Mark of the destiny

Chapter 110: 110

"Mom, Uncle Juju, Godmother..."

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Everyone silenced seeing the kids enter. Junjie picked Yuyu as she stretched her arms at him. "Godmother, why were you yelling? Did Uncle Juju did something again?"

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"No one was fighting," Xiu Mei said, placing Lan on Fei Hong's bed and she instantly crawled when Hong spread her arms. "Tell me, why you all are here? This place is not for kids. You too, Honey."

Honey, who had just got his hands on Wang Shi's phone, looked up startled. "I'm a man, Ma-ma. You said KIDS."

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"Really? Tell me Albert Einstein's law of motion."

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Yuyu, "Who was he?"

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Lan, "Isn't he the man with a bird's nest on the head? I've seen his pic in school. Scary, he looks."


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