Ye Shu didn’t answer. Chang Yuan, however, was the first to react. “No! I don’t have any relationship with the young master. What I did today was all of my own conduct and deeds, and has nothing to do with him!”

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Hearing this from him, Jin Wang tilted his head and asked, “He said it had nothing to do with you, is that so?”

Ye Shu averted his gaze and didn’t answer.

“Very well…” Jin Wang said in his insipid tone, “The assassination of the ruler should be punished by capital punishment. Drag this away and cut him off.”

Ye Shu hurriedly exclaimed, “Don’t!”

This young guard once appeared in the book.

He was indeed the original owner’s trusted subordinate, who was staunch and steadfast to the former. He was lucky enough to escape when the original owner was captured. After helplessly seeing the original owner being executed by the death of a thousand cuts, he sneaked into hiding and looked for an opportunity to assassinate Jin Wang.

But ultimately, the assassination failed and he died under the same punishment as the original owner.

Even if he was a book character, Ye Shu couldn’t bear to see him die before his eyes. Let alone die for him.

“Did my beloved minister just…intercede for this assassin?” Jin Wang asked.

His voice was low and deep, with a palpable displeasure.

Ye Shu pursed his lips and was about to speak, but first let out a muffled hum. “Uh—!”

Jin Wang actually……

Ye Shu seized Jin Wang by the wrist, clenched his teeth and let out a tiny plea, “…Don’t.”

So many people here. Is this dog emperor mad?!

But Jinwang just gave a low sneer and easily broke away from Ye Shu’s grip.

The mood from before has not yet subsided, and now was easily provoked again. The familiar dizzying feeling resurfaced even stronger, and Ye Shu’s fingertips trembled as he helplessly grabbed the hem of Jin Wang’s clothing.

However, the cloak concealed all the movements, only Ye Shu whose eyes gradually reddened at the corners from the teasing, could make out a few hints.

He felt the small area behind his ear began to burn once again.

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Jin Wang whispered next to his ear and asked, “Speak. Wasn’t my beloved minister going to intercede for him?”

Ye Shu’s couldn’t seem to find his voice.

The original owner’s trusted subordinate was still kneeling in front of them, surrounded by another dozen or so highly skilled imperial guards. Being overly tense made him more resilient to the other party’s bullying than ever. The other party, however, behaved in a relaxed manner, obviously determined to tease him, dead set on giving him a hard time.

The tight spot he was in was utterly unendurable.

Ye Shu really couldn’t bear it any longer, whispering to seek clemency, “Your Majesty…I beg you.”

This ‘beg’ was both for the guard, but even more for his own.

Jin Wang naturally heard his implication, yet didn’t let go of his hold but calmly moved to increase his strength. “Not enough.”

“…My beloved minister has to let Gu see his sincerity; only in that case will it be good enough.”

The imperial guards had lowered their heads long before Jin Wang opened his mouth, and the assassin was also held down on the ground, thus no one could see their movements on the horse.

Ye Shu, with the outer corners of his eyes tinged with crimson, turned his head and quickly kissed Jin Wang’s lips. “Is that…enough?”

Jin Wang gazed at him and softly said, “Still not enough.”

Dog! Em! Pe! Ror!

Ye Shu tried his utmost to maintain his sanity as he gritted his teeth. “What does Your Majesty want this subject to do?”

“By this, my beloved minister means that you will do whatever Gu wants?” Jin Wang asked.

As a matter of fact, Jin Wang, as the monarch, Ye Shu absolutely had no right to resist whatever he ever wanted.

But he just had to make such a questioning look. 

It was deliberate!

Ye Shu looked at him for a moment and said through gritted teeth, “Yes……”

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Jin Wang finally smiled and instructed, “Retreat, all of you.”

This was the first assassin to assassinate the ruler without losing his life. The imperial guards then escorted the assassin out of the woods, even farther away than before.

Jin Wang loosened the cloak that wrapped around Ye Shu, and the rich and sweet fruit fragrance of green plum then spread out in the forest.

The fruit faith incense has already been urged to ripen, impatiently wrapped in Jin Wang’s side, eager to be appeased.

Jin Wang stopped teasing him and lowered his head to nibble and lick on the tiny mole behind Ye Shu’s ear, meticulously appeasing it.

The faith incense belonging to the Qianjun was then infused. Ye Shu’s fingertips tensed for a while, then gradually relaxed.

Ye Shu blinked as he snapped out of the confusion. “…Your Majesty?”

“Feeling well?”

Ye Shu wasn’t fully sober, asked in a trance, “Why am I…”

Ye Shu couldn’t finish his words before he was so surprised by Jin Wang’s next action that he nearly fell off the horse. “You you you…what are you doing?!”

