Mark of the destiny

Chapter 25: 25

Swirling wine in a tall glass, a smug smile at the corner of lips, Hui Guozhi was celebrating the downfall of Zhao Suyin from the comfort of his luxurious office.

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Soon, Suyin will be forced to resign from her position, while he'd make sure to get that precious piece of land without any hindrance.

For the past few days she was mercilessly bashed by the media and netizens for taking advantage of her position to handle personal issues, demanding resignation and legal action. While Hui Guozhi escaped unscathed and Qi industries gained support as Hui Chouming volunteered to help the poor widows with a donation of ten million Yuan.

Every piece falls perfectly!


Least he knew that tables were about to turn!

To answer Hui Guozhi's video, Long Tao prepared two videos, all to be released at an interval of an hour.

First one belonged to the compound of the place where the Martyr widows' lives. That night Suyin had sent her other intern to install cameras near the damaged water supply pumps, electricity transformer, and around the compound to record their activities.

She was sure; Hui Guozhi's first step would be to prove the claims made in the Weibo post false. And in order to that, he'd get everything fixed up and claim the photographs were morphed.

At first people were confused seeing the video. They couldn't understand who the people making repairs were and why. Wasn't the damage claim stated in the post turned out to be false when investigated by the media and authorities? Then who are these people replacing the damaged machinery?

Shockingly, the new machinery doesn't look new but equally old but in a workable condition to avoid any suspicion.

That was the first seed of doubt planted.

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At the end of the video was a message- [Next evidence at 10:15:00 a.m.]

The video became an instant hit, reaching over masses within minutes.. Questioning the case once again as discussions begin.

Anticipation build up about the next proof as everyone kept looking at the clock.

At this moment Hui Guozhi received a call from Hui Chouming. "Mingming? How come you woke up early?" He answered.

"Dad, bad news! There's a video posted not less than thirty minutes before showing your men making repairs at Martyr widow's property. Everything is crystal clear that the claims made in the original post were real and someone got the machinery replaced." Her anxious voice sounded as she looked at paused video on her tab.

Hui Guozhi bolted up from the couch, the wine glass dropped from his hand, "What? How did she get the video? My men always made sure to not let anyone record their activities, that's why no one got a proof against us. How did she do that?"

"I don't know. Zhao Suyin, this bitch is full of tricks! Just get it fixed before she releases the next evidence and the damage is irrecoverable."

Hui Guozhi picked the remote control to check the current news, "What next evidence?"

Her voice came through gritted teeth, "Don't know what else she has prepared. There's a message at the end of the video stating the time of next proof. Dad, get it fixed."

Hui Guozhi naturally knew why his daughter was so tensed up. If anything happens, Qi Wren won't think twice before pushing everything on him. In that case it will affect his daughter's reputation too.

He could feel his entire body stiffened, "I'll handle it. Don't worry."

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However, Hui Guozhi tried various means to take the video down, but it was beyond his capability. As the last resort he ordered to issue an official statement that the repairs were made on his order as a secret charity. He felt pity seeing their poor condition and ordered his men to do so.

The plan was to portray the video from a different angle, and show that it was a kind act even though these women sided with Suyin.

Though there were loopholes in his story, that would be fixed later as the people only see what's on the surface.

Contrary to his belief, many accepted the excuse, but a majority waited for the minute hand to tik three.

At this time, both fatherdaughter used all their contacts to stop the next evidence from spreading and get it delete as soon as it appears but no one could provide any help. Apparently, someone was controlling it from behind the curtains.

Hail Daiyu!

At the correct time, Long Tao released another video.

It was the recording of the construction site where Hui Guozhi's men accepted they were hired to trouble the widows and force them to vacate the society coz their boss wanted it. The video stopped where they almost blurted out their boss' name, 'HUI'.
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Long Tao tactfully stopped the video right at that word to let people guess who the real master mind was. It was no rocket science, though!

They are not naming anyone, just dropping hints!

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Hui Guozhi was already pacing in his office back and forth, his gaze would stop at clock after every round. Thinking about the uncertain, he had popped two blood pressure pills already.

At 10:15 he checked what was the other evidence Suyin had prepared.

At the end of the video he clutched his chest and puked a mouthful of blood, dropping to the floor to his knees. It was such a big shock; his poor heart couldn't hold the pressure.

His own men! His own men had taken his name in a drunken state!


This was beyond his expectations. The proofs he gave were nothing in front of Suyin's. Whereas he tried to bring Suyin's past to escape the situation, she concentrated solely on the actual case.

His secretary knocked on the door multiple times, but none answered. Worried, he turned the knob and saw Hui Guozhi slumped on the ground with blood stained mouth.



Hui Chouming smashed her tab on the wall when she saw the second video. "Just die you bitch. How dare you?"

With the second video, everything was crystal clear. In one clean sweep, Suyin threw the curve ball at Qi Industries and Hui Guozhi. Getting out of it unscathed was almost impossible.

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Someone has to be sacrificed!

Apart from Hui Pvt ltd, Qi Industries was also caught on a tight spot as they opted to remain mute and portrayed themselves as victims. Even if they chose to sacrifice Hui Guozhi, how will they explain why they remained silent? What about her pity facade, she pulled in front of the media?

And most important, her husband Qi Wren, he's most ruthless when it comes to 'his' and the company's reputation. She felt her entire body tremble, her beautiful face crumbled into an ugly scowl, her eyes dimmed.

Earlier she had taken out the marriage and divorce papers from Qi Wren's safe and passed it to her father to let him frame Suyin. While the photographs were taken years back and were in her possession all this while, even though Qi Wren once ordered her to destroy them.

Yet, she held them secretly.

Just when she was about to call her father, she received the call from the person she doesn't want to talk at the moment.

Qi Wren!

"W-Wren." Her voice came timid.

Wrapping up his business tour two days in advance, Qi Wren's plane had landed in the city an hour before. On his way back home, while checking the development of the ongoing case, he saw the videos updated on behalf of the Ministry of Women and child affairs.

"You've done enough. I'm on my way,"

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