Mark of the destiny

Chapter 207: 207

"Where are you going? Don't go there, she's hurting you." Honey blocked Andrea's way when she was about to go to her parents. "Stay with us, Aunty Suyin is from the ministry, she'd help you. She'll get your mom punished."

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"Honey!" Suyin chided.

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"What are you saying? Why would she get my mom punished?" Andrea looked at Suyin questionably, showing the signs of panic and anger, revealing how much she loves her mother.

Suyin, "I won't. Don't listen to him."

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"Because your mother beats you. I saw it in your drawing." Honey continued, ignoring Suyin's stern eyes.

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"SHUT UP, WANG QIANG." Tears slipped from Andrea's eyes. "Everyone was right, you are a bad boy. Very bad!"

It worried Suyin that Honey was taking it all wrong. He probably was linking everything to his own experience with Zena.

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