Mark of the destiny

Chapter 130: 130

Ang Lee saw the scene unfold and wanted to come out from his hiding to help Suyin. However, he stopped when she signaled him to stay put. Her brows further frowned when all she saw was Ang Lee alone. Where was Long Ju?

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Hope he's fine!

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"Do you really think I saw nothing?" Xu Tong's cold voice pierced through the air. His foot-steps slowly approached Suyin. "Now tell me who send you and from which news channel you are."

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He mistook Suyin as a reporter who had come to his factory to collect evidence after reading the ongoing rumors. In his eyes, the person standing before him was a man.

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Suyin showed no fear against them, all she hoped was Ang Lee to leave without her. She even tried to signal him, but he couldn't read her. Not his fault, though!

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"Won't tell?" Xu Tong grabbed Suyin's chin roughly and pushed her on the floor. "Then I'll ask your partner. Guards, get that sneaky scum out."

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