightly.
Every single one of his gesture is that of a genuine old man.



What now?


「Yosh. Come at me! 」

「The heck is with that “Come at me”, fool! 」

「Adolphus-dono. Judging from her behavior, it seems that Lefiya-sama is also keen in this matter. Won’t you accompany her in a match? 」

「That’s my plan from the very beginning」

He might be wondering about my attitude.
It seems that old man is a big shot even for that pigorilla.
This matter is taking a disappointing turn.

Either way is okay for me though. But seeing his state, now I’m worrying whether he’ll go all out on me or not.

Since Celazam-san is nodding at me, I nodded back at him.

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He just covered for me I guess.
Thank you very much. As expected of old man power.

Since it’d been decided, then I should focus my attention to recaptured this feeling of mine.
I recalled the lessons of uncle Cel.

I seized the entire body of my opponent to grasp his ability.
His body is not relaxed nor is it exerting overbearing power, he place his center of gravity on his knees and the thumb of his feet.
When grasping the hilt of his sword, he’s using his pinky finger and index finger in his current state.
And then using his thumb to balance his sword.

I took the first step.

Kicking the ground, from the thumb of my feet to my knee, from my knee to my hips, I’m transferring that momentum via my back to my shoulder by adding a twist.
At the same time as I closed in from the front, I transferred the momentum on my shoulder to my elbow and then to my wrist toward the closest vital point of my opponent.
Not just using the power of my upper body, I’m transferring the entire momentum of my movement toward the point of my sword..

「HAH! 」

He dodged it.

Yup, that’s natural. My body is still stiff.
He easily dodged my attack.
If I’m not properly following the teaching of uncle Cel, Maori who is traveling who knows where might be laughing at me.

Uhm, how should I say.
That sounds like the last thing I want to see.

Since there’s still too much momentum left in my shoulder and elbow, I eliminated it by turning in a circle.
I noticed that Adolphus’ atmosphere changed in that attack.
Now my opponent will at least take me a little seriously.

Faster. Sharper.

Training is fun right.
Thus I go to attack Adolphus again.

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