Jin Wang, “Gu just helped you, shouldn’t you also help Gu?”

“Be good, put your legs together.”



The hunting ground they were in was not far from the palace. Two hours later, Jin Wang directly spurred his horse and took Ye Shu back to the palace.

The latter, drained of all his energy, was drowsily leaning into Jin Wang’s embrace.

Jing Wang carried the man back to the bed, and disapprovingly pinched the other’s face. “You are becoming more and more lazy these days. All you know to do is sleep the whole day, no wonder your body is as weak as this.”

“Yes,” Ye Shu, with tired eyelids that kept fighting, feebly said, “Your Majesty is fierce and remarkable; you have the spirit of the dragon and tiger. This subject naturally cannot compare…there’s no way to compare.”

“……” Jin Wang was exasperated yet also found it amusing. “Sleep ba.”

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Ye Shu didn’t answer, rolled over and fell asleep.

Jin Wang dutifully covered him with the quilt, got up and walked outside, and was immediately greeted by his personal attendant, Gao Jin.

Jin Wang first closed the door before he ordered quietly, “Bring that assassin back to see me.”

“Yes.” Gao Jin responded.

With a warm incense burning inside the imperial study, Jin Wang sipped his tea and quietly called out, “Chang Yuan.”

The man kneeling in front of the hall was put in shackles. “…Yes.”

“Minister Ye sought a pardon from Gu to save your life,” Jin Wang’s eyes darkened and his voice cold, “You were originally unpardonable for your crime, but in view of your utter loyalty to Minister Ye, Gu can give you a chance.”

He raised his hand and Gao Jin presented a pill in front of Chang Yuan, and said, “This is highly toxic. There’s no medicine in the world to cure it; only a secret medicine in the hands of His Majesty can defer the symptoms of the poison for one month each time.”

Jin Wang, “Take it, and Gu will allow you to continue to stay with Minister Ye as his guard.”

A trace of surprise flashed across Chang Yuan’s eyes, seemingly never having expected Jin Wang to give him such a choice. Without hesitation, he immediately swallowed the pill down.

Jin Wang said, “Untie him.”

Gao Jin stepped forward to unshackle Chang Yuan’s hands and feet, and then the latter bent over and kowtowed. “Tha…Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Jin Wang said to Gao Jin, “You may withdraw first.”

Gao Jin, “Yes.”

Gao Jin closed the door of the imperial study and left, leaving only Jin Wang and Chang Yuan inside.

Jin Wang played with the cup of tea in his hand and asked, “Chang Yuan, Gu remembers that you were taken in by A-Shu seven years ago, correct?”

Chang Yuan, “Yes.”

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Seven years ago, Ye Shu saved Chang Yuan’s life, and this matter was known to Jin Wang. And so, in the years after that, the three had lived together for a period of time until Jin Wang ascended the throne.

Ye Shu, Jin Wang, and Chang Yuan’s age weren’t much different, counting that Chang Yuan was the eldest among the three, whilst Jin Wang was the youngest.

“At that time, Gu was still the prince. And while vying for the throne, you actually also helped Gu a lot.” Jin Wang said.

“……Dare not, this subordinate is at the command of the young master.”

“At the command of the young master…” Jin Wang’s eyes slightly narrowed. “So he wanted to kill Gu, and you thus helped him fulfill his wish?”

Chang Yuan was taken aback and said eagerly, “Your Majesty, young master has absolutely no rebellious intentions. There…There must be a misunderstanding!”

“Your young master himself has admitted the crime, there’s no need for you to cover for him,” Jin Wang said. “Gu will not pursue this matter for the time being, you can rest assured. Gu kept you here to ask another thing, you must tell me as things really are.”

Chang Yuan, “Yes.”

Jin Wang was in no hurry to speak.

There was silence in the imperial study, and not before long, Jin Wang finally softly spoke, “In the years you have been with A-Shu, have you felt……A-Shu seems to have changed a lot in recent years.”

Chang Yuan was startled. “What does Your Majesty mean by this?”

Jin Wang, “You only have to say yes or no.”

“…Yes,” Chang Yuan hesitated for a long time, then said in a low voice, “Young master’s temperament was especially different from before, and his way of doing things was more…ruthless. He was like…”

Chang Yuan didn’t dare to continue, but listened to the young emperor sitting in the dragon chair as he sighed lightly and spoke at a leisurely pace,

“He was like……a different person.”



TN: Just for clarification, about the one “different” person, they’re talking about the Ye Shu of three years ago, not the current, “transmigrated” one. Ehehe~ two updates for this week! It’s not much, yeah.

Also, did they just do it on the horse? Who knows? (Only those river crabs.) (* ̄ii ̄)

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