Mark of the destiny

Chapter 180: 180

In the parking, Feng Junjie saw a beautiful scene of Wang Shi and Suyin holding hands while the latter was giving instructions to the driver who was on the verge of tears. Though he doesn't know what he was instructing, the way Suyin was stealing glances at Wang Shi, smiling ear to ear, her eyes spoke a thousand words.

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When his brother was done lecturing the driver, he opened the car door for Suyin, placed his palm on her head while she got in..... but Suyin turned swiftly, placed a kiss on his cheek, taking him off guard.

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She winked.

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Wang Shi blushed.

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It was love. And it made Junjie sad and envious.

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"Junjie," a soft touch on his shoulder jolted him while he turned on shoes to find his sister-in-law. Jeez! She caught him. The way she looked- probably she knows everything already. Yes, she did. Xiu Mei was standing outside the room when Junjie confessed.

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