Mark of the destiny

Chapter 202: 202

"I-I was aware of the risks involved. Had anything happened wrong, they would have framed me without a second thought." By 'they' Zhao Feiyan referred to the one who offered her five million. "S-so as a precautionary measure I bribed the floor janitor of the hospital and asked him to keep a watch for me. T-There he saw a man entering your son's room and and....."

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Feiyan's throat parched, the next few words just refused to come out in the pressure of Suyin's gaze that held the power of a wildfire, ready to set everything ablaze that comes in contact with.

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"----and and he t-turned off the o-oxygen."

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What followed was silence.

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A silence that made everyone's blood as cold as Siberian wind. There was no whispering, rustling, or noise. The silence was a poison, for in the void of the sound the bitter truth of the past was laid bare.

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